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Similar to HcsGetOperationResultAndProcessInfo, but additionally waits for the operation to complete the specified number of milliseconds. It is intended to be used when synchronous behavior is desired.


    _In_ HCS_OPERATION operation,
    _In_ DWORD timeoutMs,
    _Out_opt_ HCS_PROCESS_INFORMATION* processInformation,
    _Outptr_opt_ PWSTR* resultDocument



The handle to an active operation.


Time to wait in milliseconds for the operation to complete.


If the return value is S_OK and this parameter has been provided a valid pointer by the caller, it returns the HCS_PROCESS_INFORMATION associated to the HCS process created with HcsCreateProcess.


If the operation finished, regardless of success or failure, receives the result document of the operation. The returned result document's JSON document is dependent on the HCS function that was being tracked by this operation. Not all functions that are tracked with operations return a result document. Refer to the remarks on the documentation for the HCS functions that use hcs operations for asynchronous tracking.

On failure, it can optionally receive an error JSON document represented by a ResultError; it's not guaranteed to be always returned and depends on the function call the operation was tracking.

The caller is responsible for releasing the returned string using LocalFree.

Return Values

Value Description
S_OK The operation has completed successfully.
HCS_E_OPERATION_NOT_STARTED The operation has not been started. This is expected when the operation has not been used yet in an HCS function that expects an HCS_OPERATION handle.
HCS_E_OPERATION_TIMEOUT The operation didn't complete within the specified wait time.
E_INVALIDARG It's possible the operation's type is different from HcsOperationTypeCreateProcess and HcsOperationTypeGetProcessInfo. Note that invalid argument return code could be also returned by the HCS function that was being tracked by this operation.
Any other failure HRESULT value The operation completed with failures. The returned HRESULT is dependent on the HCS function thas was being tracked.


Parameter Description
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1809
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2019
Target Platform Windows
Header ComputeCore.h
Library ComputeCore.lib
Dll ComputeCore.dll