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Message Schemas for Business Service Operations

A Siebel business service is a collection of business methods that can be directly invoked on a Siebel system. The Siebel adapter surfaces the business methods of a Siebel business service as operations.

Message Schemas for Siebel Business Service Method Operations

The following table shows the message schemas for Siebel business service method operations surfaced by the Siebel adapter.

Operation XML Structure Description
[Business_Service_METHOD_NAME] Business Service Method Request message:

<[METHOD_NAME] xmlns="[VERSION]/BusinessServices/[Business Service]/Operation"> <[METHOD_NAME]RequestRecord> <[I_PRM1_NAME]>value1</[I_PRM1_NAME]> <[I_PRM2_NAME]>value2</[I_PRM2_NAME]> … </[METHOD_NAME]RequestRecord> <[METHOD_NAME]InOutRecord> <[IO_PRM1_NAME]>value1</[IO_PRM1_NAME]> <[IO_PRM2_NAME]>value2</[IO_PRM2_NAME]> … </[METHOD_NAME]InOutRecord> </[METHOD_NAME]>

[VERSION] = The message version string; for example, "http://Microsoft.LobServices.Siebel/2007/03".

[Business Service] = The name of business service; for example, ExtractDataService.

[METHOD_NAME] = The name of the business service method; for example, ExecuteNext.

[I_PRM_NAME] = Names of IN parameters.

[IO_PRM_NAME] = Names of IN OUT parameters.

Business Service Method Response message:

<[METHOD_NAME]Response xmlns="[VERSION]/BusinessServices/[Business Service]/Operation"> <[METHOD_NAME]Result> <[O_PRM1_NAME]>value1</[O_PRM1_NAME]> <[O_PRM2_NAME]>value2</[O_PRM2_NAME]> … </[METHOD_NAME]Result> <[METHOD_NAME]InOutRecord> <[IO_PRM1_NAME]>value1</[IO_PRM1_NAME]> <[IO_PRM2_NAME]>value2</[IO_PRM2_NAME]> … </[METHOD_NAME]InOutRecord > </[METHOD_NAME]Response>

[VERSION] = The message version string; for example, "http://Microsoft.LobServices.Siebel/2007/03".

[Business Service] = Name of business service; for example, ExtractDataService.

[METHOD_NAME] = Name of the business service method; for example, ExecuteNext.

[O_PRM_NAME] = Names of OUT parameters.

[IO_PRM_NAME] = Names of INOUT parameters.

Important: The IN OUT and OUT parameters are always marked as optional in the metadata, even if they required by the Siebel system. So, if a parameter is marked as optional in the metadata but required by the Siebel system, the adapter throws the TargetSystemException as received from Siebel and not the XmlReaderParsingException.
The Siebel business service method is surfaced as an operation name.

- IN, IN OUT and OUT parameters are supported.

- Hierarchical types are surfaced as strings. The Siebel adapter does not validate the values passed for these strings. If these values do not conform to the schemas expected by the Siebel system, a run-time exception will be generated.

Message Actions for Siebel Business Service Method Operations

The following table shows how the SOAP action for a Siebel Business Service method is formed. Only the action for the request message is shown, the action for the response message is formed by appending "/response" to the request message action; for example, "[VERSION]/BusinessServices/ExtractDataService/ExecuteNext/response".

Operation Action Description
[Business_Service_METHOD_NAME] [VERSION]/BusinessServices/[Business Service]/[Business_Service_METHOD_NAME] [VERSION]/BusinessServices/ExtractDataService/ExecuteNext

[VERSION] = The message version string; for example, "http://Microsoft.LobServices.Siebel/2007/03".

[Business Service] = The name of business service; for example, ExtractDataService.

[Business_Service_METHOD_NAME] = The name of the business service method; for example, ExecuteNext.

You must explicitly specify the message action when you consume the Siebel adapter in a BizTalk Server solution or by using the WCF channel model. For more information, see Develop your Siebel applications.

Siebel Business Service WCF Client Methods

The following table shows the WCF service model method signature that is generated by the Add Adapter Service Reference Visual Studio Plug-in for Siebel business services methods.

Operation WCF Service Model Method
[Business_Service_METHOD_NAME] [Business_Service_METHOD_NAME]ResponseRecord client.[Business_Service_METHOD_NAME]([Business_Service_METHOD_NAME]RequestRecord);

[Business_Service_METHOD_NAME] = Business service method name; for example, ExecuteNext.

See Also

Messages and Message Schemas for BizTalk Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications