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Client Agent Upgrade Notification

A new service update (SU5) for SQL Data Sync will be deployed from June 6 US PST to June 7 US PST. A new Client Agent (version will be available for download. All prior versions of the Client Agent will need to be upgraded. Please follow the steps below to upgrade the Client Agent.

Note: Please be aware that the default path for the Client Agent has been updated to

For 32-bit system,

 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Data Sync

For 64 bit system,

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Data Sync

 HOW TO UPGRADE: Validate the current version of the Agent that you have installed by following the Steps outlined here.

 1)      If the Client Agent isn’t open, please navigate to where you’ve installed the Client Agent,

 The default path for a 32-bit system is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Azure Data Sync

The default path for a 64-bit system is

 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Azure Data Sync

 2)      Find and launch the application SqlAzureDataSyncAgent under the bin folder of the install path.

3)      Click Upgrade Agent on your Client Agent window.

             The Agent download page will appear. Please download and install the new agent. 

Note: Please accept the default installation path

For 32-bit system,

 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Data Sync

For 64 bit system,

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Data Sync

 4)      Once the upgrade process completes, close the Client Agent window.

 Note: Please DO NOT delete the old agent installation path.

 5)      Open up Windows Explorer and navigate to the installation path indicated in Step 1.

6)      Navigate to the data folder and find the AgentConfigData.xml file, e.g.

 The default path on a 32-bit system is

 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Azure Data Sync\data

The default path on a 64-bit system is

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Azure Data Sync\data

 7)      Copy the AgentConfigData.xml file.

8)      Now, navigate to the data folder of the newly updated Agent, e.g.

 The default path on a 32-bit system is

 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Data Sync\data

The default path on a 64-bit system is

 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Data Sync\data

 9)     Paste the AgentConfigData.xml file (step 7) into the data folder.

10)   Now, restart Microsoft SQL Data Sync Windows Service on the system.

11)   Next, run Microsoft SQL Data Sync Agent Preview.

12)   Repeat step 1 – Step 11 for all of installed Agents in your environment.