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What's new in Rosario for VSTT: Test case management

Rosario has test case management in a full fledged fashion as part of the VSTST feature set. So, now test cases are first class citizens in the VSTS world with them having their own exclusive test case manager tool window inside the IDE. Test cases are a separate work item type with pre-defined fields like Owner, Priority, Test steps etc.

Click on the Test->Windows->Test Case Manager option in the IDE to launch the test case manager window shown at the right most side of the IDE below. The test case manager shows the selected team project TestTeamProject with its set of test cases, test run definitions, test runs. You can create a new test case from the TCM window. A new test case pops up with the test case form.


The test case form has a "Steps" tab as shown below:


You can enter descriptive steps for the test case detailing all the actions that need to be performed as part of the test case. You can mark a test step as "Validate step" explicitly using the icon shown in the pic (highlighted using a red dot next to the icon). The test steps shown are also parameterized using data driving. More on that in later posts. Now, you can define a test case query akin to the work item query. All those defined queries are shown in the test cases node in the TCM tool window as shown above.

With the test cases created, you can also create a run definition with the test case query specified as shown in screen shot below. This run definition is used to create a logical cluster of test cases - say tests for a certain component/feature etc.


Now, you can instantiate a new test run using the test run definition created above. The test run can be associated with a build so that the test run results can be published against the build.


Once the test run is created, you can open the test run from the TCM by querying all test runs. The current state of another sample test run in a graph is as shown below:


Now that we have a test case, run definition and test run created, we will delve into using MTR to execute our test cases in further blog posts.