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Determina se esse ponto de interrupção pendente pode se vincular a um local de código.


int CanBind ( 
   out IEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints2 ppErrorEnum


[saiu] Retorna um objeto IEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints2 que contém uma lista de objetos IDebugErrorBreakpoint2 se puder haver erros.

Valor de retorno

Se for bem-sucedido, retornará Returns S_FALSE se o ponto de interrupção não puder se vincular, caso em que os erros serão retornados S_OK.ppErrorEnum pelo parâmetro. Caso contrário, retornará um código de erro. Retorna E_BP_DELETED se o ponto de interrupção tiver sido excluído.


Esse método é chamado para determinar o que aconteceria se esse ponto de interrupção pendente fosse vinculado. Chame o método Bind para realmente vincular o ponto de interrupção pendente.


O exemplo a seguir mostra como implementar esse método para um objeto simples CPendingBreakpoint que expõe a interface IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 .

HRESULT CPendingBreakpoint::CanBind(IEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints2** ppErrorEnum)
   HRESULT hr;

   // Check for a valid pointer to an error breakpoint enumerator
   // interface; otherwise, return hr = E_INVALIDARG.
   if (ppErrorEnum)
      // Verify that the pending breakpoint has not been deleted. If
      // deleted, then return hr = E_BP_DELETED.
      if (m_state.state != PBPS_DELETED)
         // Verify that the breakpoint is a file/line breakpoint.
         if (IsFlagSet(m_pBPRequest->m_bpRequestInfo.dwFields, BPREQI_BPLOCATION) &&
             m_pBPRequest->m_bpRequestInfo.bpLocation.bpLocationType == BPLT_CODE_FILE_LINE)
            hr = S_OK;
         // If the breakpoint type is not a file/line breakpoint, then the
         // result should be an error breakpoint.
            // If the error breakpoint member variable does not have
            // allocated memory.
            if (!m_pErrorBP)
               // Create, AddRef, and initialize a CErrorBreakpoint object.
               if (CComObject<CErrorBreakpoint>::CreateInstance(&m_pErrorBP) == S_OK)

            // Create a new enumerator of error breakpoints.
             CComObject<CEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints>* pErrorEnum;
            if (CComObject<CEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints>::CreateInstance(&pErrorEnum) == S_OK)
               // Get the IDebugErrorBreakpoint2 information for the
               // CErrorBreakpoint object.
               CComPtr<IDebugErrorBreakpoint2> spErrorBP;
               hrT = m_pErrorBP->QueryInterface(&spErrorBP);
               assert(hrT == S_OK);
               if (hrT == S_OK)
                  // Initialize the new enumerator of error breakpoints
                  // with the IDebugErrorBreakpoint2 information.
                  IDebugErrorBreakpoint2* rgpErrorBP[] = { spErrorBP.p };
                  hrT = pErrorEnum->Init(rgpErrorBP, &(rgpErrorBP[1]), NULL, AtlFlagCopy);
                  if (hrT == S_OK)
                     // Verify that the passed IEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints2
                     // interface can be successful queried by the
                     // created CEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints object.
                     hrT = pErrorEnum->QueryInterface(ppErrorEnum);
                     assert(hrT == S_OK);

               // Otherwise, delete the CEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints object.
               if (FAILED(hrT))
                  delete pErrorEnum;

            hr = S_FALSE;
         hr = E_BP_DELETED;
      hr = E_INVALIDARG;

   return hr;

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