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Queries for the AEWComputePipelinesLogs table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

AEWComputePipelinesLogs get daily tasks count

Get daily tasks count from compute pipelines records in selected time range.

| where EventName =~ "ScorecardRequestSucceeded" or EventName =~ "ScorecardRequestFailed"
| where Properties.ExperimentationGroup =~ "test~ExperimentationGroup"
| summarize Count = count() by Date = bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), ExperimentationGroup = tostring(Properties.ExperimentationGroup)
| sort by Date

AEWComputePipelinesLogs get failed tasks detail

Get latest 100 failed tasks detail from compute pipelines records in selected time range.

| where EventName =~ "ScorecardRequestFailed"
| where Properties.ExperimentationGroup =~ "test~ExperimentationGroup"
| project
    ,ExperimentationGroup = Properties.ExperimentationGroup
    ,AnalysisType = Properties.AnalysisType
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| take 100

AEWComputePipelinesLogs get long running jobs

Get long running jobs from compute pipelines records in last seven days.

| where EventName =~ "CosmosJobUtilization"
| where Properties.ExperimentationGroup =~ "test~ExperimentationGroup"
| where todouble(Properties.JobRunningInSeconds) >= 24 * 60 * 60
| project
    ,ExperimentationGroup = Properties.ExperimentationGroup
    ,AnalysisType = Properties.AnalysisType
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

AEWComputePipelinesLogs get task E2E latency time

Get task E2E latency time of compute pipelines records in selected time range.

| where EventName =~ "ScorecardRequestSucceeded" or EventName =~ "ScorecardRequestFailed"
| where Properties.ExperimentationGroup =~ "test~ExperimentationGroup"
| summarize
  ScorecardRequestTimeInHoursP99 = percentile(todouble(Properties.ScorecardProcessingInSeconds) / 60 / 60, 99)
  ,ScorecardRequestTimeInHoursAvg = avg(todouble(Properties.ScorecardProcessingInSeconds) / 60 / 60)
  by Date = bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), ExperimentationGroup = tostring(Properties.ExperimentationGroup)
| sort by Date, ExperimentationGroup