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Step-By-Step: Enabling the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol on an Azure AD Managed Domain

In Active Directory environment, the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is responsible for reading and writing data from AD. By default, the LDAP traffic is transmitted in and unsecure format. You can secured this by transmitting based on SSL. When you have a hybrid or cloud only setup this is important. The idea behind this post is to demonstrate how to enable a secure LDAP on Azure AD managed domain.

There is few prerequisite required to perform this task.

1)    Azure AD Domain Service – Azure AD domain service must be enabled and configured with all prerequisite. If you need any help over please refer to my last few posts which explain how to configure.
2)    SSL Certificate – It is need to have valid SSL certificate and it need to be from valid certificate authority such as public certificate authority, enterprise certificate authority. Also you can still use self-sign SSL certificate.

In my demo,
1)    I have already configured a Azure AD managed domain and running with active subscription


2)    I got an Azure VM connected to Azure managed domain and I will be using it to demonstrate to enable Secure LDAP.
3)    I am going to use self-signed certificate to create the secure LDAP

Create self-signed certificate

1)    Log in to domain joined server, or PC and open windows power-shell session as administrator.
2)    Execute following

New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject * -NotAfter $validtill.AddDays(365) -KeyUsage DigitalSignature, KeyEncipherment -Type SSLServerAuthentication -DnsName *

In here you can replace with your managed domain name.

This will generate the self-sign certificate.


Export the SSL Certificate

Now we have the certificate, but we need to export it to use to enable secure LDAP.
1)    Log in to the PC or Server which generated certificate as administrator
2)    Go to run > mmc sldap3

3)    File > Add/remove Snap-in sldap4

4)    Select Certificates and click on button Add sldap5

5)    Then select the Computer Account and click next sldap6

6)    Select local computer and click on finish sldap7

7)    Click on OK to open the certificate mmc


8)    Then in console go to Personal > Certificates and you can see the new self-signed certificate we just created in previous step


9)    Right click on the certificate and click on All tasks > export sldap10

10)    Then its start the certificate export wizard, click on next to start


11)    In this window select option “Yes, export the private key” and click on next
12)    Leave the .pfx option selected and click next sldap12

13)    In next window define a password and click on next sldap13

14)    Then define the location to save the file and click on next sldap14

15)    Click on finish to complete the export process


Enable Secure LDAP

Now we got the SSL exported and ready. Now it’s time to enable the secure LDAP.
1)    Log in to the azure portal and load the Azure Domain Services configuration page for your relevant directory


2)    Then to the domain service section and click on “configure certificate” button


3)    Then brows for the .pfx file we just exported and provide the password, then click ok to proceed


4)    After few minutes we can see the secure LDAP is enabled


5)    The next step is to enable the secure LDAP connection over the internet for your managed domain. For that click on the “Yes” for the option “Enable secure LDAP access over the internet” and the click save sldap20 sldap21

6)    After few minute we can see the feature is enabled and also displaying the public ip address which can use on this.


7)    If you wish to use secure ldap over the internet you need to create DNS entry in your dns provider and create A record to point domain to the public ip address its given.


  • Anonymous
    November 02, 2016
    The comment has been removed
    • Anonymous
      April 18, 2017
      The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 09, 2016
    The comment has been removed
    • Anonymous
      April 18, 2017
      I was wondering over the same question, but so far no answer I have found.