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DPIRD Weather - West Australia (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

Comprehensive data from over 185 weather stations throughout Western Australia, as well as data from other third party weather stations.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Paul Culmsee
Connector Metadata
Publisher Paul Culmsee
Privacy Policy
Categories Business Intelligence; Data

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
API Key securestring The API Key for this api True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Get Single Weather Station

Get the metadata for a specific station

Get Single Weather Station 15min Summary

Returns a set of quarter-hourly summaries for a specific station. Note that the 30min summary is only available from the beginning of the previous year to the current date.

Get Single Weather Station 30min Summary

Returns a set of half-hourly summaries for a specific station. Note that the 15min summary is only available from the beginning of the previous year to the current date.

Get Single Weather Station Availability

Get Single Weather Station Availability

Get Single Weather Station Bulletins

Returns daily 9am bulletins for a station. The daily 9am bulletin is a summary where every field has been summarized over the 24 hour period to 9am.

Get Single Weather Station Daily Summary

Returns a set of daily summaries for a specific station. The 24 hour period each field is summarized over varies between 24 hours to 9am (eg rainfall, minimum temperature), 24 hours from 9am (eg maximum temperature) and 24 hours from 12am (eg wind, solar).

Get Single Weather Station Hourly Summary

Returns a set of hourly summaries for a specific station.

Get Single Weather Station Latest Data

Get the latest data for a station.

Get Single Weather Station Minute Data

Returns minute recordings for a station over a maximum 24 hour period.

Get Single Weather Station Monthly Summary

Returns a set of monthly summaries for a specific station. The monthly period each field is summarized over is a monthly composite of the same 24 hour period used by the field in the daily summary. For example, rainfall, which uses the 24 hours to 9am daily period starts at 9am on the last day of the previous month and concludes at 9am on the last day of the month.

Get Single Weather Station Rainfall

Get the rainfall weather station has received over various time periods up to the current time.

Get Single Weather Station Yearly Summary

Returns a set of yearly summaries for a specific station. The yearly period each field is summarized over is a yearly composite of the same 24 hour period used by the field in the daily summary. For example, rainfall, which uses the 24 hours to 9am daily period starts at 9am on the last day of the previous year and concludes at 9am on the last day of the year.

Get Weather Stations

Returns a list of stations and their metadata.

Get Weather Stations 15min Summary

Returns a set of quarter-hourly summaries for a list of stations. Note that the 15min summary is only available from the beginning of the previous year to the current date.

Get Weather Stations 15min Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of quarter-hourly time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts. Note that the 15min summary is only available from the beginning of the previous year to the current date.

Get Weather Stations 30min Summary

Returns a set of half-hourly summaries for a list of stations. Note that the 30min summary is only available from the beginning of the previous year to the current date.

Get Weather Stations 30min Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of half-hourly time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts.

Get Weather Stations Availability

Gets the availability metadata for weather stations

Get Weather Stations Bulletins

Returns daily 9am bulletins for a list of stations. The daily 9am bulletin is a summary where every field has been summarized over the 24 hour period to 9am.

Get Weather Stations Daily Summary

Returns a set of daily summaries for a list of stations. The 24 hour period each field is summarized over varies between 24 hours to 9am (eg rainfall, minimum temperature), 24 hours from 9am (eg maximum temperature) and 24 hours from 12am (eg wind, solar)

Get Weather Stations Daily Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of daily time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts.

Get Weather Stations Extreme Conditions

Get the amount of time weather stations have had extreme conditions for, over various time periods. The extreme conditions indicated are: frost conditions - where temperature is less than or equal to 2°C; heat conditions - where temperature is greater than or equal to 30°C; and erosion conditions - where wind is greater than or equal to 28.8km/h.

Get Weather Stations Extreme Events

Find extreme values for weather stations.

Get Weather Stations Hourly Summary

Returns a set of hourly summaries for a list of stations.

Get Weather Stations Hourly Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of hourly time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts.

Get Weather Stations Latest Data

Get the latest data for a series of stations. Returns all active stations by default.

Get Weather Stations Monthly Summary

Returns a set of monthly summaries for a list of stations. The monthly period each field is summarized over is a monthly composite of the same 24 hour period used by the field in the daily summary. For example, rainfall, which uses the 24 hours to 9am daily period starts at 9am on the last day of the previous month and concludes at 9am on the last day of the month.

Get Weather Stations Monthly Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of monthly time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts.

Get Weather Stations Nearby

Returns a list of nearby stations, sorted by distance. Use paging to control the number of stations returned. Returns 5 stations by default. Sorted by distance from location ascending.

Get Weather Stations Rainfall

Get the rainfall weather stations have received over various time periods up to the current time.

Get Weather Stations Yearly Summary

Returns a set of annual summaries for a list of stations. The yearly period each field is summarized over is a yearly composite of the same 24 hour period used by the field in the daily summary. For example, rainfall, which uses the 24 hours to 9am daily period starts at 9am on the last day of the previous year and concludes at 9am on the last day of the year.

Get Weather Stations Yearly Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of yearly time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts.

Get Single Weather Station

Get the metadata for a specific station


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

data stationModel

Get Single Weather Station 15min Summary

Returns a set of quarter-hourly summaries for a specific station. Note that the 30min summary is only available from the beginning of the previous year to the current date.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Start Date
startDateTime True string

The start of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDateTime True string

The end of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Single Weather Station 30min Summary

Returns a set of half-hourly summaries for a specific station. Note that the 15min summary is only available from the beginning of the previous year to the current date.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Start Date
startDateTime True string

The start of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDateTime True string

The end of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Single Weather Station Availability

Get Single Weather Station Availability


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Start Date
startDate string

The start date for a custom availability period (YYY-MM-DD). Must be sent along with end date.

End Date
endDate date

The end date for a custom availability period (YYY-MM-DD). Must be sent along with start date.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Name Path Type Description
metadata.status integer


metadata.links linksModel

A series of links related to the endpoint.

metadata.collection paginationModel

Pagination details

data stationAvailabilitySummaryModel

Get Single Weather Station Bulletins

Returns daily 9am bulletins for a station. The daily 9am bulletin is a summary where every field has been summarized over the 24 hour period to 9am.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDate True date

The start of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDate True date

The end of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

data stationBulletinsModel

Get Single Weather Station Daily Summary

Returns a set of daily summaries for a specific station. The 24 hour period each field is summarized over varies between 24 hours to 9am (eg rainfall, minimum temperature), 24 hours from 9am (eg maximum temperature) and 24 hours from 12am (eg wind, solar).


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Start Date
startDate True date

The start of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDate True date

The end of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Single Weather Station Hourly Summary

Returns a set of hourly summaries for a specific station.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Start Date
startDateTime True string

The start of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDateTime True string

The end of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Single Weather Station Latest Data

Get the latest data for a station.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

data stationLatestDataModel

Get Single Weather Station Minute Data

Returns minute recordings for a station over a maximum 24 hour period.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Start Date/Time
startDateTime True string

Start of date range to return recordings inclusive of. The date range must not be more than 24 hours.

End Date/Time
endDateTime True string

End of date range to return recordings inclusive of. The date range must not be more than 24 hours.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

collection array of singleStationDataModel


Get Single Weather Station Monthly Summary

Returns a set of monthly summaries for a specific station. The monthly period each field is summarized over is a monthly composite of the same 24 hour period used by the field in the daily summary. For example, rainfall, which uses the 24 hours to 9am daily period starts at 9am on the last day of the previous month and concludes at 9am on the last day of the month.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Start Date
startDate True date

The start of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDate True date

The end of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Single Weather Station Rainfall

Get the rainfall weather station has received over various time periods up to the current time.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Start Date
startDate True date

The start of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDate True date

The end of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

collection array of stationRainfallModel


Get Single Weather Station Yearly Summary

Returns a set of yearly summaries for a specific station. The yearly period each field is summarized over is a yearly composite of the same 24 hour period used by the field in the daily summary. For example, rainfall, which uses the 24 hours to 9am daily period starts at 9am on the last day of the previous year and concludes at 9am on the last day of the year.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
stationCode True string

A single case-sensitive station code.

Start Date
startDate True date

The start of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDate True date

The end of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations

Returns a list of stations and their metadata.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

collection array of stationModel

Collection of Stations

Get Weather Stations 15min Summary

Returns a set of quarter-hourly summaries for a list of stations. Note that the 15min summary is only available from the beginning of the previous year to the current date.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDateTime True string

The start of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDateTime True string

The end of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations 15min Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of quarter-hourly time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts. Note that the 15min summary is only available from the beginning of the previous year to the current date.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDateTime True string

The start of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDateTime True string

The end of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations 30min Summary

Returns a set of half-hourly summaries for a list of stations. Note that the 30min summary is only available from the beginning of the previous year to the current date.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDateTime True string

The start of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDateTime True string

The end of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations 30min Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of half-hourly time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDateTime True string

The start of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDateTime True string

The end of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations Availability

Gets the availability metadata for weather stations


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Start Date
startDate string

The start date for a custom availability period. Must be sent along with end date.

End Date
endDate date

The end date for a custom availability period. Must be sent along with start date.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

collection array of stationAvailabilitySummaryModel

Collection of Stations

Get Weather Stations Bulletins

Returns daily 9am bulletins for a list of stations. The daily 9am bulletin is a summary where every field has been summarized over the 24 hour period to 9am.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDate True date

The start of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDate True date

The end of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

collection array of stationBulletinsModel

Collection of Station Bulletins

Get Weather Stations Daily Summary

Returns a set of daily summaries for a list of stations. The 24 hour period each field is summarized over varies between 24 hours to 9am (eg rainfall, minimum temperature), 24 hours from 9am (eg maximum temperature) and 24 hours from 12am (eg wind, solar)


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDate True date

The start of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDate True date

The end of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations Daily Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of daily time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDate True date

The start of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDate True date

The end of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations Extreme Conditions

Get the amount of time weather stations have had extreme conditions for, over various time periods. The extreme conditions indicated are: frost conditions - where temperature is less than or equal to 2°C; heat conditions - where temperature is greater than or equal to 30°C; and erosion conditions - where wind is greater than or equal to 28.8km/h.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

collection stationExtremeConditionModel


Get Weather Stations Extreme Events

Find extreme values for weather stations.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

operator True string

Return values greater than or less than the supplied value

Threshold to search for
threshold True integer

The extrema value to search greater or less than for.

Weather station property
property True string

The weather station property to search on

Start Date
startDateTime True string

The start of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDateTime True string

The end of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range

The interval of data to use.
interval string

The interval of data to use. Uses minute data by default. Larger intervals will use summary data

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

data stationExtremeEventModel


Get Weather Stations Hourly Summary

Returns a set of hourly summaries for a list of stations.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDateTime True string

The start of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDateTime True string

The end of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations Hourly Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of hourly time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDateTime True string

The start of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDateTime True string

The end of the range to return summaries for, in ISO8601 format. Will return data inclusive of this range

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations Latest Data

Get the latest data for a series of stations. Returns all active stations by default.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

collection array of stationLatestDataModel


Get Weather Stations Monthly Summary

Returns a set of monthly summaries for a list of stations. The monthly period each field is summarized over is a monthly composite of the same 24 hour period used by the field in the daily summary. For example, rainfall, which uses the 24 hours to 9am daily period starts at 9am on the last day of the previous month and concludes at 9am on the last day of the month.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Month
startMonth True string

The start of the range to return summaries for (eg 2022-01). Will return data inclusive of this range

End Month
endMonth True string

The end of the range to return summaries for (eg 2022-01). Will return data inclusive of this range

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations Monthly Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of monthly time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Month
startMonth True string

The start of the range to return summaries for (eg 2022-01). Will return data inclusive of this range

End Month
endMonth True string

The end of the range to return summaries for (eg 2022-01). Will return data inclusive of this range

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations Nearby

Returns a list of nearby stations, sorted by distance. Use paging to control the number of stations returned. Returns 5 stations by default. Sorted by distance from location ascending.


Name Key Required Type Description
latitude True number

The latitude to search by in decimal degrees.

longitude True number

The longitude to search by in decimal degrees.

Search Radius
radius integer

Only look for stations within this kilometer range. Defaults to 100km.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.


Get Weather Stations Rainfall

Get the rainfall weather stations have received over various time periods up to the current time.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Date
startDate True date

The start of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Date
endDate True date

The end of the range to return summaries for. Will return data inclusive of this range.

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

collection array of stationRainfallModel


Get Weather Stations Yearly Summary

Returns a set of annual summaries for a list of stations. The yearly period each field is summarized over is a yearly composite of the same 24 hour period used by the field in the daily summary. For example, rainfall, which uses the 24 hours to 9am daily period starts at 9am on the last day of the previous year and concludes at 9am on the last day of the year.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Year
startYear True string

The start of the range to return summaries for (eg 2021). Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Year
endYear True string

The end of the range to return summaries for (eg 2021). Will return data inclusive of this range.

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.


Get Weather Stations Yearly Summary Timeseries

Returns a set of yearly time-series summaries for a list of stations. Useful for charts.


Name Key Required Type Description
Start Year
startYear True string

The start of the range to return summaries for (eg 2021). Will return data inclusive of this range.

End Year
endYear True string

The end of the range to return summaries for (eg 2021). Will return data inclusive of this range.

Station Codes
stationCode string

A comma separated list of case-sensitive station codes. Limits the stations which will be returned.

Query Offset
offset integer

The pagination offset parameter specifies the first entry to return from a collection.

Number of records to retrieve
limit integer

The pagination limit parameter restricts the number of entries returned.

Fields to sort by
sort string

A comma separated list of fields to sort by. Defaults to ascending. Prepend '-' for descending. For wind fields you can only sort or select by the lowest sensor.

Station group
group string

Filter the stations to a predefined group. These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web' returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns stations with scientifically complete datasets.

Include Closed Stations
includeClosed boolean

Include Open and Closed Stations (defaults to false)

Fields to Include
select string

A comma separated list of fields to include in the result. Note that this will not include station codes or names unless explicitly included.




A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

Name Path Type Description
status integer


links linksModel

A series of links related to the endpoint.

collection paginationModel

Pagination details


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

collection array of object


collection.stationCode string

The unique identifier for a station. Case sensitive.

collection.stationName string

The human readable name of the weather station.

collection.summaries array of stationSummaryModel


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

collection array of stationTimeSeriesModel



Name Path Type Description
stationCode string

The unique identifier for a station. Case sensitive.

stationName string

The human readable name of the weather station.

panEvaporation array of

Class A pan evaporation value calculated using the Penman-Monteith formulation. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

richardsonUnits array of

The accumulated richardson chill units. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

chillHours array of

The number of hours that were measured below 7.2 degrees celsius [°C] . In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

solarExposure array of

The solar exposure for the period in kilojoules per square meters [kJ/m2]. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the solar exposure observed in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

rainfall array of

The total rainfall for the period in millimeters [mm]. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the total rainfall observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

errors array of

Number of errors within the specified period.

period object

The calendar based time-period of the specified interval. For monthly and yearly intervals, standard calendar periods are used for the period bounds rather than the actual summary periods. Please note the actual summary period for monthly and yearly are based on daily summaries, so accordingly the corresponding measurements that are offset from midnight will start at 9am the day before the period or finish at 9am the day after the period.

airTemperature object

The observed air temperature in degrees celsius.

apparentAirTemperature object

The apparent ('feels like') air temperature in degrees celsius.

relativeHumidity object

The observed relative humidity percentage [%].

dewPoint object

The dewpoint observed within the period in degrees celsius.

evapotranspiration object
erosionCondition object

Erosion Condition

soilTemperature object

The soil temperature observed at 4 cm depth within the period in degrees celsius.

deltaT object

The deltaT observed within the period in degrees celsius [°C].

wetBulb object

The wet bulb temperature observed within the period in degrees celsius [°C].

wind array of

The wind observations of one or more wind sensors at various heights.

barometricPressure object

The barometric pressure observed within the period in hectopascals [hPa]

frostCondition object
heatCondition object
battery object
observations object


Name Path Type Description
metadata apiMetaDataModel

A wrapper on all responses providing useful information related to the API call.

data.stationCode string

The unique identifier for a station. Case sensitive.

data.stationName string

The human readable name of the weather station.

data.summaries array of stationSummaryModel



Name Path Type Description
Summary Interval Start
period.from string

The start of the specified interval in UTC

Summary Interval End string

The end of the specified interval in UTC.

Summary Year
period.year integer

This is the year value that the summary relates to.

Summary Month
period.month integer

This is the month value that the summary relates to.

Summary Day integer

This is the day of the month that the summary relates to.

Summary Hour
period.hour integer

This is the 24-hour value that the summary relates to.

Summary Minute
period.minute integer

This is the minute value that the summary data relates to. In case of a 15 minute or 30 minute interval, the minute value will represent the end of the interval.

airTemperature.min float

The minimum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

airTemperature.minTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is date and time the minimum value is observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

airTemperature.max float

The maximum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the maximum value observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

airTemperature.maxTime string

The date and time the maximum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the maximum value is observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

airTemperature.avg float

The average value observed over the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the average value observed in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

apparentAirTemperature.min float

The minimum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

apparentAirTemperature.minTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the minimum value is observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

apparentAirTemperature.max float

The maximum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the maximum value observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

apparentAirTemperature.maxTime string

The date and time the maximum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the maximum value is observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

apparentAirTemperature.avg float

The average value observed over the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the average value observed in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

relativeHumidity.min float

The minimum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

relativeHumidity.minTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the minimum value is observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

relativeHumidity.max float

The maximum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the maximum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

relativeHumidity.maxTime string

The date and time the maximum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the maximum value is observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

relativeHumidity.avg float

The average value observed over the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the average value observed in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

dewPoint.min float

The minimum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

dewPoint.minTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the minimum value is observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

dewPoint.max float

The maximum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the maximum value observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

dewPoint.maxTime string

The date and time the maximum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the maximum value is observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

dewPoint.avg float

The average value observed over the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the average value observed in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

panEvaporation float

Class A pan evaporation value calculated using the Penman-Monteith formulation. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

evapotranspiration.shortCrop float

Short crop evapotranspiration value calculated at 0.12 metres [m] using the FAO56 Penman-Monteith method. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

evapotranspiration.tallCrop float

Tall crop evapotranspiration value calculated at 0.5 metres [m] using the FAO56 Penman-Monteith method. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

richardsonUnits float

The accumulated richardson chill units. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

chillHours integer

The number of hours that were measured below 7.2 degrees celsius. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

solarExposure float

The solar exposure for the period in kilojoules per square meters [kJ/m2]. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the solar exposure observed in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

rainfall float

The total rainfall for the period in millimeters [mm]. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the total rainfall observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

erosionCondition.minutes integer

Number of minutes of wind speed greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] (28.8 [km/h]) measured in the 24 hours from 12am (midnight). Only calculated for stations that have a wind probe at a height that is less than or equal to 3 metres [m] above ground.

erosionCondition.startTime string

This is the first occurrence of erosion conditions during the specified interval.

soilTemperature.min float

The minimum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

soilTemperature.minTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the minimum value is observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

soilTemperature.max float

The maximum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the maximum value observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

soilTemperature.maxTime string

The date and time the maximum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the maximum value is observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

soilTemperature.avg float

The average value observed over the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the average value observed in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

deltaT.min float

The minimum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

deltaT.minTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the minimum value is observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

deltaT.max float

The maximum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the maximum value observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

deltaT.maxTime string

The date and time the maximum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the maximum value is observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

deltaT.avg float

The average value observed over the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the average value observed in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

wetBulb.min float

The minimum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

wetBulb.minTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the minimum value is observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

wetBulb.max float

The maximum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the maximum value observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

wetBulb.maxTime string

The date and time the maximum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the maximum value is observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

wetBulb.avg float

The average value observed over the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the average value observed in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

wind windDataModel

The wind observations of one or more wind sensors at various heights.

barometricPressure string


frostCondition.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature is below 2 degrees celsius in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day. Only calculated for stations that have an air temperature probe at a height that is less than or equal to 3m above ground.

frostCondition.startTime string

This is the first occurrence of a measured air temperature less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day. Only calculated for stations that have an air temperature probe at a height that is less than or equal to 3m above ground.

heatCondition.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature is greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day. Only calculated for stations that have an air temperature probe at a height that is less than or equal to 3 metres [m] above ground.

heatCondition.startTime string

This is the first occurrence of a measured air temperature greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day. Only calculated for stations that have an air temperature probe at a height that is less than or equal to 3 metres [m] above ground.

battery.minVoltage float

The minimum battery voltage observed for the period in Volts [V]. This value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

battery.minVoltageDateTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. This value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

errors integer

Number of errors within the specified period.


Name Path Type Description
dateTime string

The date and time the recording was made by the weather station in UTC format.

airTemperature float

This is the air temperature in degrees celsius at the specified time of recording.

relativeHumidity float

This is the relative humidity percentage [%] at the specified time of recording.

soilTemperature float

This is the soil temperature at a depth of 4 centimeters [cm] in degrees celsius at the specified time of recording. Some stations are not equipped with soil sensors.

solarIrradiance integer

This is the solar irradiance in watt per square meter [W/m2] at the specified time of recording.

rainfall integer

This is the rainfall in [mm] at the specified time of recording.

dewPoint float

This is the dewpoint temperature in degrees celsius at the specified time of recording.

wetBulb float

This is the wet bulb temperature in degrees celsius at the specified time of recording.

wind windDataModel

The wind observations of one or more wind sensors at various heights.


The wind observations of one or more wind sensors at various heights.

Name Path Type Description
height integer

The height of the sensor in meters [m].

avg.speed float

The average wind speed observed over the period measured in kilometers per hour [km/h].

avg.direction.compassPoint string

The average wind direction observed over the period as a compass point.

avg.direction.degrees integer

The average wind direction observed over the period measured in azimuth degrees

max.speed float


max.direction.degrees integer


max.direction.compassPoint string



Name Path Type Description
stationCode string

The unique case-sensitive weather station code.

stationName string

The given name of the weather station.

dateTime string

The date and time of the last recording received from the weather station in UTC format.

airTemperature float

The latest recorded air temperature in degrees celsius

airTemperatureMinLast24Hrs float

Lowest temperature recorded in the last 24 hrs from current time.

airTemperatureMaxLast24Hrs float

Highest temperature recorded in the last 24 hrs from current time.

apparentTemperature float

The latest recorded apparent ('feels like') air temperature in degrees celsius

barometricPressure string

The latest recorded apparent ('feels like') air temperature in degrees celsius.

relativeHumidity float

The latest recorded relative humidity percentage [%].

soilTemperature float

The latest recorded soil temperature at a depth of 4 centimeters [cm] in degrees celsius [°C].

dewPoint float

The latest recorded dewpoint temperature in degrees celsius.

deltaT float

The latest recorded deltaT temperature in degrees celsius.

wetBulb float

This is the wet bulb temperature in degrees celsius at the specified time of recording.

sprayingConditions string

Spraying conditions are based on deltaT. The available values are “unsuitable”, “marginal” and “preferred”. These values are calculated in the following ways: * unsuitable – will be returned when Delta T is below 2 degrees celcius or greater than 10 degrees celcius. * marginal – will be returned when Delta T is between 8 degrees celcius and 10 degrees celcius. * preferred – will be returned when Delta T is between 2 degrees celcius and 8 degrees celcius

solarExposure float

The solar exposure from 12am in kilojoules per square meter [kJ/m2].

solarIrradiance integer

The latest solar irradiance in watt per square meters [W/m2].

wind windDataModel

The wind observations of one or more wind sensors at various heights.

etoShortCrop float

Short crop evapotranspiration from 12am (midnight) calculated using the FAO56 Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration at 0.12 metres [m].

etoTallCrop float

Tall crop evapotranspiration from 12am (midnight) calculated using the FAO56 Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration at 0.5 metres [m].

etoShortCropTo3PM float

Short crop evapotranspiration calculated over the 24 hours to 3pm using the FAO56 Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration at 0.12 metres. The value is not available (returning null) until after 3pm.

etoTallCropTo3PM float

Tall crop evapotranspiration calculated over the 24 hours to 3pm using the FAO56 Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration at 0.5 metres [m]. The value is not available (returning null) until after 3pm.

rainfallSince9AM integer

The total rainfall in millimeters [mm] since 9am

rainfallTo3PM integer

The total rainfall in millimeters [mm] in the 24 hours to 3pm. The value is not available (returning null) until after 3pm.

panEvaporation float

Class A pan evaporation value calculated using the Penman-Monteith formulation. This value is based on the 24 hours to 9am on the specified day.

panEvaporation12AM float

Class A pan evaporation value calculated using the Penman-Monteith formulation. This value is based on the 24 hours from 12am (midnight) on the specified day.

panEvaporationTo3PM float

Class A pan evaporation value calculated using the Penman-Monteith formulation. This value is based on the 24 hours to 3pm on the specified day. The value is not available (returning null) until after 3pm.

erosionConditionSince12AM.minutes integer


erosionConditionSince12AM.startTime string


frostConditionSince9AM.minutes integer


frostConditionSince9AM.startTime string


heatConditionSince12AM.minutes integer


heatConditionSince12AM.startTime string


batteryVoltage float


today integer


errors.last7Days integer




Name Path Type Description
interval string

The interval used to generate the response. Calculated by the length of time between startDateTime and endDateTime

stations array of object


stations.stationCode string

This is the unique case-sensitive weather station code.

stations.stationName string

The weather stations name

stations.latitude float

Latitude of the weather station in decimal degrees, used for displaying on a map.

stations.longitude float

Longitude of the weather station in decimal degrees, used for displaying on a map.

stations.numberOfEvents integer

The number of 'extreme weather' events that exceed the specified threshold value within the specified time range. This number depends on the specified interval, e.g. if the interval is not set, then the number of events implies the number of minutes. If the interval is 'daily' then the number of events implies the number of days.

stations.extremeValue float

The extreme value (lowest or highest – depending on the operator) that was found within the specified range.



Name Path Type Description
stationCode string

The unique case-sensitive weather station code.

stationName string

The given name of the weather station.

latitude float

Latitude of the weather station in decimal degrees, for displaying on a map.

dateTime string

Longitude of the weather station in decimal degrees, for displaying on a map.

Air temp low minutes to 9am
frostCondition.since9AM.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was less than 2 degrees celsius since 9am.

Air temp low start time since 9am
frostCondition.since9AM.startTime string

The date/time of the first occurrence of the air temperature being less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius since 9am.

Air temp low minutes to 9am
frostCondition.to9AM.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was less than 2 degrees celsius in the 24 hours to 9am.

Air temp low start time to 9am
frostCondition.to9AM.startTime string

The date/time of the first occurrence of the air temperature being less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the 24 hours to 9am.

Air temp low minutes last 7d
frostCondition.last7Days.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the last 7 days and the number of days it has occurred on in the period. Includes the current day and the previous 6.

Air temp low days last 7d
frostCondition.last7Days.days integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the last 7 days. Includes the current day and the previous 6.

Air temp low minutes last 14d
frostCondition.last14Days.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the last 14 days. Includes the current day and the previous 13.

Air temp low days last 14d
frostCondition.last14Days.days integer

The number of days the air temperature was less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the last 14 days. Includes the current day and the previous 13.

Air temp low minutes current month
frostCondition.monthToDate.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the current month.

Air temp low start date current month
frostCondition.monthToDate.startTime string

The date/time of the first occurrence of the air temperature being less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the current month.

Air temp low days current month
frostCondition.monthToDate.days integer

The number of days the air temperature was less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the current month.

Air temp low minutes current year
frostCondition.yearToDate.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the current year.

Air temp low start time current year
frostCondition.yearToDate.startTime string

The date/time of the first occurrence of the air temperature being less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the current year.

Air temp low days current year
frostCondition.yearToDate.days integer

The number of days the air temperature was less than or equal to 2 degrees celsius in the current year.

Air temp minutes high since 12am
heatCondition.since12AM.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature has been greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the hours since 12 am.

Air temp high start time since 12am
heatCondition.since12AM.startTime string

The date/time of the first occurrence of the air temperature being greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in since 12 am.

Air temp high minutes last 7 days
heatCondition.last7Days.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the last 7 days. Includes the current day and the previous 6.

Air temp high days last 7 days
heatCondition.last7Days.days integer

The number of days the air temperature greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the last 7 days. Includes the current day and the previous 6.

Air temp high minutes last 14 days
heatCondition.last14Days.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the last 14 days. Includes the current day and the previous 13.

Air temp high days last 14 days
heatCondition.last14Days.days integer

The number of days the air temperature was greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the last 14 days. Includes the current day and the previous 13.

Air temp high minutes current month
heatCondition.monthToDate.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the current month.

Air temp high start time current month
heatCondition.monthToDate.startTime string

The date/time of the first occurrence of the air temperature being greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the current month.

Air temp high minutes current month
heatCondition.monthToDate.days integer

The number of days the air temperature was greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the current month.

Air temp high minutes current year
heatCondition.yearToDate.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the air temperature was greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the current year.

Air temp high start time current year
heatCondition.yearToDate.startTime string

The date/time of the first occurrence of the air temperature being greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the current year.

Air temp high days current year
heatCondition.yearToDate.days integer

The number of days the air temperature was greater than or equal to 30 degrees celsius in the current year.

Wind Speed Minutes since 12am
erosionCondition.since12AM.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the wind speed was greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] since 12am.

Wind Speed Start Time since 12am
erosionCondition.since12AM.startTime string

The date/time of the first occurrence of the wind speed being greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] [°C] since 12am.

Wind Speed Minutes Last 7 Days
erosionCondition.last7Days.minutes integer

The number of minutes the wind speed was greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] in the last 7 days. Includes the current day and the previous 6.

Wind Speed Days Last 7 Days
erosionCondition.last7Days.days integer

The number of days the wind speed was greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] in the last 7 days. Includes the current day and the previous 6.

Wind Speed Minutes Last 14 days
erosionCondition.last14Days.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the wind speed is greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] in the last 14 days. Includes the current day and the previous 13.

Wind Speed Days Last 14 Days
erosionCondition.last14Days.days integer

The number of days the wind speed was greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] in the last 14 days. Includes the current day and the previous 13.

Wind Speed Minutes Current Month
erosionCondition.monthToDate.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the wind speed was greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] in the current month.

Wind Speed Start Time Current Month
erosionCondition.monthToDate.startTime string

The date/time of the first occurrence of the wind speed being greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] in the current month.

Wind Speed Days Current Month
erosionCondition.monthToDate.days integer

The number of days the wind speed was greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] in the current month.

Wind Speed Minutes current year
erosionCondition.yearToDate.minutes integer

The number of minutes that the wind speed was greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] in the current year.

Wind Speed Start Time current year
erosionCondition.yearToDate.startTime string

he date/time of the first occurrence of the wind speed being greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] in the current year.

Wind Speed Days current year
erosionCondition.yearToDate.days integer

The number of days the wind speed was greater than or equal to 8 metres per second [m/s] or 28.8 kilometers per hour [km/h] in the current year.


Name Path Type Description
stationCode string

This is the unique case-sensitive weather station code.

stationName string

This is the given name of the weather station.

latitude float

Latitude of the weather station in decimal degrees, for displaying on a map.

longitude float

Longitude of the weather station in decimal degrees, for displaying on a map.

dateTime string

The date and time of the last recording received from the weather station in UTC format.

rainfall.to9AM float

The last 24 hours of rainfall to 9am.

rainfall.since9AM float

The rainfall recorded since 9am in millimeters [mm].

rainfall.currentHour float

The rainfall recorded since the start of the current hour.

rainfall.last24Hrs float

The rainfall recorded in the previous 24hrs to the current time in millimeters [mm].

rainfall.last7Days float

The rainfall recorded in the last 7 days to the previous 9am in millimeters [mm].

rainfall.last14Days float

The rainfall recorded in the last 14 days to the previous 9am in millimeters [mm].

rainfall.monthToDate float

The amount of rainfall recorded so far this month in millimeters [mm].

rainfall.yearToDate float

The amount of rainfall recorded so far this year since January 1 in millimeters [mm].

rainfall.period float

The cumulative rainfall for the period defined by startDate and endDate.

links linksModel

A series of links related to the endpoint.


Name Path Type Description
stationCode string

The unique identifier for a station. Case sensitive.

stationName string

The human readable name of the weather station.

summaries array of object


summaries.stationCode string

This is the unique case-sensitive weather station code.

summaries.stationName string

This is the given name of the weather station.

summaries.period.from string

The start of the specified interval in UTC. The time returned for the daily interval will be midnight at the start of the calendar day.

to string

The end of the specified interval in UTC. The time returned for the daily will be midnight at the start of the calendar day.

summaries.period.year integer

This is the year value that the summary relates to.

summaries.period.month integer

This is the month value that the summary relates to.

day integer

This is the day of the month that the summary relates to.

summaries.period.hour integer

This is the 24-hour value that the summary relates to.

summaries.period.minute integer

This is the minute value that the summary data relates to. In case of a 15 minute or 30 minute interval, the minute value will represent the end of the interval.

Air Temp Min
summaries.airTemperature.min float

The minimum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

Air Temp Min Time
summaries.airTemperature.minTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is date and time the minimum value is observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

Air Temp Max
summaries.airTemperature.max float

The maximum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the maximum value observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

Air Temp Max Time
summaries.airTemperature.maxTime string

The date and time the maximum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the maximum value is observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

Relative Humidity Min
summaries.relativeHumidity.min float

The minimum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

Relative Humidity Min Time
summaries.relativeHumidity.minTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the minimum value is observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

Relative Humidity Max
summaries.relativeHumidity.max float

The maximum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the maximum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

Relative Humidity Max Time
summaries.relativeHumidity.maxTime string

The date and time the maximum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the maximum value is observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

Soil Temp Min
summaries.soilTemperature.min float

The minimum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the minimum value observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

Soil Temp Min Time
summaries.soilTemperature.minTime string

The date and time the minimum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the minimum value is observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

Soil Temp Max
summaries.soilTemperature.max float

The maximum value observed within the period. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the maximum value observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

Soil Temp Max Time
summaries.soilTemperature.maxTime string

The date and time the maximum value was observed within the period in UTC. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the date and time the maximum value is observed in the 24 hours from 9 am on the specified day.

summaries.wind array of object

The wind observations of one or more wind sensors at various heights.

Sensor Height [m]
summaries.wind.height integer

The height of the sensor in meters [m].

Average Wind Speed
summaries.wind.avg.speed float

The average wind speed observed over the period measured in kilometers per hour [km/h].

Max Wind Speed
summaries.wind.max.speed float

The maximum wind speed observed measured in kilometers per hour [km/h].

Max Wind Speed Time
summaries.wind.max.time string

The date and time in [UTC] format of the maximum wind speed.

Max Speed Wind Direction (deg)
summaries.wind.max.direction.degrees integer

The wind direction of the maximum wind speed observed in azimuth degrees

Max Speed Wind Direction (compass)
summaries.wind.max.direction.compassPoint string

The wind direction of the maximum wind speed observed as a compass point.

summaries.panEvaporation float

Class A pan evaporation value calculated using the Penman-Monteith formulation. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

Short Crop Evapotranspiration
summaries.evapotranspiration.shortCrop float

Short crop evapotranspiration value calculated at 0.12 metres [m] using the FAO56 Penman-Monteith method. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

Tall Crop Evapotranspiration
summaries.evapotranspiration.tallCrop float

Tall crop evapotranspiration value calculated at 0.5 metres [m] using the FAO56 Penman-Monteith method. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is based on the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day

summaries.solarExposure float

The solar exposure for the period in kilojoules per square meters [kJ/m2]. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the solar exposure observed in the 24 hours from 12 am (midnight) on the specified day.

summaries.rainfall float

The total rainfall for the period in millimeters [mm]. In case of a daily summary (interval = 'daily'), this value is the total rainfall observed in the 24 hours to 9 am on the specified day.

summaries.links linksModel

A series of links related to the endpoint.


Name Path Type Description
Station Code
stationCode string

This is the unique case-sensitive weather station code.

Station Name
stationName string

This is the name of the weather station.

Last Recording Date/time
dateTime string

The date time if the last recording received from the weather station in UTC format.

availability stationAvailabilityModel

Various metrics related to the historical availability of a weather station.

links linksModel

A series of links related to the endpoint.


Pagination details

Name Path Type Description
count integer


limit integer


offset integer


links linksModel

A series of links related to the endpoint.


Various metrics related to the historical availability of a weather station.

Name Path Type Description

% observations to 9am (out of the expected number of observations)


% observations since 9am (out of expected number of observations)


% observations since 12am (out of expected number of observations)


% observations in the current hour (out of expected number of observations).


% observations in the last 24 hours to current time (out of expected number of observations).

Since 9am (7 days)

% observations in last 7 days to current time. Made up of the current day since 9am and previous 6 days over the daily 24 hour period since 9am.

Since 12am (7 days)

% observations in last 7 days to current time. Made up of the current day since 12am and previous 6 days over the daily 24 hour period since 12am.

Since 9am (14 days)

% observations in last 14 days to the current time. Made up of the current day since 9am and previous 13 days over the daily 24 hour period since 9am).

Since 12am (14 days)

% observations in last 14 days to current time. Made up of the current day since 12am and previous 13 days over the daily 24 hour period since 12am.

Since 9am (Month to date)

% of observations recorded so far this month based on daily 24 hour period to 9am, including the current incomplete 24 hour period since 9am

Since 12am (Month to date)

% of observations recorded so far this month based on daily 24 hour period to 12am, including the current incomplete 24 hour period since 12am

Since 9am (Year to date)

% of observations recorded so far this year based on the daily 24 hours period to 9am, including the current incomplete 24 hour period since 9am.

Since 12am (Year to date)

% of observations recorded so far this year, based on the daily 24 hour period from 12am, including the current incomplete 24 hour period since 12am.

9AM period

The percentage of observations recorded in the supplied period since 9AM

12AM period

The percentage of observations recorded in the supplied period since 12AM


Name Path Type Description
stationCode string

This is the unique case-sensitive weather station code.

stationName string

This is the given name of the weather station.

latitude float

Latitude of the weather station in decimal degrees, used for displaying on a map.

longitude float

Longitude of the weather station in decimal degrees, used for displaying on a map.

owner string

The owner of the weather station.

ownerCode string

The short identifying code for the station's owner.

altitude integer

Altitude of the weather station measured in meters [m] above sea level.

model string

The model of the weather station.

capabilities.airTemperature boolean

air Temperature

capabilities.batteryVoltage boolean

Battery Voltage

capabilities.deltaT boolean

Delta T

capabilities.dewPoint boolean

Dew Point

capabilities.panEvaporation boolean

Pan Evaporation

capabilities.relativeHumidity boolean

Relative Humidity

capabilities.barometricPressure boolean

Barometric Pressure

capabilities.rainfall boolean


capabilities.soilTemperature boolean

Soil Temperature

capabilities.solarIrradiance boolean

Solar Irradiance

capabilities.wetBulb boolean

Wet Bulb

capabilities.wind1 boolean


capabilities.wind2 boolean


capabilities.wind3 boolean


capabilities.apparentTemperature boolean

Apparent Temperature

capabilities.etoShort boolean

ETo Short

capabilities.etoTall boolean

ETo Tall

capabilities.frostCondition boolean

Frost Condition

capabilities.heatCondition boolean

Heat Condition

capabilities.windErosionCondition boolean

Wind Erosion Condition

capabilities.richardsonUnit boolean

Richardson Unit

capabilities.chillHour boolean

Chill Hour

startDate string

The commissioning date of the weather station.

endDate string

The decommissioning date of the weather station.

online boolean

Indicates that a weather station is online or has been manually taken offline due to malfunction or communication error.

probeHeight float

Probe height for temperature and humidity gauge measured in meters [m] above ground level

rainGaugeHeight float

Height of the rain gauge measured in meters [m] above ground level.

windProbeHeights array of integer

A list of wind probe heights for the weather station measured in meters [m] above the ground. Values are ordered from low to high.

comments string

Any comments regarding the weather station.

status string

The weather station status. Closed stations are weather stations that have been permanently turned off and no longer report data

jobNumber string

This is a job number allocated to any work carried out on a weather station. The MEA job number.

links linksModel

A series of links related to the endpoint.


A series of links related to the endpoint.

Name Path Type Description
href string

Specifies the URL of the page the link goes to.

rel string

Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document.