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TreeView.SelectionChanged Evento


Ocorre quando há uma alteração nos itens atualmente selecionados no TreeView.

// Register
event_token SelectionChanged(TypedEventHandler<TreeView, TreeViewSelectionChangedEventArgs const&> const& handler) const;

// Revoke with event_token
void SelectionChanged(event_token const* cookie) const;

// Revoke with event_revoker
TreeView::SelectionChanged_revoker SelectionChanged(auto_revoke_t, TypedEventHandler<TreeView, TreeViewSelectionChangedEventArgs const&> const& handler) const;
public event TypedEventHandler<TreeView,TreeViewSelectionChangedEventArgs> SelectionChanged;
function onSelectionChanged(eventArgs) { /* Your code */ }
treeView.addEventListener("selectionchanged", onSelectionChanged);
treeView.removeEventListener("selectionchanged", onSelectionChanged);
- or -
treeView.onselectionchanged = onSelectionChanged;
Public Custom Event SelectionChanged As TypedEventHandler(Of TreeView, TreeViewSelectionChangedEventArgs) 

Tipo de evento


Manipule o TreeView.SelectionChanged evento para responder quando o conjunto de nós selecionados no TreeView controle for alterado por um usuário ou programaticamente. O TreeView controle gera esse evento em resposta à alteração de seleção, que corresponde a alterações nas propriedades TreeView.SelectedItem, TreeView.SelectedItems e TreeView.SelectedNodes .

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