Script to Clean expired updates from update lists, packages and deployments
<---My college Kurt has pointed out to me that the code snip to trigger the update synchronization has some problem. So I remove that. As a workaround, you can trigger a full update synchronization from the UI-->
If you use Software Update Point (SUP) in a System Center Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy, you may face the problem of expired updates.
Consider the following scenario:
Updates are saved in the SMS database as CIs (Configuration Items). All CIs will flow downward to the child sites in the hierarchy.
If the updates are expired, the CI will also be marked as expired. Each site (central or child primary) has the Delete Aged Configuration Manager Data job that removes CIs that have been expired for 90 days (by default) which are not locally referenced. -- “Locally referenced” means it’s not used in any Update Lists created by this site.
So if you create Update Lists on the child site which contains a CI (Update) that has been expired, the CI is not removed from the child site since it is referenced by an local Update List; But the CI is removed from the parent site by the “Delete Aged Configuration Manager Data” job because Update Lists don’t flow up to the parent site.
Now if there is a new third tier primary site (a grandchild site), its SUP WILL NOT get this CI from the central site’s SUP because it has already been removed from the top-most SUP. Its SUP WILL get the Update List which contains the expired CI from its parent site. So the new grandchild site will fail to process this Update List that reference the now-missing CI.
To solve this problem, we have written a script that can clear expired updates from the Update Lists, Update Deployment and Update Packages. As a best practice, we’d suggest to clear up the expired updates and in a one day schedule:
- Set the update cleanup age to 1 day. Site Settings->Site Maintenance->Tasks-> Delete Aged Configuration Manager Data Properties->Set Delete data older than (days): to 1
- Run the attached script on the site where you create Update Lists every day. You can use Windows Task Schedule to do it.
Here comes the sample script:
Dim Debugging 'If debug logging is enabled
Dim connection 'the Service Object
Dim context 'SMS WMI context
Dim SMSSiteCode 'The site code of the site that we peform clear up
Dim SMSServer 'The machine name of the site server
Dim SMSProvider 'The machine name of the provider
Dim UserName 'username used to connect to the remote server
Dim Password 'Password used to connect to the remote server
DebugLogging = false
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
call ParseParameters(objArgs)
Log("SMSServer: "&SMSServer)
Log("UserName: "&UserName)
Log("Password: "&Password)
Set context = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
' Add the standard SMS context qualifiers to the context object.
context.Add "LocaleID", "MS\1033"
context.Add "MachineName", SMSServer
context.Add "ApplicationName", "ClearExpiredUpdates"
Set connection = Connect(SMSServer,UserName,Password)
If Err.Number<>0 Then
Wscript.Echo "Call to connect failed"
End If
'collect all expired CIs
'save to Variable - ExpiredCIs
Query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_SoftwareUpdate " & _
"WHERE IsExpired='TRUE'"
Set ExpiredCIs = connection.ExecQuery(Query, ,wbemFlagForwardOnly Or wbemFlagReturnImmediately, Context)
Log("Expired CI IDs: ")
For each ExpiredCI in ExpiredCIs
'Remove from UpdateList
call RemoveExpiredUpdatesFromUpdateList(connection,context,SMSSiteCode,ExpiredCIs)
'Remove from Deployment
call RemoveExpiredUpdatesFromDeploymens(connection,context,SMSSiteCode,ExpiredCIs)
'Remove Expired updates' content from the packages
call RemoveExpiredUpdatesContent(connection,context,SMSSiteCode,ExpiredCIs)
If Err.Number<>0 Then
WScript.Echo "Clear Failed"
WScript.Echo "Clear Successfully, please trigger a Full Update Synchronization"
End If
Function Connect(server, userName, userPassword)
Dim net
Dim localConnection
Dim swbemLocator
Dim swbemServices
Dim providerLoc
Dim location
Set swbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
swbemLocator.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = 6 'Packet Privacy
' If the server is local, don't supply credentials.
Set net = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork")
If server = "." Then
localConnection = true
userName = ""
userPassword = ""
server = "."
Log("Connecting to local machine...")
Log("Connect to remote machine: "&server&"...")
End If
' Connect to the server.
Set swbemServices= swbemLocator.ConnectServer _
(server, "root\sms",userName,userPassword)
If Err.Number<>0 Then
Wscript.Echo "Couldn't connect: " + Err.Description
Connect = null
Exit Function
End If
Log("Connected successfully")
' Determine where the provider is and connect.
Set providerLoc = swbemServices.InstancesOf("SMS_ProviderLocation")
For Each location In providerLoc
SMSProvider = location.Machine
SMSSiteCode = location.SiteCode
If UCase(net.ComputerName) = UCase(SMSProvider) Then
SMSProvider = "."
userName = ""
userPassword = ""
End If
Log("SMSProvider: "&SMSProvider)
Log("SMSSiteCode: "&SMSSiteCode)
Set swbemServices = swbemLocator.ConnectServer _
(SMSProvider, "root\sms\site_" + _
If Err.Number<>0 Then
Wscript.Echo "Couldn't connect:" + Err.Description
Connect = Null
Exit Function
End If
Log("Connected to provider")
Set Connect = swbemServices
Exit Function
Set Connect = null ' Failed to connect.
End Function
Sub ParseParameters(Parameters)
For each objArg in Parameters
CorrectParametersSofar = false
objArgShort = left(objArg,2)
If objArgShort = "-d" Then
DebugLogging = true
CorrectParametersSofar = true
End If
If objArgShort = "-l" Then
SMSServer = "."
UserName = ""
Password = ""
CorrectParametersSofar = true
End If
If objArgShort = "-r" Then
SMSServer = Right(objArg,Len(objArg)-3)
CorrectParametersSofar = true
End If
If objArgShort = "-u" Then
UserName = Right(objArg,Len(objArg)-3)
CorrectParametersSofar = true
End If
If objArgShort = "-p" Then
Password = Right(objArg,Len(objArg)-3)
CorrectParametersSofar = true
End If
If CorrectParametersSofar = false Then
WScript.Echo "Wrong parameters"
call PrintUsage
End If
End Sub
Sub Log(message)
If DebugLogging = true Then
WScript.Echo message
End If
End Sub
Sub PrintUsage
WScript.Echo "Usage of this script: "
WScript.Echo "cscript ExpireClear.vbs [-d] -l|-r:<remoteserver> -u:<Username> -p:<password>"
WScript.Echo "-d enable debug logging"
WScript.Echo "-l connect to local machine"
WScript.Echo "-r connect to remote machine"
WScript.Echo "If you use -r, you need to specify the username and password"
End Sub
Sub RemoveExpiredUpdatesFromUpdateList(swbemServices, swbemContext, siteCode, ExpiredCIs)
Log("====Removing Expired Updates From Update List====")
Query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_AuthorizationList " & _
"WHERE SourceSite='" & siteCode & "'"
Set UpdateLists = swbemServices.ExecQuery(Query, ,wbemFlagForwardOnly Or wbemFlagReturnImmediately, swbemContext)
For each UpdateList in UpdateLists
Log("Checking UpdateList CI_ID = "&UpdateList.CI_ID)
Set UpdateListLazy = swbemServices.Get("SMS_AuthorizationList.CI_ID=" & UpdateList.CI_ID)
UpdatesNumOrg = UBound(UpdateListLazy.Updates) + 1
Log("Updates Number Before: " & UpdatesNumOrg)
ResultUpdates = UpdateListLazy.Updates
For each ExpiredCI in ExpiredCIs
Resultupdates = Filter(Resultupdates,ExpiredCI.CI_ID,FALSE)
UpdatesNumAfter = UBound(Resultupdates) + 1
Log("Updates Number After: " & UpdatesNumAfter)
End Sub
Sub RemoveExpiredUpdatesFromDeploymens(swbemServices, swbemContext, siteCode, ExpiredCIs)
Log("====Removing Expired Updates From Update Deployments====")
Query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_UpdatesAssignment " & _
"WHERE SourceSite='" & siteCode & "'"
Set UpdateAssignments = swbemServices.ExecQuery(Query, ,wbemFlagForwardOnly Or wbemFlagReturnImmediately, swbemContext)
For each UpdateAssignment in UpdateAssignments
Log("Checking UpdateAssignment AssignmentID = "&UpdateAssignment.AssignmentID)
Set UpdateAssignmentLazy = swbemServices.Get("SMS_UpdatesAssignment.AssignmentID=" & UpdateAssignment.AssignmentID)
ContainsExpired = UpdateAssignmentLazy.ContainsExpiredUpdates
If ContainsExpired = true Then
CINumOrg = UBound(UpdateAssignmentLazy.AssignedCIs) + 1
ResultCIs = UpdateAssignmentLazy.AssignedCIs
Log("Updates Number Before: " & CINumOrg)
For each ExpiredCI in ExpiredCIs
ResultCIs = Filter(ResultCIs,ExpiredCI.CI_ID,FALSE)
CINumAfter = UBound(ResultCIs) + 1
Log("Updates Number After: " & CINumAfter)
End If
End Sub
Sub RemoveExpiredUpdatesContent(swbemServices, swbemContext, siteCode, ExpiredCIs)
Log("====Removing Expired Updates Content From Deployment Packates====")
For each ExpiredCI in ExpiredCIs
Log("Checking ExpiredCI: "&ExpiredCI.CI_ID)
Query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_CIToContent " & _
"WHERE CI_ID=" & ExpiredCI.CI_ID
set ExpiredContents = swbemServices.ExecQuery(Query, ,wbemFlagForwardOnly Or wbemFlagReturnImmediately, swbemContext)
For each ExpiredContent in ExpiredContents
Log("Corresponding ContentID = "&ExpiredContent.ContentID)
Query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_SoftwareUpdatesPackage " & _
"WHERE SourceSite='" & siteCode & "'"
set Packages = swbemServices.ExecQuery(Query, ,wbemFlagForwardOnly Or wbemFlagReturnImmediately, swbemContext)
For each Package in Packages
Log("Checking Deployment Package PackageID= " & Package.PackageID)
Query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_PackageToContent " & _
"WHERE PackageID = '" & Package.PackageID & "'"
set Contents = swbemServices.ExecQuery(Query, ,wbemFlagForwardOnly Or wbemFlagReturnImmediately, swbemContext)
For each Content in Contents
Log("ContentID: "&Content.ContentID)
If Content.ContentID = ExpiredContent.ContentID Then
Log("ExpiredContent: " & Content.ContentID & " - will be delete")
End If
End Sub
--- The script is provided as is. Please test before implement in the product environment
November 21, 2012
The comment has been removedAnonymous
September 27, 2013
If you do not tell people how to use this script and how to set/use arguments (username password, smsserver) then is usless for most of your Readers... Hope ypu will add some comment rows to clarify how tos :-) It will be surely appreciated ThanksAnonymous
June 16, 2014
Awesome post. There is no need to explain arguments and variables, as this is not a classroom, rather a solution for the issue, which an experienced person needs to know before playing with scripts! It is like some gifts you a plane and then you crib saying I dont know how to ride a bicycle !!! :-)Anonymous
June 18, 2014
The comment has been removed