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Launching & Internet Explorer platform priorities

At //build 2014, we talked about our commitment to building a deeper partnership with Web developers. We started by launching the beta of which included a first peek at features in development for the next version of Internet Explorer. The positive reception has been great to see, along with the feedback on what could improve.

This is a big deal. IE is finally opening up.

— Domenic Denicola (@domenic) April 3, 2014

Later in April, @IEDevChat kicked off our first monthly #AskIE session, with IE engineers responding to over 100 questions in 2 hours, with a total of 2.4 million people exposed to the #AskIE hashtag. Here’s the team hard at work answering questions:

IE team answering questions from #AskIE session

Launching with new features

Today, after some of our team members host the Microsoft Astronaut’s Welcome Reception at JSConf 2014, we are happy to announce that we are removing the beta tag from! We’ve incorporated a number of improvements based on your feedback. Here’s a look at just some of the changes we’ve made:

  • Open Sourced – the data in status.modern.IE is useful for many purposes and many developers have expressed an interest in contributing to the project. Starting today, the entire site (including the data that backs it) is available on GitHub under the Apache V2 license. We also expose the IE support data as a service, provided under the Creative Commons Attribution v2 license. Check out our Readme for more.
  • Improved Search & Filter – we heard the feedback that the Web platform is vast and finding the features you care about was a bit tricky in the original beta site. The new “Interop” menu lets you easily enter in your browser support interests to find features available in the Web platform.
  • Deep Linking – via HTML5 History and Angular routing, status.modern.IE enables you to deep link to a feature you want to share with others. For example, go straight to GamePad API status.
  • Better Mobile Support & Performance – nearly 20% of our visitors are from mobile devices. We’ve further optimized the site to make sure you can get at the latest browser status while discussing the Web over coffee or testing out your site in IE11 for Windows Phone 8.1 Developer Preview.

New filters on status.modern.IE

We’re also announcing a new set of features that are now In Development for Internet Explorer, including:

  • Web Audio
  • Media Capture
  • ES6 Promises
  • HTTP/2
  • And more….

Head on over to status.modern.IE to find the full list!

These features form a part of our commitment to delivering interoperable implementations for the latest features on the modern Web. The current list of features “in development” is not an exhaustive representation of what we will deliver in the next version, but an indication of what we currently have highest confidence in delivering. There are several other features that we realize are very important and are working on a plan to support – stay tuned for more updates in the future.

Looking ahead: our priorities

Beyond the specific features that our developers are working on right now, we’d like to share more about the vision and priorities of the IE Platform team working on the HTML5 capabilities for IE. We’re big believers in the Web because of its broad reach that touches so many people, be they users, developers or businesses. From that belief, we have rallied the team around a simple people-centric and pragmatic vision:

The Web should just work for everyone – users, developers and businesses.

At first glance this is a seemingly simple and obvious goal. Like most good vision statements, though, we use it to shape our priorities as we make inevitable trade-offs and design choices. For example, if a Web standard demands one behavior but other browsers and Web sites expect a different behavior then we implement the interoperable design so the sites “just work” for our users. We then engage with the standards working groups to update the standard to the interoperable behavior. Most of all this goal encourages pragmatism rather than always standing on a narrow principle.

With that mindset, we set our top priorities which reflect the most significant ways that we believe the Internet Explorer platform can help to achieve that vision:

  • Get users current. Everyone wins when more IE users are running the latest version of the browser. We will continue to build features (like Enterprise Mode IE) and partner with teams internal and external to Microsoft to enable users and businesses to confidently move to the latest version of IE.
  • Security. Users must feel secure running IE and businesses must feel secure deploying IE in their environments. We will continue to invest deeply in security features that provide broad mitigations to potential vulnerabilities.
  • Interoperability and compatibility. Everyone wants sites written a decade ago to just keep working, but everyone also wants the latest HTML5 features for great experiences on the modern Web. We will work to ensure that we do a great job at both, ensuring improved backwards capability and interoperability with the latest HTML5 features across modern browsers.

We look forward to sharing more with you on how we plan to make those priorities a reality in the coming months.

We’re confident that this direction will allow us to make a positive impact on the Web and make significant strides towards the vision of ‘the Web just works for everyone.’ We look forward to hearing your feedback @IEDevChat! Be sure to join us for the next #AskIE session, live from JSConf on Thursday, May 29th @ 1PM-3PM EST.

— Sam George, Partner Group Program Manager, Internet Explorer

P.S. Charles Morris and Jacob Rossi from the team also joined Larry Larsen from Channel 9 to talk about today's announcements: