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Configuring Global or Fallback Agreement Properties

BizTalk Server uses fallback agreement properties to process a message when it does not discover an agreement to resolve to for an interchange. Fallback agreement properties are not used when the agreement is known, and do not apply to any or all agreements.

When BizTalk Server receives a message, it attempts to match the sender information for an agreement with the sender information in the message. The sender information is in the ISA5 and ISA6 data elements for X12 message, and the UNB2.1 and UNB 2.2 data elements for EDIFACT. The agreement information is in the Identifier tabs in the one-way agreement tab of the Agreement Properties dialog box. If BizTalk Server does not discover the agreement, BizTalk Server uses the fallback agreement properties to determine the namespace, process the message, and send any acknowledgments.

When BizTalk Server sends a message, the EDI send pipeline determines the agreement that the message resolves to by matching the send port that subscribes to the XML message in the MessageBox, with the send port associated with the agreement. If the send port is not associated with an agreement, BizTalk Server uses the fallback agreement properties to process the message for sending.


Send port association is only one way of doing agreement resolution. For more information about agreement resolution for outgoing messages, see Agreement Resolution and Schema Determination for Outgoing EDI Messages.

In This Section

See Also

The Role of Agreements in EDI Processing