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Applications and Services Development Catalog Items

Windows Mobile Not SupportedWindows Embedded CE Supported


The following table shows the catalog items under the Applications and Services Development node and the associated Sysgen variable with a description of the purpose of each.

Catalog item Sysgen variable Description

.NET Compact Framework


Adds .NET Compact Framework and the .NET Compact Framework Service Pack 2 to your OS design.

For more information, see .NET Compact Framework.

OS Dependencies for .NET Compact Framework


Adds all the necessary files and OS dependencies to enable .NET Compact Framework. However, these files do not include .NET Compact Framework.

For more information, see .NET Compact Framework OS Design Development.

Smart Device Authentication Utility


Adds the Smart Device Authentication Utility, SDAuthUtilDevice.exe, which is a tool to help facilitate Windows Embedded CE development on Visual Studio .NET 2003 on a device that does not use ActiveSync.

Active Template Library (ATL)


Includes support for Active Template Library for Windows Embedded CE.

C++ Runtime Support for Exception Handling and Runtime Type Information


Includes support for compiler C++ exception handling equivalent to the desktop C++ compilers.

Full C Runtime


Includes full C run-time support in your run-time image.

Standard I/O (STDIO)


Includes standard I/O support.



Includes standard I/O ASCII support.

Standard String Functions - ASCII (coresta)


Includes standard string functions.

String Safe Utility Functions


Includes string safe utility functions.



Adds a midrange implementation of COM and Automation that supports only in-process free-threaded objects.

For more information, see Component Services (COM and DCOM).

CoCreateGuid functionality for OLE32


Adds support for CoCreateGuid used with the standard COM implementation.

For more information, see Component Services (COM and DCOM).

COM Storage


Adds structured storage functionality to the standard COM implementation.

For more information, see Component Services (COM and DCOM).



Adds a full-featured COM implementation equivalent to Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 Service Pack 5.

This catalog item no longer brings in the DCOM component libraries.

For more information, see Component Services (COM and DCOM).


Distributed COM (DCOM) is not included in Windows Embedded CE.For more information, see Remote DCOM Support.

COM Storage


This catalog item adds structured storage functionality to DCOM.

For more information, see Component Services (COM and DCOM).

Minimal COM (No OLE Support)


Adds a minimal COM implementation that provides a baseline API for COM object creation.

For more information, see Component Services (COM and DCOM).

CoCreateGuid functionality for OLE32


Adds support for CoCreateGuid used with the minimal COM implementation.

For more information, see Component Services (COM and DCOM).

COM Storage


For more information, see Component Services (COM and DCOM).

Exchange Client


Applies to Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R2

Includes the Exchange client in the run-time image.

For more information, see Exchange Client.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Client


Includes the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client in the run-time image.

For more information, see Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Client.

Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)


Includes support for Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). MFC for Windows Embedded CE is a comprehensive class library and complete object-oriented application framework designed to help build applications, COM components, and controls. You can create anything from a simple dialog box–based application to a sophisticated application that uses the full MFC document or view architecture.

This catalog item is only available in display-based OS designs.

Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM)


Includes support for Outlook Mobile-related data stores and the API modules.

For more information, see Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM).

SOAP Toolkit Client


Adds SOAP Toolkit client support that enables Web services invocation.

For more information, see SOAP Toolkit.

SOAP Toolkit Server


Adds SOAP Toolkit server support that maps Web service requests to COM method calls.

For more information, see SOAP Toolkit.

Speech API (SAPI) 5.0


Adds a subset of the Microsoft Speech Application Programming Interface (SAPI) version 5.0. SAPI 5.0 is a programming standard for speech recognition and text-to-speech.

Available in both headless and display-based devices.

For more information, see Speech API (SAPI) 5.0.

Standard SDK for Windows Embedded CE 


The Standard Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows Embedded CE Catalog item includes a common baseline of Windows Embedded CE technologies to make it easy to port applications.

This catalog item is only available in display-based OS designs.

XML Core Services and Document Object Model (DOM)


Supports basic DOM for MSXML. This catalog item performs DTD and schema verification on documents if desired and includes XML error strings not included in xmlminisax. It also supports schema caching. This catalog item is required by all other core XML catalog items except xmlminisax. Selecting this catalog item automatically selects xmlnetful networking.

For more information, see XML Core Services and Document Object Model.

XML Error Strings


Includes error strings in the OS design. Setting this Sysgen variable increases the image size by 40 KB, but provides more meaningful information to developers when there are errors parsing XML text.

For more information, see XML OS Design Development.



Includes the XMLHTTP object, which enables Web services.

For more information, see XML HTTP.

XML Query Language (XQL)


Provides support for the XML Query Language (XQL).

For more information, see XML Query Language (XQL).

XML Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)


Provides support for the XML Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT). Requires the XML Query Language (XQL) catalog item.

For more information, see XML Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT).



Provides support for XML SAX that includes xmldom. Unlike xmlminisax, xmlsax performs DTD validation of documents, includes MXXMLWriter, and can be used from Visual Basic.

For more information, see XML SAX.

XML Minimal Parser


Provides the smallest possible combination of Extensible Markup Language (XML) options for devices that require some XML parsing, but have extremely limited resources. This option must be the only core XML catalog item specified. No other catalog items rely on it. Selecting this catalog item automatically selects xmlnetmini networking.

For more information, see XML Minimal Parser and XML OS Design Development.

See Also

Other Resources

Applications and Services
Windows Embedded CE Features