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Objetos Geometry de OM do XPS

Este tópico fornece um exemplo de como usar as interfaces relacionadas à geometria em um OM XPS.

Criar uma geometria retangular

O exemplo de código a seguir cria um objeto geometry que descreve uma forma retangular fechada.

    HRESULT                         hr = S_OK;
    IXpsOMVisualCollection          *canvasVisuals = NULL;
    IXpsOMPath                      *pathSidebar = NULL;
    IXpsOMGeometry                  *xpsGeometry = NULL;
    IXpsOMGeometryFigure            *xpsFigure = NULL;
    IXpsOMGeometryFigureCollection  *xpsFigureCollection = NULL;
    IXpsOMSolidColorBrush           *sidebarBrush = NULL;

    XPS_POINT      startPoint;
    XPS_RECT       shape;

    // define the rectangle
    shape.x = 10.0f;
    shape.y = 10.0f;
    shape.height = 100.0f;
    shape.width = 200.0f;

    // set the start point
    startPoint.x = shape.x;
    startPoint.y = shape.y;

    // define the segment types to be straight lines
    XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE sidebarSegmentTypes[3] = {

    // define the points of the rectangular shape
    // other than the start point
    FLOAT sidebarSegmentData[6] = {
        shape.x,               shape.y + shape.height,
        shape.x + shape.width, shape.y + shape.height,
        shape.x + shape.width, shape.y

    // set the lines to be solid (not stroked)
    BOOL sidebarSegmentStrokes[3] = {

    // create the geometry figure interface
    hr = xpsFactory->CreateGeometryFigure( &startPoint, &xpsFigure );

    // close the figure so that the last segment point is
    // connected to the start point
    hr = xpsFigure->SetIsClosed( TRUE );

    // set the shape to be filled by the fill brush
    hr = xpsFigure->SetIsFilled( TRUE );

    // set the segments using the information defined above
    hr = xpsFigure->SetSegments(

    // create a geometry using the figure just created
    hr = xpsFactory->CreateGeometry(&xpsGeometry);

    // get a pointer to the figure collection
    hr = xpsGeometry->GetFigures(&xpsFigureCollection);

    // and add the figure of the rectangle to the geometry
    hr = xpsFigureCollection->Append(xpsFigure);

Para obter mais informações sobre como adicionar segmentos a uma figura de geometria, consulte os exemplos de código nos tópicos de referência do Método IXpsOMGeometryFigure::GetSegmentData e IXpsOMGeometryFigure::SetSegments.

IXpsOMGeometry Interface

IXpsOMGeometryFigure Interface

Método IXpsOMGeometryFigure::GetSegmentData

Método IXpsOMGeometryFigure::SetSegments

IXpsOMGeometryFigureCollection Interface