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Cloudy in Seattle

CLR & Silverlight上海研发团队的Blog


CLR Add-In Team Blog

All about the CLR's System.AddIn model for managed add-ins, add-ons, plug-ins, and extensions

CLR and .NET Security

CAS, crypto, ClickOnce security, etc.

CLR and Framework Perf Blog

CLR üzerine organize işler...

CLR ile ilgili herşey hakkında aklımıza gelenler, karşılaştıklarımız, aldığımız notlar...

CLR, architectures, and stuff


Development tips and tricks that aren't documented anywhere else

Cluster Guy

All things Cluster and High Availability

CM/Current Branch and PowerShell

Another ConfigMgr Blog!!

Code Analysis Team Blog

Code Break

Code Connections

Some random ramblings around WF, WCF, portals, and code

Code Eater (Wael A. Kabli)

Information Worker Consultant | Microsoft Consulting Services | MCSE | MCTS SharePoint Infrastructure | MCTS SharePoint - Development | MCP | MSF Essentials

The code is out there

A few hours of trial and error can often save you a couple of minutes of reading manuals.

Code Junkie

My likes and dislikes of the computer world.

Code Monkey Have Fun

A code monkey in Research

One developer's view of (a little bit of) Microsoft Research, Cambridge

Code, Articles, Discussion on Microsoft Technologies

The learnings on technologies I work upon ...


Duncan Mackenzie has too much time on his hands


To inform and to inspire.


CodePlex Weblog


Tips & samples on UWP, Azure and WPF

Coding from the field

Info series to share interesting findings or projects regarding platforms / infrastructure coding.

Coding Times of a .Net Developer from Yard

Coffee Break Insights

Science may never come up with a better office communication system than the coffee break. Earl Wilson

Coffee, smoke and techilicious burps at 3.47 AM

Some half baked ideas by Nilotpal about Tao, Zen and the art of converting coffee into code...

cognitive thinking

The Beginners Guide to Microsoft Cognitive Services

Colby Africa

Colin Cole's Weblog

Software Development, the Insurance Industry, and a combination of the two

Colin Thomsen's Microsoft Blog

I'm a developer working on the code profiler that ships with Visual Studio 2010 Premium and Ultimate editions. At a previous company I worked on computer vision software for face and gaze tracking.

Collaboration Blog

James Kemp's thoughts on SharePoint, Communicator, Groove and other collaboration technologies.


Thoughts on cloud computing and enterprise collaboration

Collation, DateTime, SParse Column and XML

A Collection of Random Thoughts

Tips, tricks, thoughts relating mostly to Microsoft Exchange server, but occasionally other things as well.

The Color Of Azure (#007FFF)

The Colorful and Gray World of Engineering Management

Embark with me on my journey through the colorful situations & challenges and the (gray) ambiguity of management in the software industry.

Come Get Some...Thoughts On Software Technology

Alexander Strauss goes Blog

Come n see what I'm upto...

Commercial Software Engineering Team Africa

Common Exchange PowerShell Commands - Outlook Team

This blog covers Common Exchange PowerShell commands used by an Outlook Support Engineer

Communications Sector Conversations

Rob Cameron, Industry Architect Evangelist (Twitter: @Robcamer)

Communications, Unified!!

Community Goodies

Collecting the Power of Community Resources

		Visual Stdio
		Windows Azure
		Entity Framework
		More Goodies


This is Ken. This is everything about computer languages, programming skills and thinking of technologies. It records my knowledge reviews, techniques exploring and researching.

The Compatibility Gladiator

Application Compatibility Planning, Remediation, Mitigation, Virtualization, and Modernization


compiler padawan

My adventures learning how to build compilers.

Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information from Alfred Thompson

Alfred Thompson's blog about teaching computer science at the K-12 level. Alfred was a high school computer science teacher for 8 years. He has also taught grades K-8 as a computer specialist.

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