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Installing Skype for Business 2015 Administrative Tools

Hi All

I wanted to script up the installation of Skype for Business Administration Tools on a remote administration server so I could make it repeatable, and see if it works the same way as Lync 2013, so I thought I'd share. It's a little more than running admintools.msi, not much more though; there are a few pre-reqs you need to make sure are installed. The main trick is to copy all the files in yellow off the Skype ISO and into a single folder. Then use that folder to run the following commands. In my case the folder was c:\software\sfb\admintools. When we have a Cumulative Update released for Skype, don't forget to include that too (which will be run with something like start /min /wait LyncServerUpdateInstaller.exe /silentmode, at least that is how we did it in Lync 2013. At this point in time there isn't a released CU so I will ignore that.

Happy Skype/Lync'ing...


PS Don't forget to test in a test environment before running in Prod :)

Run these commands in a Command Prompt as Administrator.

@echo off

cd /d c:\software\sfb\admintools
set LogFile=%Temp%\InstallSkypeAdminTools.log

dir > %LogFile%

REM install visual c++ redistributable
date /t >> %LogFile%
time /t >> %LogFile%
echo Installing Visual C++ Redistributable >> %LogFile%
start /min /wait vcredist_x64.exe /install /quiet /log %temp%\SkypeAdminTools-VCRedist.log

REM install SQL System CLR Runtime
date /t >> %LogFile%
time /t >> %LogFile%
echo Installing SQL System CLR Runtime >> %LogFile%
start /min /wait msiexec /i SQLSysClrTypes.msi /qb /log %temp%\SkypeAdminTools-SQLSysCLRTypes.log

REM install ShareManagementObjects
date /t >> %LogFile%
time /t >> %LogFile%
echo Installing SharedManagementObjects >> %LogFile%
start /min /wait msiexec /i SharedManagementObjects.msi /qb /log %temp%\SkypeAdminTools-SharedManagementObjects.log

REM install Core Components
date /t >> %LogFile%
time /t >> %LogFile%
echo Installing Core Components >> %LogFile%
start /min /wait msiexec /i OCSCore.msi /qb /log %temp%\SkypeAdminTools-OCSCore.log

REM install Core Components
date /t >> %LogFile%
time /t >> %LogFile%
echo Installing Core Components >> %LogFile%
start /min /wait msiexec /i AdminTools.msi /qb /log %temp%\SkypeAdminTools-Admintools.log


REM install Skype CU - REM'd out but included for future reference...
REM date /t >> %LogFile%
REM time /t >> %LogFile%
REM echo Installing CU >> %LogFile%
REM start /min /wait LyncServerUpdateInstaller.exe /silentmode