.NET Core unit testing code coverage

This sample solution includes a class library that is unit tested by two xUnit test projects. The corresponding article, use code coverage for unit testing details the usage of C#, xUnit, coverlet, and ReportGenerator.

Sample prerequisites

This sample is written in C# and targets .NET 6.0. It requires the .NET 6.0 SDK.

Building the sample

The source code includes an MSBuild project file for C# (a .csproj file) that targets .NET 6.0. Create a directory and select Download ZIP to download the example code files to your computer. To build the example:

  1. Download the .zip file containing the example code files.
  2. Create the directory to which you want to copy the files.
  3. Copy the files from the .zip file to the directory you just created.
  4. If you are using Visual Studio 2022:
    1. In Visual Studio, select Open a project or solution (or File > Open > Project/Solution from the Visual Studio menu.
    2. Select Debug > Build Solution from the Visual Studio menu to build the solution.
  5. If you are working from the command line:
    1. Navigate to the directory that contains the sample.
    2. Type in the command dotnet build to build the solution.