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Queries for the OfficeActivity table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

All Office Activity

All the events provided by Office Activity.

| project TimeGenerated, UserId, Operation, OfficeWorkload, RecordType, _ResourceId
| sort by TimeGenerated desc nulls last

Users accessing files

Users sorted by number of OneDrive and SharePoint files they accessed.

| where OfficeWorkload in ("OneDrive", "SharePoint") and Operation in ("FileDownloaded", "FileAccessed")
| summarize AccessedFilesCount = dcount(OfficeObjectId) by UserId, _ResourceId
| sort by AccessedFilesCount desc nulls last

File upload operation

Lists users sorted by number of files they uploaded to OneDrive and SharePoint.

| where OfficeWorkload in ("OneDrive", "SharePoint") and Operation in ("FileUploaded")
| summarize AccessedFilesCount = dcount(OfficeObjectId) by UserId, _ResourceId
| sort by AccessedFilesCount desc nulls last

Office activity for user

The query presents user's activity over Office.

// Replace the UPN in the query with the UPN of the user of interest
let v_Users_UPN= "osotnoc@contoso.com";
| where UserId==v_Users_UPN
| project TimeGenerated, OfficeWorkload, Operation, ResultStatus, OfficeObjectId, _ResourceId

Creation of Forward rule

Lists creation of email forward rules.

| where OfficeWorkload == "Exchange"
| where Operation in~ ("New-TransportRule", "Set-TransportRule")
| extend RuleName = case(Operation =~ "Set-TransportRule", tostring(OfficeObjectId), Operation =~ "New-TransportRule", tostring(parse_json(Parameters)[1].Value), "Unknown")
| project  TimeGenerated, ClientIP, UserId, Operation, RuleName, _ResourceId

Suspicious file name

Operations on files with name that might indicate obfuscation of an executable.

| where RecordType =~ "SharePointFileOperation" and isnotempty(SourceFileName)
| where OfficeObjectId has ".exe." and OfficeObjectId matches regex @"\.exe\.\w{0,4}$"