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CreateSubResourcePool method of the CIM_ResourcePoolConfigurationService class

Start a job to create a sub-pool from a parent pool using the specified allocation settings


uint32 CreateSubResourcePool(
  [in]  string               ElementName,
  [in]  string               settings,
  [in]  CIM_ResourcePool REF ParentPool,
  [out] CIM_ResourcePool REF Pool,
  [out] CIM_ConcreteJob  REF Job,
  [out] string               Error


ElementName [in]

A end user relevant name for the pool being created. If NULL, then a system supplied default name can be used. The value will be stored in the 'ElementName' property for the created element.

settings [in]

String containing a representation of a CIM_SettingData instance that is used to specify the settings for the child Pool.

ParentPool [in]

The Pool(s) from which to create the new Pool.

Pool [out]

A reference to the resulting pool.

Job [out]

Reference to the job (may be null if job completed).

Error [out]

Contains an error message, if relevant.

Return value

Job Completed with No Error (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unknown (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

In Use (6)

Incorrect ResourceType for the Pool (7)

Insufficient Resources (8)

DMTF Reserved (..)

Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)

Size Not Supported (4097)

Method Reserved (4098..32767)

Vendor Specific (32768..65535)



See also
