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SortedList.ContainsValue(Object) Método


Determina se um objeto SortedList contém um valor específico.

 virtual bool ContainsValue(System::Object ^ value);
public virtual bool ContainsValue (object value);
public virtual bool ContainsValue (object? value);
abstract member ContainsValue : obj -> bool
override this.ContainsValue : obj -> bool
Public Overridable Function ContainsValue (value As Object) As Boolean



O valor a ser localizado no objeto SortedList. O valor pode ser null.


true se o objeto SortedList contiver um elemento com o value especificado, caso contrário, false.


O exemplo de código a seguir mostra como determinar se um SortedList objeto contém um elemento específico.

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
void PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues( SortedList^ myList )
   Console::WriteLine(  "\t-INDEX-\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myList->Count; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine(  "\t[{0}]:\t{1}\t{2}", i, myList->GetKey( i ), myList->GetByIndex( i ) );


int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new SortedList.
   SortedList^ mySL = gcnew SortedList;
   mySL->Add( 2, "two" );
   mySL->Add( 4, "four" );
   mySL->Add( 1, "one" );
   mySL->Add( 3, "three" );
   mySL->Add( (int^)0, "zero" );
   // Displays the values of the SortedList.
   Console::WriteLine(  "The SortedList contains the following values:" );
   PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues( mySL );
   // Searches for a specific key.
   int myKey = 2;
   Console::WriteLine(  "The key \"{0}\" is {1}.", myKey, mySL->ContainsKey( myKey ) ? (String^)"in the SortedList" : "NOT in the SortedList" );
   myKey = 6;
   Console::WriteLine(  "The key \"{0}\" is {1}.", myKey, mySL->ContainsKey( myKey ) ? (String^)"in the SortedList" : "NOT in the SortedList" );
   // Searches for a specific value.
   String^ myValue = "three";
   Console::WriteLine(  "The value \"{0}\" is {1}.", myValue, mySL->ContainsValue( myValue ) ? (String^)"in the SortedList" : "NOT in the SortedList" );
   myValue =  "nine";
   Console::WriteLine(  "The value \"{0}\" is {1}.", myValue, mySL->ContainsValue( myValue ) ? (String^)"in the SortedList" : "NOT in the SortedList" );

This code produces the following output.

The SortedList contains the following values:
        -INDEX- -KEY-   -VALUE-
        [0]:    0       zero
        [1]:    1       one
        [2]:    2       two
        [3]:    3       three
        [4]:    4       four

The key "2" is in the SortedList.
The key "6" is NOT in the SortedList.
The value "three" is in the SortedList.
The value "nine" is NOT in the SortedList.
using System;
using System.Collections;

public class SamplesSortedList  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a new SortedList.
      SortedList mySL = new SortedList();
      mySL.Add( 2, "two" );
      mySL.Add( 4, "four" );
      mySL.Add( 1, "one" );
      mySL.Add( 3, "three" );
      mySL.Add( 0, "zero" );

      // Displays the values of the SortedList.
      Console.WriteLine( "The SortedList contains the following values:" );
      PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues( mySL );

      // Searches for a specific key.
      int myKey = 2;
      Console.WriteLine( "The key \"{0}\" is {1}.", myKey, mySL.ContainsKey( myKey ) ? "in the SortedList" : "NOT in the SortedList" );
      myKey = 6;
      Console.WriteLine( "The key \"{0}\" is {1}.", myKey, mySL.ContainsKey( myKey ) ? "in the SortedList" : "NOT in the SortedList" );

      // Searches for a specific value.
      string myValue = "three";
      Console.WriteLine( "The value \"{0}\" is {1}.", myValue, mySL.ContainsValue( myValue ) ? "in the SortedList" : "NOT in the SortedList" );
      myValue = "nine";
      Console.WriteLine( "The value \"{0}\" is {1}.", myValue, mySL.ContainsValue( myValue ) ? "in the SortedList" : "NOT in the SortedList" );

   public static void PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues( SortedList myList )  {
      Console.WriteLine( "\t-INDEX-\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < myList.Count; i++ )  {
         Console.WriteLine( "\t[{0}]:\t{1}\t{2}", i, myList.GetKey(i), myList.GetByIndex(i) );
This code produces the following output.

The SortedList contains the following values:
    -INDEX-    -KEY-    -VALUE-
    [0]:    0    zero
    [1]:    1    one
    [2]:    2    two
    [3]:    3    three
    [4]:    4    four

The key "2" is in the SortedList.
The key "6" is NOT in the SortedList.
The value "three" is in the SortedList.
The value "nine" is NOT in the SortedList.
Imports System.Collections

Public Class SamplesSortedList    
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Creates and initializes a new SortedList.
        Dim mySL As New SortedList()
        mySL.Add(2, "two")
        mySL.Add(4, "four")
        mySL.Add(1, "one")
        mySL.Add(3, "three")
        mySL.Add(0, "zero")
        ' Displays the values of the SortedList.
        Console.WriteLine("The SortedList contains the following values:")
        ' Searches for a specific key.
        Dim myKey As Integer = 2
        Dim msg As String
        If mySL.ContainsKey(myKey) Then
            msg = "in the SortedList"
            msg = "NOT in the SortedList"
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("The key ""{0}"" is {1}.", myKey, msg)
        myKey = 6
        If mySL.ContainsKey(myKey) Then
            msg = "in the SortedList"
            msg = "NOT in the SortedList"
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("The key ""{0}"" is {1}.", myKey, msg)        
        ' Searches for a specific value.
        Dim myValue As String = "three"
        If mySL.ContainsValue(myValue) Then
            msg = "in the SortedList"
            msg = "NOT in the SortedList"
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("The value ""{0}"" is {1}.", myValue, msg)
        myValue = "nine"
        If mySL.ContainsValue(myValue) Then
            msg = "in the SortedList"
            msg = "NOT in the SortedList"
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("The value ""{0}"" is {1}.", myValue, msg)
    End Sub   
    Public Shared Sub PrintIndexAndKeysAndValues(myList As SortedList)
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & "-INDEX-" & ControlChars.Tab & _
           "-KEY-" & ControlChars.Tab & "-VALUE-")
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To myList.Count - 1
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & "[{0}]:" & ControlChars.Tab & _
               "{1}" & ControlChars.Tab & "{2}", i, myList.GetKey(i), _
        Next i
    End Sub
End Class

' This code produces the following output.
' The SortedList contains the following values:
'     -INDEX-    -KEY-    -VALUE-
'     [0]:    0    zero
'     [1]:    1    one
'     [2]:    2    two
'     [3]:    3    three
'     [4]:    4    four
' The key "2" is in the SortedList.
' The key "6" is NOT in the SortedList.
' The value "three" is in the SortedList.
' The value "nine" is NOT in the SortedList.


Os valores dos elementos do SortedList objeto são comparados ao valor especificado usando o Equals método .

Esse método executa uma pesquisa linear; portanto, o tempo médio de execução é proporcional a Count. Ou seja, esse método é uma O(n) operação, em n que é Count.

A partir do .NET Framework 2.0, esse método usa os métodos e CompareTo objetos Equals da coleção em item para determinar se o item existe. Em versões anteriores do .NET Framework, essa decisão era tomada usando-se os métodos Equals e CompareTo do parâmetro item nos objetos na coleção.

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