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Feeling TechReady

I’ve just returned from an internal Microsoft training event called TechReady. Basically, a bunch of Microsoft Services people turn up in Seattle and learn stuff.

The highlight of this event for me have to be the WCF presentations by Craig McMurtry. In one of his presentations he extended the hell out of WCF. Basically, he wrote replacements for every part of the WCF framework that can be replaced (channels, parameter inspectors, message inspectors etc). One PPT slide followed by 70 mins of coding in front of an audience. Very impressive.

Craig has posted his slides and his coding notes up on his blog. If you want to see some simple examples of how you can extend WCF and bend it to your will then check out this post.

I also bought a copy of his book, Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation: Hands-on, which is also worth getting hold of if you’re serious about getting into WCF.