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Pushing the Envelope

A long time ago, my frustrated artist friends fellow camera store employees would run a "bad camera day". We would each take one of the cheapest cameras in the store and then have a contest to see who could take the best photos.

I recently got a new phone with a built-in camera.

While I am frankly amazed that a camera can be built into a phone, and I am having fun snapping photos and emailing wirelessly, I don't think I'll retire the Nikon just yet.

I propose a contest: best photo with a bad camera phone. The rules:

  1. Photo has to be taken with a bad camera phone. In the event you have a phone with a good camera, you are disqualified.

  2. There are no judges.

  3. There are no winners.

  4. There are no prizes, and you have to pay for storage and bandwidth to host your photos.

  5. Modest Photoshop is allowed. This would be cheating:

Here's my entries:



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