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IE7 RC1 (for XP) released

In case you're one of the 12 people who read our blog and don't also read the IE blog, I thought I should mention that the first public Release Candidate of IE7 for Windows XP has been made available today.

Read Dean's post on the IE blog for details on the changes in this release over the one (mostly in setup and toolbar compatibility). Or go to to install.

On the RSS front, we've fixed a number of bugs, but there's no new functionality since the Beta 3 (the Beta 3 updates to the user experience and the platform). As we've said before, the Windows RSS Platform that ships with IE7 is API-complete -- so developers can build on this release candidate secure in the knowledge that (unless something major is discovered that forces us to change), their apps will work correctly.

From Dean:

Depending on your feedback, we may post another release candidate. We’re still on track to ship the final IE7 release in the 4th calendar quarter.

