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Office 2010 Beta Hits a Milestone!

You may have already heard, but we have some exciting news from the Office team -- earlier this week we reached the 1 millionth download of Office 2010!  This means that more than 1 million people across  the world are now experiencing and testing the next version of Office.  You’ll recall we launched the public beta just two weeks ago at the Professional Developer’s Conference and in reaching the 1 millionth download milestone, Office 2010 has had more people download it in the first two weeks than any other version of Office including Office 2007!  It’s super gratifying to see so many people interested in experiencing the next version of Office and help us deliver the best product possible.  Anyone who hasn’t yet downloaded Office 2010 should go to, try it today, and send us your feedback via this blog or the newsgroups at,office2007deployment.