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Entrega segura do WebHook com o Aplicativo Microsoft Entra na Grade de Eventos do Azure

Esse script fornece a configuração para entregar eventos a pontos de extremidade HTTPS protegidos pelo Aplicativo Microsoft Entra usando a Grade de Eventos do Azure.

Aqui estão as etapas de alto nível do script:

  1. Crie uma entidade de serviço para Microsoft.EventGrid se ela ainda não existir.
  2. Crie uma função chamada AzureEventGridSecureWebhookSubscriber no aplicativo Microsoft Entra para seu Webhook.
  3. Crie uma entidade de serviço para o aplicativo gravador de assinatura de eventos, se ele ainda não existir.
  4. Adicionar entidade de serviço do escritor de assinatura de eventos Microsoft Entra app à função AzureEventGridSecureWebhookSubscriber
  5. Adicione também a entidade de serviço de Microsoft.EventGrid à função AzureEventGridSecureWebhookSubscriber

Obter a ID do aplicativo Microsoft.EventGrid

  1. Navegue para o portal do Azure.

  2. Na barra de pesquisa, digite Microsoft.EventGride selecione Microsoft.EventGrid (Service Principal) na lista suspensa.

    Captura de tela que mostra a seleção da Grade de Eventos da Microsoft na lista suspensa.

  3. Na página Microsoft.EventGrid, anote ou copie a ID do aplicativo para a área de transferência.

  4. No script a seguir, defina a $eventGridAppId variável para esse valor antes de executá-la.

Script de exemplo - estável

# NOTE: Before run this script ensure you are logged in Azure by using "az login" command.

$webhookAppObjectId = "[REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_ID]"
$eventSubscriptionWriterAppId = "[REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_ID]"

# Start execution
try {

    # Creates an application role of given name and description

    Function CreateAppRole([string] $Name, [string] $Description)
        $appRole = New-Object Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphAppRole
        $appRole.AllowedMemberTypes = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
        $appRole.AllowedMemberTypes += "Application";
        $appRole.AllowedMemberTypes += "User";
        $appRole.DisplayName = $Name
        $appRole.Id = New-Guid
        $appRole.IsEnabled = $true
        $appRole.Description = $Description
        $appRole.Value = $Name;

        return $appRole

    # Creates Azure Event Grid Microsoft Entra Application if not exists
    # You don't need to modify this id
    # But Azure Event Grid Entra Application Id is different for different clouds

    $eventGridSP = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter ("appId eq '" + $eventGridAppId + "'")
    if ($eventGridSP.DisplayName -match "Microsoft.EventGrid")
        Write-Host "The Event Grid Microsoft Entra Application is already defined.`n"
    } else {
        Write-Host "Creating the Azure Event Grid Microsoft Entra Application"
        $eventGridSP = New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId $eventGridAppId

    # Creates the Azure app role for the webhook Microsoft Entra application
    $eventGridRoleName = "AzureEventGridSecureWebhookSubscriber" # You don't need to modify this role name
    $app = Get-MgApplication -ObjectId $webhookAppObjectId
    $appRoles = $app.AppRoles

    Write-Host "Microsoft Entra App roles before addition of the new role..."
    Write-Host $appRoles.DisplayName
    if ($appRoles.DisplayName -match $eventGridRoleName)
        Write-Host "The Azure Event Grid role is already defined.`n"
    } else {      
        Write-Host "Creating the Azure Event Grid role in Microsoft Entra Application: " $webhookAppObjectId
        $newRole = CreateAppRole -Name $eventGridRoleName -Description "Azure Event Grid Role"
        $appRoles += $newRole
        Update-MgApplication -ApplicationId $webhookAppObjectId -AppRoles $appRoles

    Write-Host "Microsoft Entra App roles after addition of the new role..."
    Write-Host $appRoles.DisplayName

    # Creates the user role assignment for the app that will create event subscription

    $servicePrincipal = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter ("appId eq '" + $app.AppId + "'")
    $eventSubscriptionWriterSP = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter ("appId eq '" + $eventSubscriptionWriterAppId + "'")

    if ($null -eq $eventSubscriptionWriterSP)
        Write-Host "Create new Microsoft Entra Application"
        $eventSubscriptionWriterSP = New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId $eventSubscriptionWriterAppId

        Write-Host "Creating the Microsoft Entra Application role assignment: " $eventSubscriptionWriterAppId
        $eventGridAppRole = $app.AppRoles | Where-Object -Property "DisplayName" -eq -Value $eventGridRoleName
        New-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $eventSubscriptionWriterSP.Id -PrincipalId $eventSubscriptionWriterSP.Id -ResourceId $servicePrincipal.Id -AppRoleId $eventGridAppRole.Id 
        if( $_.Exception.Message -like '*Permission being assigned already exists on the object*')
            Write-Host "The Microsoft Entra Application role is already defined.`n"
            Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

    # Creates the service app role assignment for Event Grid Microsoft Entra Application

    $eventGridAppRole = $app.AppRoles | Where-Object -Property "DisplayName" -eq -Value $eventGridRoleName
    New-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $eventGridSP.Id -PrincipalId $eventGridSP.Id -ResourceId $servicePrincipal.Id -AppRoleId $eventGridAppRole.Id 
    # Print output references for backup

    Write-Host ">> Webhook's Microsoft Entra Application Id: $($app.AppId)"
    Write-Host ">> Webhook's Microsoft Entra Application ObjectId Id: $($app.ObjectId)"
catch {
  Write-Host ">> Exception:"
  Write-Host $_
  Write-Host ">> StackTrace:"  
  Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace

Explicação do script

Para obter mais informações, consulte Entrega segura do WebHook com ID do Microsoft Entra na Grade de Eventos do Azure.