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Windows Mobile SupportedWindows Embedded CE Supported


The ICity interface represents a city in the Cities folder. Most of the cities used by the World Clock are provided in ROM and cannot be deleted.

Methods in Vtable Order

ICity methods Description


Gets the longitude for the city.


Gets the latitude for the city.


Gets the time zone index for the city.


Gets the airport code for the city.


Gets the telephone country/region code for the city.


Gets the area or city code for the city.


Gets the name of the city.


Gets the country/region for the city.


Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the city is stored in ROM.


Sets the longitude for the city.


Sets the latitude for the city.


Sets the time zone index for the city.


Sets the airport code for the city.


Sets the telephone country/region code for the city.


Sets the area or city code for the city.


Sets the name of the city.


Sets the country/region for the city.


Saves a city item.


Deletes a city item.


Copies a city item.


Gets the main Outlook Mobile IPOutlookApp object.


For All Platforms

To provide better filtering support, ICity::get_TimezoneIndex returns a one-based time zone index rather than a time zone object. To get a time zone object, call IPOutlookApp::GetTimeZoneFromIndex.

You can add or remove cities stored in RAM. Additionally, in POOM version 1.1 and later, you can change the properties for any city whether it is stored in RAM or ROM. If you attempt to change or save a city while the World Clock is running, you get the error code E_CLOCKRUNNING because the World Clock program does not accept changes to the cities while it is running.

If you are running a version of Outlook Mobile earlier than 1.1 and you try to save changes to properties of a city stored in ROM, the error code E_CITYINROM is returned.

When you create a city, it must meet the conditions listed in the following table. Otherwise, the city will not be saved successfully. Any attempt to set an illegal value for a city fails.

Property Condition


Between -18000 and 18000.


Between -9000 and 9000.

Time zone index

Correspond to a valid time zone.

String values

Less than 256 characters in length.


Must be set.


Must be set.

The following information applies to City List Data:

  • To use the data, relate the Timezone Index from the Citylist.csv data to the Timezone Index of the Timezones.csv data.
  • If you use the city data provided or if you use any type of geographical information from any source, you are encouraged to provide a way for users to edit, add, and delete information.

For Windows Mobile

This interface is supported for Pocket PC 2000 only. All ICity methods return E_NOTIMPL for Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, and Smartphone 2002 software and later. See Remarks for information on how to use the City List data for Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, and Smartphone 2002 software and later.

The following information applies to City List Data:

  • Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, and Smartphone 2002 software and later cannot programmatically access the City List data that is available through the ICity interface. To assist developers who need this data for their applications, two files are provided in the \Resource folder of the Pocket PC for Windows Mobile 2003 SDK:
    • Citylist.csv contains City Name, Country/Region, Longitude and Latitude, Nearest Airport Code, Telephone Dialing Prefix, Telephone Area Code, and the Timezone Index for various cities.
    • Timezones.csv contains the Timezone Index, GMT Differential, and Description for each time zone.
    • You can use these files in your application on Windows Mobile powered devices. You can add or remove content to these files. You can redistribute these files as is or repackage this data by including it in source code, a database, or another format. Microsoft bears no responsibility for the content or usage of these files. Certain locales have specific legal requirements with regard to providing data of this type; ensure you are in compliance with such regulations. You cannot use these data files on any platform other than Windows Mobile platforms. You are permitted to use excerpts of this data rather than the entire data set.


Header pimstore.h
Library Pimstore.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also


Pocket Outlook Object Model Interfaces

Other Resources

Pocket Outlook Object Model Enumerations