7 years at microsoft
Today marks my 7th anniversary at Microsoft. 7 years ago I couldn't have even imagined where Microsoft was headed. Three versions of Windows and Office (and Server, SQL, etc.) later, the company has delivered on software + services and now has devices coming. Windows 8 is the first time I've been as excited about the new hardware that accompanied a release of Windows as I am about Windows itself. 7 years ago I didn't leverage multiple monitors (used a laptop as my primary device), wireless projection or the number of devices I do today. The fact that information seamlessly follows me from device to device now is really powerful. I am much more mobile and connected than ever before. Microsoft is also the first employer that I have worked for more than 5 years. A big reason for that is I'm still challenged and have endless opportunities to continue to grow at Microsoft. I enjoy the work I've done with partners, customers, colleagues and the schools I attended and that my kids are attending today. Today I'm typing on the most innovative keyboard I have ever used (touch cover) and looking forward to the innovations to come. Never say something is impossible - technology may surprise you someday....