Audio Item Attributes
[The feature associated with this page, Windows Media Player SDK, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer. MediaPlayer has been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer instead of Windows Media Player SDK, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]
The following attributes are available for an audio item in the library.
- AcquisitionTime Attribute
- AlternateSourceURL Attribute
- AlbumID Attribute
- AlbumIDAlbumArtist Attribute
- Author Attribute
- AverageLevel Attribute
- Bitrate Attribute
- BuyNow Attribute
- BuyTickets Attribute
- Channels Attribute
- Copyright Attribute
- CurrentBitrate Attribute
- DLNAServerUDN Attribute
- DLNASourceURI Attribute
- DTCPIPHost Attribute
- DTCPIPPort Attribute
- Duration Attribute
- FileSize Attribute
- FileType Attribute
- Is_Protected
- IsVBR Attribute
- LibraryID Attribute
- LibraryName Attribute
- MediaType Attribute
- MoreInfo Attribute
- PartOfSet Attribute
- PeakValue Attribute
- PlaylistIndex Attribute
- ProviderLogoURL Attribute
- ProviderURL Attribute
- RecordingTime Attribute
- RecordingTimeDay Attribute
- RecordingTimeMonth Attribute
- RecordingTimeYear Attribute
- RecordingTimeYearMonth Attribute
- RecordingTimeYearMonthDay Attribute
- ReleaseDate Attribute
- ReleaseDateDay Attribute
- ReleaseDateMonth Attribute
- ReleaseDateYear Attribute
- ReleaseDateYearMonth Attribute
- ReleaseDateYearMonthDay Attribute
- RequestState Attribute
- ShadowFilePath Attribute
- SourceURL Attribute
- SyncState Attribute
- Title Attribute
- TrackingID Attribute
- UserCustom1 Attribute
- UserCustom2 Attribute
- UserEffectiveRating Attribute
- UserLastPlayedTime Attribute
- UserPlayCount Attribute
- UserPlaycountAfternoon Attribute
- UserPlaycountEvening Attribute
- UserPlaycountMorning Attribute
- UserPlaycountNight Attribute
- UserPlaycountWeekday Attribute
- UserPlaycountWeekend Attribute
- UserRating Attribute
- UserServiceRating Attribute
- WM/AlbumArtist Attribute
- WM/AlbumCoverURL Attribute
- WM/AlbumTitle Attribute
- WM/Category Attribute
- WM/Composer Attribute
- WM/Conductor Attribute
- WM/ContentDistributor Attribute
- WM/ContentGroupDescription Attribute
- WM/EncodingTime Attribute
- WM/Genre Attribute
- WM/GenreID Attribute
- WM/InitialKey Attribute
- WM/Language Attribute
- WM/Lyrics Attribute
- WM/MCDI Attribute
- WM/MediaClassPrimaryID Attribute
- WM/MediaClassSecondaryID Attribute
- WM/Mood Attribute
- WM/ParentalRating Attribute
- WM/Period Attribute
- WM/ProtectionType Attribute
- WM/Provider Attribute
- WM/ProviderRating Attribute
- WM/ProviderStyle Attribute
- WM/Publisher Attribute
- WM/SubscriptionContentID Attribute
- WM/SubTitle Attribute
- WM/TrackNumber Attribute
- WM/UniqueFileIdentifier Attribute
- WM/WMCollectionGroupID Attribute
- WM/WMCollectionID Attribute
- WM/WMContentID Attribute
- WM/Writer Attribute
- WM/Year Attribute
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