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PFE - Developer Notes for the Field

Developer PFE

PFE Brasil - SQL Server

The PFE Chronicles

Some advice and experience for you from SQL Server PFEs

The PFE Dude Abides

Notes from a SharePoint PFE

The PFE Exchange

Tips and tricks relating to Exchange and Office 365

PFE Field Notes

Automations, tips and tricks from the field

PFE Ireland

Welcome to the Irish Premier Field Engineering blog

PFE Italy Virtualization360

PFE Tales from the Field(s)

Office 365, Exchange, and anything else that makes my heart content.

PFE Virtualization Blog

Virtualization Premier Field Engineers



PFE'nin Not Defteri

Phil Fazio's Blog

Phil Gibson's Cloud & Datacenter Solutions Blog

Discussions on Solutions for Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google, DevOps, Datacenter, and Systems Management - Posts in this blog are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights as specified in the Terms of Use

Phil Henning's WebLog

Philip Van de Vyver on SCOM and Azure Log Analytics

Information out of the field on Operations Manager and Azure Log Analytics

Philippe Lothsavan's Blog on SharePoint

Philo's WebLog

Musings of a former Office Developer Evangelist

The philosophy of unexplained..

BI, Data Access and Machine Learning

Phil's Blog

Phil Pennington @ MSFT

phkelley's blog

TFS Version Control


A blog by Terry Lyons. I support Unified Communication technologies at Microsoft.

Pierre Gagnon’s Blog

Let’s talk about data !

Pierre Lagarde, Blog

Pierre's Embedded and Mobile Blog

Soulevons le capot des systèmes embarqués et mobiles

Pieter Vanhove

My Microsoft SQL Blog

Pieter Vanhove

Just another Technet site

Pietro Brambati Blog

Developer's stories

Pietro's Blog

Pigs Can Fly

Windows performance, development, and related issues(and maybe some not so related...)

Pilchie's C# and Visual Studio Blog


The help you need when you're in a pinch!

A pint of software

Piotr Puszkiewicz's Silverlight Blog

Piyush Ranjan's blog on Core Azure and Big Data

Piyush Shah's Blog


Platform PFE's in Sweden Blog

Supporting Microsoft Premier Customers above and beyond

Platforms, Lync, the Cloud, Oh My!

Platforms, PowerShell and Cybersecurity


Please...Just Work!

I have a net to catch all the gremlins!

The Plexus

Random adventures of a Solution Architect

ploeh blog

Mark Seemann's discontinued .NET blog.

Point of View...

"Never innovate to compete, innovate to change the rules of the game" - David O. Adeife


Daniel McPherson's Blog for Casual Comment on SharePoint

Pointless Blathering

Peter Wieland's thoughts on Windows driver development, and occasional rants about computing in general.


Points on SharePoint

Tips, Tricks and Guidance regarding SharePoint Architecture and Solutions

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