Compartilhar via

Enumerar e consultar arquivos e pastas

Acesse arquivos e pastas que estão em uma pasta, biblioteca, dispositivo ou local de rede. Você também pode consultar arquivos e pastas em um local por meio de consultas de arquivo e pasta.

Para obter orientações sobre como armazenar os dados do seu aplicativo da Plataforma Universal do Windows, confira a classe ApplicationData.


 Para obter um exemplo completo, consulte o Exemplo de enumeração de pasta.


Enumerar arquivos e pastas em um local


 Lembre-se de declarar a funcionalidade picturesLibrary.

Neste exemplo, usamos primeiro o método StorageFolder.GetFilesAsync para obter todos os arquivos na pasta raiz da KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary (não em subpastas) e listar o nome de cada arquivo. Em seguida, usamos o método StorageFolder.GetFoldersAsync para obter todas as subpastas na PicturesLibrary e listar o nome de cada subpasta.

StorageFolder picturesFolder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary;
StringBuilder outputText = new StringBuilder();

IReadOnlyList<StorageFile> fileList = await picturesFolder.GetFilesAsync();

foreach (StorageFile file in fileList)
    outputText.Append(file.Name + "\n");

IReadOnlyList<StorageFolder> folderList = await picturesFolder.GetFoldersAsync();
foreach (StorageFolder folder in folderList)
    outputText.Append(folder.DisplayName + "\n");
// MainPage.h
// In MainPage.xaml: <TextBlock x:Name="OutputTextBlock"/>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.h>
#include <sstream>
Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction ExampleCoroutineAsync()
    // Be sure to specify the Pictures Folder capability in your Package.appxmanifest.
    Windows::Storage::StorageFolder picturesFolder{

    std::wstringstream outputString;
    outputString << L"Files:" << std::endl;

    for (auto const& file : co_await picturesFolder.GetFilesAsync())
        outputString << file.Name().c_str() << std::endl;

    outputString << L"Folders:" << std::endl;
    for (auto const& folder : co_await picturesFolder.GetFoldersAsync())
        outputString << folder.Name().c_str() << std::endl;

#include <ppltasks.h>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

using namespace Windows::Storage;
using namespace Platform::Collections;
using namespace concurrency;
using namespace std;

// Be sure to specify the Pictures Folder capability in the appxmanifext file.
StorageFolder^ picturesFolder = KnownFolders::PicturesLibrary;

// Use a shared_ptr so that the string stays in memory
// until the last task is complete.
auto outputString = make_shared<wstring>();
*outputString += L"Files:\n";

// Get a read-only vector of the file objects
// and pass it to the continuation.
   // outputString is captured by value, which creates a copy
   // of the shared_ptr and increments its reference count.
   .then ([outputString] (IVectorView\<StorageFile^>^ files)
       for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < files->Size; i++)
           *outputString += files->GetAt(i)->Name->Data();
           *outputString += L"\n";
   // We need to explicitly state the return type
   // here: -IAsyncOperation<...>
   .then([picturesFolder]() -IAsyncOperation\<IVectorView\<StorageFolder^>^>^
       return picturesFolder->GetFoldersAsync();
   // Capture "this" to access m_OutputTextBlock from within the lambda.
   .then([this, outputString](IVectorView/<StorageFolder^>^ folders)
       *outputString += L"Folders:\n";

       for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < folders->Size; i++)
          *outputString += folders->GetAt(i)->Name->Data();
          *outputString += L"\n";

       // Assume m_OutputTextBlock is a TextBlock defined in the XAML.
       m_OutputTextBlock->Text = ref new String((*outputString).c_str());
Dim picturesFolder As StorageFolder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary
Dim outputText As New StringBuilder

Dim fileList As IReadOnlyList(Of StorageFile) =
    Await picturesFolder.GetFilesAsync()

For Each file As StorageFile In fileList

    outputText.Append(file.Name & vbLf)

Next file

Dim folderList As IReadOnlyList(Of StorageFolder) =
    Await picturesFolder.GetFoldersAsync()

For Each folder As StorageFolder In folderList

    outputText.Append(folder.DisplayName & vbLf)

Next folder


No C# ou Visual Basic, lembre-se de colocar a palavra-chave async na declaração de qualquer método no qual você use o operador await.

Como alternativa, você pode usar o método StorageFolder.GetItemsAsync para obter todos os itens (arquivos e subpastas) em um local específico. O exemplo a seguir usa o método GetItemsAsync para obter todos os arquivos e subpastas na pasta raiz da KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary (e não em subpastas). Em seguida, o exemplo lista o nome de cada arquivo e subpasta. Se o item é uma subpasta, o exemplo anexa "folder" ao nome.

StorageFolder picturesFolder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary;
StringBuilder outputText = new StringBuilder();

IReadOnlyList<IStorageItem> itemsList = await picturesFolder.GetItemsAsync();

foreach (var item in itemsList)
    if (item is StorageFolder)
        outputText.Append(item.Name + " folder\n");

        outputText.Append(item.Name + "\n");
// MainPage.h
// In MainPage.xaml: <TextBlock x:Name="OutputTextBlock"/>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.h>
#include <sstream>
Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction ExampleCoroutineAsync()
    // Be sure to specify the Pictures Folder capability in your Package.appxmanifest.
    Windows::Storage::StorageFolder picturesFolder{

    std::wstringstream outputString;

    for (Windows::Storage::IStorageItem const& item : co_await picturesFolder.GetItemsAsync())
        outputString << item.Name().c_str();

        if (item.IsOfType(Windows::Storage::StorageItemTypes::Folder))
            outputString << L" folder" << std::endl;
            outputString << std::endl;

// See previous example for comments, namespace and #include info.
StorageFolder^ picturesFolder = KnownFolders::PicturesLibrary;
auto outputString = make_shared<wstring>();

    .then ([this, outputString] (IVectorView<IStorageItem^>^ items)
    for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < items->Size; i++)
        *outputString += items->GetAt(i)->Name->Data();
            *outputString += L"  folder\n";
            *outputString += L"\n";
        m_OutputTextBlock->Text = ref new String((*outputString).c_str());
Dim picturesFolder As StorageFolder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary
Dim outputText As New StringBuilder

Dim itemsList As IReadOnlyList(Of IStorageItem) =
    Await picturesFolder.GetItemsAsync()

For Each item In itemsList

    If TypeOf item Is StorageFolder Then

        outputText.Append(item.Name & " folder" & vbLf)


        outputText.Append(item.Name & vbLf)

    End If

Next item

Consultar arquivos em um local e enumerar os arquivos correspondentes

Neste exemplo, consultamos todos os arquivos na KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary agrupados por mês e, desta vez, o exemplo retorna em subpastas. Primeiro, chamamos StorageFolder.CreateFolderQuery e passamos o valor CommonFolderQuery.GroupByMonth para o método. Isso nos dá um objeto StorageFolderQueryResult.

Em seguida, chamamos StorageFolderQueryResult.GetFoldersAsync, que retorna objetos StorageFolder que representam pastas virtuais. Nesse caso, estamos agrupando por mês, para que as pastas virtuais representem um grupo de arquivos com o mesmo mês.

StorageFolder picturesFolder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary;

StorageFolderQueryResult queryResult =
IReadOnlyList<StorageFolder> folderList =
    await queryResult.GetFoldersAsync();

StringBuilder outputText = new StringBuilder();

foreach (StorageFolder folder in folderList)
    IReadOnlyList<StorageFile> fileList = await folder.GetFilesAsync();

    // Print the month and number of files in this group.
    outputText.AppendLine(folder.Name + " (" + fileList.Count + ")");

    foreach (StorageFile file in fileList)
        // Print the name of the file.
        outputText.AppendLine("   " + file.Name);
// MainPage.h
// In MainPage.xaml: <TextBlock x:Name="OutputTextBlock"/>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.Search.h>
#include <sstream>
Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction ExampleCoroutineAsync()
    // Be sure to specify the Pictures Folder capability in your Package.appxmanifest.
    Windows::Storage::StorageFolder picturesFolder{

    Windows::Storage::Search::StorageFolderQueryResult queryResult{

    std::wstringstream outputString;

    for (Windows::Storage::StorageFolder const& folder : co_await queryResult.GetFoldersAsync())
        auto files{ co_await folder.GetFilesAsync() };
        outputString << folder.Name().c_str() << L" (" << files.Size() << L")" << std::endl;

        for (Windows::Storage::StorageFile const& file : files)
            outputString << L"    " << file.Name().c_str() << std::endl;

#include <ppltasks.h>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
using namespace Windows::Storage;
using namespace Windows::Storage::Search;
using namespace concurrency;
using namespace Platform::Collections;
using namespace Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace std;

StorageFolder^ picturesFolder = KnownFolders::PicturesLibrary;

StorageFolderQueryResult^ queryResult =

// Use shared_ptr so that outputString remains in memory
// until the task completes, which is after the function goes out of scope.
auto outputString = std::make_shared<wstring>();

create_task( queryResult->GetFoldersAsync()).then([this, outputString] (IVectorView<StorageFolder^>^ view)
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < view->Size; i++)
        create_task(view->GetAt(i)->GetFilesAsync()).then([this, i, view, outputString](IVectorView<StorageFile^>^ files)
            *outputString += view->GetAt(i)->Name->Data();
            *outputString += L" (";
            *outputString += to_wstring(files->Size);
            *outputString += L")\r\n";
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < files->Size; j++)
                *outputString += L"     ";
                *outputString += files->GetAt(j)->Name->Data();
                *outputString += L"\r\n";
        }).then([this, outputString]()
            m_OutputTextBlock->Text = ref new String((*outputString).c_str());
Dim picturesFolder As StorageFolder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary
Dim outputText As New StringBuilder

Dim queryResult As StorageFolderQueryResult =

Dim folderList As IReadOnlyList(Of StorageFolder) =
    Await queryResult.GetFoldersAsync()

For Each folder As StorageFolder In folderList

    Dim fileList As IReadOnlyList(Of StorageFile) =
        Await folder.GetFilesAsync()

    ' Print the month and number of files in this group.
    outputText.AppendLine(folder.Name & " (" & fileList.Count & ")")

    For Each file As StorageFile In fileList

        ' Print the name of the file.
        outputText.AppendLine("   " & file.Name)

    Next file

Next folder

O resultado do exemplo é parecido com o seguinte:

July ‎2015 (2)
‎December ‎2014 (2)