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ColorPicker.NET screenshot

I do quite a bit of UI design work during my spare time and often find myself with the need to sample colors for my designs. Using Adobe Photoshop isn't effective for three reasons: (1) It takes a long time to load up, (2) It consumes resources, especially on a 512MB Tablet PC with everything that I normally run (i.e. Outlook, Visual Studio, etc), and (3) It's a pain in the butt to open and close the application every time I need to sample a color. I wanted something that was lightweight and could be fired up easily from the desktop or system tray. I was also looking for an excuse to delve into the functionality exposed by the classes in the System.Drawing namespace. Thus, ColorPicker.NET (okay, maybe that's a lame name) was born.

I'm really interested in getting feedback on the application, so I've decided to release the binaries. This is what I'd call an alpha release (a little better than prototype quality). The application is pretty stable, but there are some glitches that I need to iron out and features that I'd like to add. If there is any functionality that you think should be added, please let me know. If you think this is something that you can leverage for an application that you're working on, feel free to let me know how you think you'd be able to use it. I will be releasing the source code as soon as I clean it up and make sure that it's thoroughly commented for those of you who are interested in seeing how certain components were constructed.