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Excluir dados no Azure Cosmos DB para tabelas Apache Cassandra do Spark

APLICA-SE A: Cassandra

Este artigo descreve como excluir dados no Azure Cosmos DB para tabelas Apache Cassandra do Spark.

Configuração da API para Cassandra

Defina abaixo a configuração de faísca no cluster de blocos de anotações. É uma atividade única.

 spark.cassandra.connection.port  10350  
 spark.cassandra.connection.ssl.enabled  true  
 spark.cassandra.auth.username  YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME  
 spark.cassandra.auth.password  YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY  
// if using Spark 2.x
// spark.cassandra.connection.factory  

//Throughput-related...adjust as needed
 spark.cassandra.output.batch.size.rows  1  
// spark.cassandra.connection.connections_per_executor_max  10   // Spark 2.x
 spark.cassandra.connection.remoteConnectionsPerExecutor  10   // Spark 3.x
 spark.cassandra.output.concurrent.writes  1000  
 spark.cassandra.concurrent.reads  512  
 spark.cassandra.output.batch.grouping.buffer.size  1000  
 spark.cassandra.connection.keep_alive_ms  600000000  


Se você estiver usando o Spark 3.x, não precisará instalar o auxiliar e a fábrica de conexões do Azure Cosmos DB. Você também deve usar remoteConnectionsPerExecutor em vez do connections_per_executor_max conector Spark 3 (veja acima).


Os exemplos do Spark 3 mostrados neste artigo foram testados com o Spark versão 3.2.1 e o correspondente Cassandra Spark Connector com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector-assembly_2.12:3.2.0. Versões posteriores do Spark e/ou do conector Cassandra podem não funcionar como esperado.

Gerador de dados de amostra

Usaremos este fragmento de código para gerar dados de exemplo:

import org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra._
//Spark connector
import com.datastax.spark.connector._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector

//if using Spark 2.x, CosmosDB library for multiple retry

//Create dataframe
val booksDF = Seq(
   ("b00001", "Arthur Conan Doyle", "A study in scarlet", 1887,11.33),
   ("b00023", "Arthur Conan Doyle", "A sign of four", 1890,22.45),
   ("b01001", "Arthur Conan Doyle", "The adventures of Sherlock Holmes", 1892,19.83),
   ("b00501", "Arthur Conan Doyle", "The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes", 1893,14.22),
   ("b00300", "Arthur Conan Doyle", "The hounds of Baskerville", 1901,12.25)
).toDF("book_id", "book_author", "book_name", "book_pub_year","book_price")

  .options(Map( "table" -> "books", "keyspace" -> "books_ks", "output.consistency.level" -> "ALL", "ttl" -> "10000000"))

API DataFrame

Excluir linhas que correspondem a uma condição

//1) Create dataframe
val deleteBooksDF = spark
  .options(Map( "table" -> "books", "keyspace" -> "books_ks"))
  .filter("book_id = 'b01001'")

//2) Review execution plan

//3) Review table data before execution
println("1) Before")

//4) Delete selected records in dataframe
println("2a) Starting delete")

//Reuse connection for each partition
val cdbConnector = CassandraConnector(sc)
deleteBooksDF.foreachPartition((partition: Iterator[Row]) => {
  cdbConnector.withSessionDo(session =>
    partition.foreach{ book => 
        val delete = s"DELETE FROM books_ks.books where book_id='"+book.getString(0) +"';"

println("2b) Completed delete")

//5) Review table data after delete operation
println("3) After")

  .options(Map( "table" -> "books", "keyspace" -> "books_ks"))


== Physical Plan ==
*(1) Filter (isnotnull(book_pub_year#486) && (book_pub_year#486 = 1887))
+- *(1) Scan org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.CassandraSourceRelation@197cfae4 [book_id#482,book_author#483,book_name#484,book_price#485,book_pub_year#486] 
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(book_pub_year), EqualTo(book_pub_year,1887)], 
ReadSchema: struct<book_id:string,book_author:string,book_name:string,book_price:float,book_pub_year:int>
1) Before
|book_id|       book_author|         book_name|book_price|book_pub_year|
| b00001|Arthur Conan Doyle|A study in scarlet|     11.33|         1887|

2a) Starting delete
2b) Completed delete
3) After
|book_id|       book_author|           book_name|book_price|book_pub_year|
| b00300|Arthur Conan Doyle|The hounds of Bas...|     12.25|         1901|
| b03999|Arthur Conan Doyle|The adventure of ...|      null|         1892|
| b00023|Arthur Conan Doyle|      A sign of four|     22.45|         1890|
| b00501|Arthur Conan Doyle|The memoirs of Sh...|     14.22|         1893|
| b01001|Arthur Conan Doyle|The adventures of...|     19.83|         1892|
| b02999|Arthur Conan Doyle|  A case of identity|      15.0|         1891|

deleteBooksDF: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = [book_id: string, book_author: string ... 3 more fields]
cdbConnector: com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector = com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector@187deb43

Excluir todas as linhas da tabela

//1) Create dataframe
val deleteBooksDF = spark
  .options(Map( "table" -> "books", "keyspace" -> "books_ks"))

//2) Review execution plan

//3) Review table data before execution
println("1) Before")

//4) Delete selected records in dataframe
println("2a) Starting delete")

//Reuse connection for each partition
val cdbConnector = CassandraConnector(sc)
deleteBooksDF.foreachPartition((partition: Iterator[Row]) => {
  cdbConnector.withSessionDo(session =>
    partition.foreach{ book => 
        val delete = s"DELETE FROM books_ks.books where book_id='"+book.getString(0) +"';"

println("2b) Completed delete")

//5) Review table data after delete operation
println("3) After")

  .options(Map( "table" -> "books", "keyspace" -> "books_ks"))


== Physical Plan ==
*(1) Scan org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.CassandraSourceRelation@495377d7 [book_id#565,book_author#566,book_name#567,book_price#568,book_pub_year#569] 
PushedFilters: [], 
ReadSchema: struct<book_id:string,book_author:string,book_name:string,book_price:float,book_pub_year:int>
1) Before
|book_id|       book_author|           book_name|book_price|book_pub_year|
| b00300|Arthur Conan Doyle|The hounds of Bas...|     12.25|         1901|
| b03999|Arthur Conan Doyle|The adventure of ...|      null|         1892|
| b00023|Arthur Conan Doyle|      A sign of four|     22.45|         1890|
| b00501|Arthur Conan Doyle|The memoirs of Sh...|     14.22|         1893|
| b01001|Arthur Conan Doyle|The adventures of...|     19.83|         1892|
| b02999|Arthur Conan Doyle|  A case of identity|      15.0|         1891|

2a) Starting delete
2b) Completed delete
3) After


Excluir todas as linhas da tabela

//1) Create RDD with all rows
val deleteBooksRDD = 
    sc.cassandraTable("books_ks", "books")

//2) Review table data before execution
println("1) Before")

//3) Delete selected records in dataframe
println("2a) Starting delete")

/* Option 1: 
// Not supported currently
sc.cassandraTable("books_ks", "books")
  .where("book_pub_year = 1891")
  .deleteFromCassandra("books_ks", "books")

//Option 2: CassandraConnector and CQL
//Reuse connection for each partition
val cdbConnector = CassandraConnector(sc)
deleteBooksRDD.foreachPartition(partition => {
    cdbConnector.withSessionDo(session =>
    partition.foreach{book => 
        val delete = s"DELETE FROM books_ks.books where book_id='"+ book.getString(0) +"';"

println("Completed delete")

println("2b) Completed delete")

//5) Review table data after delete operation
println("3) After")
sc.cassandraTable("books_ks", "books").collect.foreach(println)


1) Before
CassandraRow{book_id: b00300, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: The hounds of Baskerville, book_price: 12.25, book_pub_year: 1901}
CassandraRow{book_id: b00001, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: A study in scarlet, book_price: 11.33, book_pub_year: 1887}
CassandraRow{book_id: b00023, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: A sign of four, book_price: 22.45, book_pub_year: 1890}
CassandraRow{book_id: b00501, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, book_price: 14.22, book_pub_year: 1893}
CassandraRow{book_id: b01001, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: The adventures of Sherlock Holmes, book_price: 19.83, book_pub_year: 1892}
2a) Starting delete
Completed delete
2b) Completed delete
3) After
deleteBooksRDD: com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.CassandraTableScanRDD[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = CassandraTableScanRDD[126] at RDD at CassandraRDD.scala:19
cdbConnector: com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector = com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector@317927

Excluir colunas específicas

//1) Create RDD 
val deleteBooksRDD = 
    sc.cassandraTable("books_ks", "books")

//2) Review table data before execution
println("1) Before")

//3) Delete specific column values
println("2a) Starting delete of book price")

sc.cassandraTable("books_ks", "books")
  .deleteFromCassandra("books_ks", "books",SomeColumns("book_price"))

println("Completed delete")

println("2b) Completed delete")

//5) Review table data after delete operation
println("3) After")
sc.cassandraTable("books_ks", "books").take(4).foreach(println)


1) Before
CassandraRow{book_id: b00300, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: The hounds of Baskerville, book_price: 20.0, book_pub_year: 1901}
CassandraRow{book_id: b00001, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: A study in scarlet, book_price: 23.0, book_pub_year: 1887}
CassandraRow{book_id: b00023, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: A sign of four, book_price: 11.0, book_pub_year: 1890}
CassandraRow{book_id: b00501, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, book_price: 5.0, book_pub_year: 1893}
CassandraRow{book_id: b01001, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: The adventures of Sherlock Holmes, book_price: 10.0, book_pub_year: 1892}
2a) Starting delete of book price
Completed delete
2b) Completed delete
3) After
CassandraRow{book_id: b00300, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: The hounds of Baskerville, book_price: null, book_pub_year: 1901}
CassandraRow{book_id: b00001, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: A study in scarlet, book_price: null, book_pub_year: 1887}
CassandraRow{book_id: b00023, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: A sign of four, book_price: null, book_pub_year: 1890}
CassandraRow{book_id: b00501, book_author: Arthur Conan Doyle, book_name: The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, book_price: null, book_pub_year: 1893}
deleteBooksRDD: com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.CassandraTableScanRDD[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] = CassandraTableScanRDD[145] at RDD at CassandraRDD.scala:19

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