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Related Documents

The Related Documents area of the query results detail displays a list of documents that are reference documents that relate to the activity. The documents can be of any type, including a CAD image, a .WAV file, or a purchase order. For example, a Purchase Order activity will typically have a Purchase Order as a base document type. The list will contain a link to the purchase order.

Adding document references

The list of related documents is generated in one of two ways:

  • When you develop your tracking profile you include a Document Reference URL node in the activity tree and then map it from a source containing a reference pointer to the physical document.

  • Your integration developer programmatically populates the list by calling your custom application.

    Defining the document reference using either of these methods adds a row in the <activityname>_References table with the document location.

    If neither of these tasks has been performed, the Related Document area is blank.

See Also

Tracking Profile Editor