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Spinpanel (Preview)

Spinpanel, allows you to sell, deploy, manage and automate Microsoft Cloud solutions

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Spinpanel Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher Spinpanel B.V.
Privacy policy
Categories Business Management;IT Operations

Spinpanel enables organizations to sell, deploy, manage and automate Microsoft 365 and Azure solutions. It provides detailed insights in usage, invoicing data and provides intuitive self-service options.


You will need the following to proceed:

  • A Spinpanel Cloud Essentials, Cloud Business or Cloud Enterprise subscription.
  • Configured solutions in Spinpanel for the specific operations you intend to use.
  • Configured roles in Spinpanel for the specific operations you intend to use.

How to get credentials

You can login with any account that is configured to access Spinpanel. For automation scenarios we advise you to use a dedicated service account.

Get started with your connector

Start with Get organizations, to retrieve a list of organizations your're allowed to manage (including your own). Organizations are returned according to the configured role scopes in Spinpanel Portal. Use the Ids for consecutive calls. For operations that required a partner Id, use the Id from your own organization. For some operations you'll require a tenant Id instead of the internal Spinpanel Id or both.

Known issues and limitations

Some operations require the target organization to have a matching Microsoft 365 license and/or an active Azure subscription. For example: configuring conditional access, requires an Microsoft Entra ID Premium license.

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Add a member to a group

Add a member to a Microsoft 365 group or a security group through the members navigation property.

Add a member to a user group

Add a member to a user group, the member should belong to the same organization as the group.

Assign a license to a user

Add or remove licenses for the user. You can also enable and disable specific plans associated with a license.

Create Microsoft Entra ID group

Create Microsoft Entra ID group.

Create user

The request body contains the user to create. At a minimum, you must specify the required properties for the user. You can optionally specify any other writable properties.

Delete Spinpanel user group

Delete a user group.

Delete user

Delete a user. When deleted, user resources are moved to a temporary container and can be restored within 30 days. After that time, they are permanently deleted.

Get a list of Spinpanel user group members

Get a list of user group members of a specific group.

Get locales

Get locales.

Get Microsoft Entra ID security groups

Get a list of Microsoft Entra ID security groups of all organizations you are authorized to view.

Get organization subscribed SKUs

Get the list of commercial subscriptions that an organization has acquired.

Get organizations

Get all organizations you are authorized to view.

Get spinpanel user groups

Get a list of groups of all organizations you are authorized to view.

Get subscriptions

Retrieves all subscriptions for the customer of a partner by their Microsoft Entra ID tenant identifier.

Get user details

Get a user by Microsoft object identifier.

Get user license details

Retrieve a list of license details objects for enterprise users.

Get users

Retrieve a list of user objects.

List organization domains

Retrieve a list of domain objects.

Remove a member from a user group

Remove a member to a user group.

Remove member

Remove a member from a group via the members navigation property.

Update subscription quantity

Update the quantity of a subscription.

User change password

Update the password profile of a user to reset their password.

Add a member to a group

Add a member to a Microsoft 365 group or a security group through the members navigation property.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Microsoft object id of the group.
microsoftObjectId True string

Microsoft object identifier of the group.

Member True string

URI of the directory, user, group, or organizational contact object to be added.

Add a member to a user group

Add a member to a user group, the member should belong to the same organization as the group.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Spinpanel user group id.
userGroupId True string

Spinpanel user group identifier.

Spinpanel user id.
userId True string

Spinpanel user identifier.

Assign a license to a user

Add or remove licenses for the user. You can also enable and disable specific plans associated with a license.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Microsoft object id of the user.
microsoftObjectId True string

Microsoft object identifier of the user.

disabledPlans array of

Disabled plans.

Sku id
skuId string

Sku identifier of the Microsoft license.

Remove licenses
removeLicenses array of

A collection of GUIDs that identify the licenses to remove.


Name Path Type Description
value array of object


Id string

Identifier of the license object.

Sku id
value.skuId string

Microsoft sku identifier.

Sku partnumber
value.skuPartNumber string

Microsoft Sku partnumber.

value.servicePlans array of object


value.servicePlans.servicePlanId string

Serviceplan identifier.

value.servicePlans.servicePlanName string

Serviceplan name.

value.servicePlans.provisioningStatus string

Provisioning status.

value.servicePlans.appliesTo string

Applies to.

Create Microsoft Entra ID group

Create Microsoft Entra ID group.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

description string

Description of the group.

Display name
displayName string

Display name of the group.

groupTypes array of string

Group types.

Mail enabled
mailEnabled boolean

Indicates if the group is mail enabled.

Mail nickname
mailNickname string

Mail nickname of the group.

Security enabled
securityEnabled boolean

Indicates if the group is security enabled.


Name Path Type Description
id string

Identifier of the group.

Deleted on
deletedDateTime string

Deleted on.

classification string

Classification of the group.

Created on
createdDateTime string

Created on.

creationOptions array of string

Creation options.

description string


Display name
displayName string

Display name.

groupTypes array of string


mail string

E-mail address of the group.

Mail enabled
mailEnabled boolean

Indicates the group is mail enabled.

Mail nickname
mailNickname string

Mail nickname of the group.

On premise last sync
onPremisesLastSyncDateTime string

Indicates when the group was synced to on premise.

On premise security identifier
onPremisesSecurityIdentifier string

On premise security identifier of the group.

On premise sync enabled
onPremisesSyncEnabled string

Indicates if on premise sync is enabled.

Preferred data location
preferredDataLocation string

Preferred data location of the group.

proxyAddresses array of string

Proxy addresses.

renewedDateTime string

Renewed date time of the group.

resourceBehaviorOptions array of string

Resource behavior options.

resourceProvisioningOptions array of string

Resource provsioning options.

Security enabled
securityEnabled boolean

Indicates if the group is security enabled.

visibility string

Visibility of the group.

onPremisesProvisioningErrors array of string

On premise provisioning errors.

Create user

The request body contains the user to create. At a minimum, you must specify the required properties for the user. You can optionally specify any other writable properties.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Account enabled
accountEnabled boolean

Account enabled true or false.

Display name
displayName string

Display name of the user.

Mail nickname
mailNickname string

Mail nickname of the user.

User principal name
userPrincipalName string

User principal name of the user.

Force change password next signin
forceChangePasswordNextSignIn boolean

Force the user to change the password at next sign in.

password string

New password for the user.


Name Path Type Description
OData context
@odata.context string

OData context.

id string

Spinpanel Identifier.

businessPhones array of string

Business phones of the user.

Display name
displayName string

Display name of the user.

Given name
givenName string

Given name.

Job title
jobTitle string

Job title of the user.

mail string

E-mail address of the user.

Mobile phone
mobilePhone string

Mobile phonenumber of the user.

Office location
officeLocation string

Office location of the user.

Preferred language
preferredLanguage string

Preferred language as configured in Microsoft Entra ID.

surname string

Surname of the user.

User Principal Name
userPrincipalName string

User principal name of the user.

Delete Spinpanel user group

Delete a user group.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Spinpanel identifier for the user group.
userGroupId True string

Spinpanel identifier for the user group.

Delete user

Delete a user. When deleted, user resources are moved to a temporary container and can be restored within 30 days. After that time, they are permanently deleted.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Microsoft object id of the user.
microsoftObjectId True string

Microsoft object identifier of the user.

Get a list of Spinpanel user group members

Get a list of user group members of a specific group.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Spinpanel identifier of the group.
userGroupId True string

Spinpanel identifier of the group.


Name Path Type Description
@odata.count integer

OData count.

value array of object


Name string


User principal name
value.upn string

User principal name of the group.

Id string

Identifier of the group member object.

Group id
value.groupId string

Spinpanel identifier of the group.

Created on
value.createdOn string

Created on.

Modified on
value.modifiedOn string

Modified on.

Get locales

Get locales.


Name Path Type Description
OData context
@odata.context string

OData context.

@odata.count integer

OData count.

OData nextLink
@odata.nextLink string

OData nextlink.

value array of object


Id string

Locale identifier.

Locale code
value.localeCode string

ISO-639 Language Codes.

Country code
value.countryCode string

ISO-3166 Country Codes.

Country name
value.countryName string

Country name.

Get Microsoft Entra ID security groups

Get a list of Microsoft Entra ID security groups of all organizations you are authorized to view.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.


Name Path Type Description
value array of object


Created on
value.createdDateTime string

Created on.

value.displayName string

Display name.

value.groupTypes array of string

Group types.

Id string

Microsoft object identifier of the group.

Security enabled
value.securityEnabled boolean

Indicates if the group is security enabled.

value.mail string

E-mail address of the group.

Get organization subscribed SKUs

Get the list of commercial subscriptions that an organization has acquired.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.


Name Path Type Description
value array of object


Capability status
value.capabilityStatus string

Capability status of the Microsoft sku.

Consumed units
value.consumedUnits integer

Consumed units for this sku.

Id string

Identifier of the subscribed sku object.

Sku id
value.skuId string

Sku identifier of the Microsoft license.

Sku partnumber
value.skuPartNumber string

Sku partnumber of the Microsoft license.

Applies to
value.appliesTo string

Applies to user or organization.

value.prepaidUnits.enabled integer

Enabled subscribed skus.

value.prepaidUnits.suspended integer

Suspended subscribed skus.

value.prepaidUnits.warning integer

Subscribed skus with warning.

value.servicePlans array of object


value.servicePlans.servicePlanId string

Serviceplan identifier.

value.servicePlans.servicePlanName string

Serviceplan name.

value.servicePlans.provisioningStatus string

Provisioning status.

value.servicePlans.appliesTo string

Applies to.

Get organizations

Get all organizations you are authorized to view.


Name Path Type Description
OData count
@odata.count integer

OData count.

value array of object


Name string

Name of the Microsoft Entra ID organization.

Microsoft tenantId
value.microsoftTenantId string

Microsoft tenant identifier of the organization.

Created on
value.createdOn string

Created on.

Modified on
value.modifiedOn string

Modified on.

Id string

Spinpanel identifier.

Get spinpanel user groups

Get a list of groups of all organizations you are authorized to view.


Name Path Type Description
@odata.count integer

OData count.

value array of object


Organization Id
value.organizationId string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Name string

Name of the group.

value.description string

Description for the group.

Id string

Identifier of the group.

Created on
value.createdOn string

Created on.

Modified on
value.modifiedOn string

Modified on.

Get subscriptions

Retrieves all subscriptions for the customer of a partner by their Microsoft Entra ID tenant identifier.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel partner identifier.
partnerId True string

Spinpanel partner identifier.

Spinpanel customer identifier.
customerId True string

Spinpanel customer identifier.

Microsoft tenant Id of the customer.
tenantId True string

Microsoft tenant identifier of the customer.


Name Path Type Description
Total count
totalCount integer

Total count of the subscription object.

items array of object


Id string

Identifier of the subscription.

Entitlement id
items.entitlementId string

Entitlement identifier of the subscription.

Friendly name
items.friendlyName string

Friendly name of the subscription.

items.quantity integer

Quantity of the subscription.

Unit type
items.unitType string

Unit type of the subscription.

Created on
items.creationDate string

Created on date of the subscription.

Effective start date
items.effectiveStartDate string

Effective start date of the subscription.

Commitment end date
items.commitmentEndDate string

Commitment end date of the subscription.

items.status string

Status of the subscription.

Auto renew
items.autoRenewEnabled boolean

Indicates if auto renew is enabled for the subscription.

Billing type
items.billingType string

Billing type of the subscription.

Contract type
items.contractType string

Contract type of the subscription.

items.links.offer.uri string

Uri of the subscription.

items.links.offer.method string

Method of the subscription.

items.links.offer.headers array of


items.links.self.uri string

Uri of the subscription.

items.links.self.method string

Method of the subscription.

items.links.self.headers array of


Order id
items.orderId string

Order identifier of the subscription.

items.attributes.etag string

Etag of the subscription.

Object type
items.attributes.objectType string

Object type of the subscription.

Object type
attributes.objectType string

Object type of the subscription.

Get user details

Get a user by Microsoft object identifier.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Microsoft object id of the user.
microsoftObjectId True string

Microsoft object identifier of the user.


Name Path Type Description
Account enabled
accountEnabled boolean

Account enabled true or false.

Employee id
employeeId string

Employee identifier of the user.

Display name
displayName string

Display name of the user.

Given name
givenName string

Given name of the user.

surname string

Surname of the user.

User principal name
userPrincipalName string

User principal name of the user.

Job title
jobTitle string

Job title of the user.

department string

Department of the user.

Company name
companyName string

Company name of the user.

usageLocation string

Usage location of the user.

Street address
streetAddress string

Street address of the user.

city string

City of the user.

state string

State of the user.

Postal code
postalCode string

Postal code of the user.

country string

Country of the user.

Get user license details

Retrieve a list of license details objects for enterprise users.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Microsoft object id of the user.
microsoftObjectId True string

Microsoft object identifier of the user.


Name Path Type Description
value array of object


Id string

Identifier of the user's license.

Sku id
value.skuId string

Sku identifier of the Microsoft license.

Sku partnumber
value.skuPartNumber string

Sku partnumber of the Microsoft license.

value.servicePlans array of object

Service plans.

value.servicePlans.servicePlanId string

Serviceplan identifier.

value.servicePlans.servicePlanName string

Serviceplan name.

value.servicePlans.provisioningStatus string

Provisioning status.

value.servicePlans.appliesTo string

Applies to.

Get users

Retrieve a list of user objects.


Name Key Required Type Description
Filter users.
$filter True string

Filter on users in an organization. Use: organizationId in ('{organizationId}').


Name Path Type Description
OData count
@odata.count integer

OData count.

value array of object


Organization id
value.organizationId string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Microsoft object identifier
value.microsoftObjectIdentifier string

Microsoft object identifier of the user.

User principal name
value.upn string

User principal name of the user.

First name
value.firstName string

First name of the user.

Last name
value.lastName string

Last name of the user.

Display name
value.displayName string

Display name of the user.

value.language string

Language of the user.

Usage location
value.usageLocation string

Usage location of the user.

Id string

Spinpanel identifier of the user.

Created On
value.createdOn string

Created On.

Modified on
value.modifiedOn string

Modified on.

List organization domains

Retrieve a list of domain objects.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.


Name Path Type Description
value array of object


Authentication type
value.authenticationType string

Authentication type of the domain.

Availability status
value.availabilityStatus string

Availability status of the domain.

Id string

Identifier of the domain.

Admin managed
value.isAdminManaged boolean

Indicates if the domain is admin managed.

value.isDefault boolean

Indicates if this is the default domain.

value.isInitial boolean

Indicates if this is the initial domain.

value.isRoot boolean

Indicates if this is the root domain.

value.isVerified boolean

Indicates if the domain is verified.

value.supportedServices array of string

Supported services.

Password validity
value.passwordValidityPeriodInDays integer

Indicates the password validity in days.

Password notification windows
value.passwordNotificationWindowInDays integer

Indicates the password notifcation window in days.

value.state string

State of the domain.

Remove a member from a user group

Remove a member to a user group.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Spinpanel user group id.
userGroupId True string

Spinpanel user group identifier.

Spinpanel user id.
userId True string

Spinpanel user identifier.

Remove member

Remove a member from a group via the members navigation property.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Microsoft object id of the group.
groupMicrosoftObjectId True string

Microsoft object identifier of the group.

Microsoft object id of the user.
userMicrosoftObjectId True string

Microsoft object identifier of the user.

Update subscription quantity

Update the quantity of a subscription.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel partner id.
partnerId True string

Spinpanel partner identifier.

Spinpanel customer id.
customerId True string

Spinpanel customer identifier.

Microsoft tenant id of the customer.
tenantId True string

Microsoft tenant identifier of the customer.

Subsription id.
subscriptionId True string

Subscription identifier of the customer.

quantity integer

Quantity of the subscription.

User change password

Update the password profile of a user to reset their password.


Name Key Required Type Description
Spinpanel organization id.
organizationId True string

Spinpanel organization identifier.

Microsoft object id of the user.
microsoftObjectId True string

Microsoft object identifier of the user.

Force password change at signin
forceChangePasswordNextSignIn boolean

Force the user to change the password at next signin.

password string

New password to set.