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IRecognitionListener.OnBufferReceived(Byte[]) Method


More sound has been received.

[Android.Runtime.Register("onBufferReceived", "([B)V", "GetOnBufferReceived_arrayBHandler:Android.Speech.IRecognitionListenerInvoker, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")]
public void OnBufferReceived (byte[]? buffer);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("onBufferReceived", "([B)V", "GetOnBufferReceived_arrayBHandler:Android.Speech.IRecognitionListenerInvoker, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")>]
abstract member OnBufferReceived : byte[] -> unit



a buffer containing a sequence of big-endian 16-bit integers representing a single channel audio stream. The sample rate is implementation dependent.



More sound has been received. The purpose of this function is to allow giving feedback to the user regarding the captured audio. There is no guarantee that this method will be called.

Java documentation for android.speech.RecognitionListener.onBufferReceived(byte[]).

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