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Step-by-Step Instruction for creating Managed Cache Namespace Using Windows Azure PowerShell CmdLets

Currently the ability to create Azure Managed Cache Service Namespace from Portal is disabled, however end users can still create the Managed Cache namespace using the latest PowerShell CmdLet. So in this blog I will provide the step-by-step instruction on creating Managed Cache Service Namespace by leveraging latest version PowerShell CmdLet.

1. Please download the latest version of the Azure PowerShell Module from here

2. Create a  PowerShell Script file (*.ps1) with below CmdLet to add and List the  new managed cache namespace (Please refer the attached CreateManageCache.ps1)

New-AzureManagedCache -Name <cachenamespace> -Location "Location" -Sku Basic -Memory 128MB

3. Open the PowerShell Script, which is created in Step 2, in the PowerShell Script editor  ‘Windows PowerShell ISE’ , which is located under ‘%windir%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell_ISE.exe’

4. Please note that, it will take couple of minutes to complete above script, once it created the name space, you can open the management portal and you will see the newly created Managed Cache Namespace, and you can do further cache management from the Management Portal.


How to: Create a Cache for Azure Managed Cache Service




How to install and configure Azure PowerShell

