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Some of the Known issues with DFSR

Hello, this is Atanu Dey here to talk about the known issues with DFS Replication. We are observing that customers are calling in and telling us that they have configured DFSR and it was working as expected, but, all of the sudden the replication stopped or some of the files are not replicating. So I thought of blog it for benefit of others.

Here are some of the knows issues with DFSR:

  1. DFS Replication failing due to sharing violations
  2. .FPT files are not replicating because they have the temporary attribute set

Here is the brief description of those issues:

Scenario 1:

DFS Replication failing due to a sharing violation

Two DCs both are win2k3R2SP2 located in the same physical location. But DFS Replication is not happening between those two servers.

Getting following error:

Event ID: 4302 Source DFSR Type Warning


The DFS Replication service has been repeatedly prevented from replicating a file due to consistent sharing violations encountered on the file. A local sharing violation occurs when the service fails to receive an updated file because the local file is currently in use.

DFSR Debug Log Analysis:

After analyzing the DFSR Debug logs we found many files were being held open by another process. Here is what we found in the logs: (bold added for emphasis)

+ [Error:32(0x20) UpstreamTransport::OpenFile upstreamtransport.cpp:1096 5508 W809 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.]

+ [Error:32(0x20) NtfsFileSystem::MakeBackupReader ntfsfilesystem.cpp:322 5508 W806 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.]

+ [Error:32(0x20) MarshalContext::OpenFile marshaller.cpp:2105 5508 W805 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. ] completion:0 ptr:00DC2B40

20080820 00:47:39.296 5240 LDBX 3665 Ldb::Update Updating idRecord:


As a test we disabled Anti Virus applications and rebooted both the boxes. After that DFSR started replicating successfully. We suggested to test their Antivirus product and contact the vendor to see if they supported the DFSR service. We also suggested to configure Antivirus on the server per Microsoft's best practices while contacting their vendor for support.

More Information:

Testing Anti-Virus Application Interoperability with DFS Replication

822158 Virus scanning recommendations for Enterprise computers that are running currently supported versions of Windows


 Scenario 2:

The file type ".FPT" are not replicating

The customer had configured DFSR and all files except those with the .FPT extension were not replicating.

DFSR Debug Log Analysis:

20071106 20:15:23.818 384 USNC 1204 UsnConsumer::ProcessUsnRecord Skipping USN_RECORD with FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY flag:


+ RecordLength: 88

+ MajorVersion: 2

+ MinorVersion: 0

+ FileRefNumber: 0x1000000009b1a

+ ParentFileRefNumber: 0x1000000007b8c

+ USN: 0x15261b20

+ TimeStamp: 20071106 20:15:23.818 GMT Standard Time

+ Reason: Basic Info Change Close

+ SourceInfo: 0x0

+ SecurityId: 0x134

+ FileAttributes: 0x100

+ FileNameLength: 22

+ FileNameOffset: 60

+ FileName: g_atran.FPT

 We found this MSDN article which explains the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY:


By design DFSR does not replicate temporary files See:

Distributed File System Replication: Frequently Asked Questions:

 Resolution :  

To resolve problems with files that have the temporary attribute set see the following blog post


  • Anonymous
    June 06, 2011
    I have an odd question.  I currently have extended the schema to 2008 level, but have not yet raised my operational level to 2008 due to operational issues.  I extended the schema so I could have DFSR shares, but my question is this.  Do the maximum number if DFS(R) shares increase from the 2003 native level when you extend the schema, or are they the same until I actually raise my domain functional level?