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StringSplitOptions Enum


Specifies options for applicable Split method overloads, such as whether to omit empty substrings from the returned array or trim whitespace from substrings.

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum class StringSplitOptions
public enum StringSplitOptions
public enum StringSplitOptions
type StringSplitOptions = 
type StringSplitOptions = 
Public Enum StringSplitOptions


None 0

Use the default options when splitting strings.

RemoveEmptyEntries 1

Omit array elements that contain an empty string from the result.

If RemoveEmptyEntries and TrimEntries are specified together, then substrings that consist only of white-space characters are also removed from the result.

TrimEntries 2

Trim white-space characters from each substring in the result. This field is available in .NET 5 and later versions only.

If RemoveEmptyEntries and TrimEntries are specified together, then substrings that consist only of white-space characters are also removed from the result.


The following example shows how the StringSplitOptions enumeration is used to include or exclude substrings generated by the String.Split method:

// This example demonstrates the String.Split(Char[], Boolean) and 
//                               String.Split(Char[], Int32, Boolean) methods
using namespace System;
void Show( array<String^>^entries )
   Console::WriteLine( "The return value contains these {0} elements:", entries->Length );
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = entries->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      String^ entry = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum->Current);
      Console::Write( "<{0}>", entry );

   Console::Write( "{0}{0}", Environment::NewLine );

int main()
   String^ s = ",one,,,two,,,,,three,,";
   array<Char>^sep = gcnew array<Char>{
   Console::WriteLine( "The original string is \"{0}\".", s );
   Console::WriteLine( "The separation character is '{0}'.", sep[ 0 ] );
   Console::WriteLine( "Split the string and return all elements:" );
   result = s->Split( sep, StringSplitOptions::None );
   Show( result );
   Console::WriteLine( "Split the string and return all non-empty elements:" );
   result = s->Split( sep, StringSplitOptions::RemoveEmptyEntries );
   Show( result );
   Console::WriteLine( "Split the string and return 2 elements:" );
   result = s->Split( sep, 2, StringSplitOptions::None );
   Show( result );
   Console::WriteLine( "Split the string and return 2 non-empty elements:" );
   result = s->Split( sep, 2, StringSplitOptions::RemoveEmptyEntries );
   Show( result );

This example produces the following results:

The original string is ",one,,,two,,,,,three,,".
The separation character is ','.

Split the string and return all elements:
The return value contains these 12 elements:

Split the string and return all non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 3 elements:

Split the string and return 2 elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

Split the string and return 2 non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

// This example demonstrates the String.Split() methods that use
// the StringSplitOptions enumeration.
string s1 = ",ONE,,TWO,,,THREE,,";
string s2 = "[stop]" +
            "ONE[stop][stop]" +
            "TWO[stop][stop][stop]" +
char[] charSeparators = new char[] { ',' };
string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "[stop]" };
string[] result;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split a string delimited by characters.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Console.WriteLine("1) Split a string delimited by characters:\n");

// Display the original string and delimiter characters.
Console.WriteLine($"1a) The original string is \"{s1}\".");
Console.WriteLine($"The delimiter character is '{charSeparators[0]}'.\n");

// Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements.
Console.WriteLine("1b) Split a string delimited by characters and " +
                  "return all elements:");
result = s1.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);

// Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements.
Console.WriteLine("1c) Split a string delimited by characters and " +
                  "return all non-empty elements:");
result = s1.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

// Split the original string into the string and empty string before the
// delimiter and the remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
Console.WriteLine("1d) Split a string delimited by characters and " +
                  "return 2 elements:");
result = s1.Split(charSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);

// Split the original string into the string after the delimiter and the
// remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
Console.WriteLine("1e) Split a string delimited by characters and " +
                  "return 2 non-empty elements:");
result = s1.Split(charSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split a string delimited by another string.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Console.WriteLine("2) Split a string delimited by another string:\n");

// Display the original string and delimiter string.
Console.WriteLine($"2a) The original string is \"{s2}\".");
Console.WriteLine($"The delimiter string is \"{stringSeparators[0]}\".\n");

// Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements.
Console.WriteLine("2b) Split a string delimited by another string and " +
                  "return all elements:");
result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);

// Split the original string at the delimiter and return all non-empty elements.
Console.WriteLine("2c) Split a string delimited by another string and " +
                  "return all non-empty elements:");
result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

// Split the original string into the empty string before the
// delimiter and the remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
Console.WriteLine("2d) Split a string delimited by another string and " +
                  "return 2 elements:");
result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);

// Split the original string into the string after the delimiter and the
// remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
Console.WriteLine("2e) Split a string delimited by another string and " +
                  "return 2 non-empty elements:");
result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

// Display the array of separated strings using a local function
void Show(string[] entries)
    Console.WriteLine($"The return value contains these {entries.Length} elements:");
    foreach (string entry in entries)

This example produces the following results:

1) Split a string delimited by characters:

1a) The original string is ",ONE,,TWO,,,THREE,,".
The delimiter character is ','.

1b) Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements:
The return value contains these 9 elements:

1c) Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 3 elements:

1d) Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

1e) Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

2) Split a string delimited by another string:

2a) The original string is "[stop]ONE[stop][stop]TWO[stop][stop][stop]THREE[stop][stop]".
The delimiter string is "[stop]".

2b) Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements:
The return value contains these 9 elements:

2c) Split a string delimited by another string and return all non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 3 elements:

2d) Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

2e) Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

// This example demonstrates the String.Split() methods that use
// the StringSplitOptions enumeration.
// Display the array of separated strings using a local function
let show  (entries: string[]) =
    printfn $"The return value contains these {entries.Length} elements:"
    for entry in entries do
        printf $"<{entry}>"
    printf "\n\n"

let s1 = ",ONE,,TWO,,,THREE,,"
let s2 = "[stop]" +
         "ONE[stop][stop]" +
         "TWO[stop][stop][stop]" +
let charSeparators = [| ',' |]
let stringSeparators = [| "[stop]" |]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split a string delimited by characters.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
printfn "1) Split a string delimited by characters:\n"

// Display the original string and delimiter characters.
printfn $"1a) The original string is \"{s1}\"."
printfn $"The delimiter character is '{charSeparators[0]}'.\n"

// Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements.
printfn "1b) Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements:"
let result = s1.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None)
show result

// Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements.
printfn "1c) Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements:"
let result = s1.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
show result

// Split the original string into the string and empty string before the
// delimiter and the remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
printfn "1d) Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 elements:"
let result = s1.Split(charSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.None)
show result

// Split the original string into the string after the delimiter and the
// remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
printfn "1e) Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 non-empty elements:"
let result = s1.Split(charSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
show result

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split a string delimited by another string.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
printfn "2) Split a string delimited by another string:\n"

// Display the original string and delimiter string.
printfn $"2a) The original string is \"{s2}\"."
printfn $"The delimiter string is \"{stringSeparators[0]}\".\n"

// Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements.
printfn "2b) Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements:"
let result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None)
show result

// Split the original string at the delimiter and return all non-empty elements.
printfn "2c) Split a string delimited by another string and return all non-empty elements:"
let result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
show result

// Split the original string into the empty string before the
// delimiter and the remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
printfn "2d) Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 elements:"
let result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.None)
show result

// Split the original string into the string after the delimiter and the
// remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
printfn "2e) Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 non-empty elements:"
let result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
show result

This example produces the following results:

1) Split a string delimited by characters:

1a) The original string is ",ONE,,TWO,,,THREE,,".
The delimiter character is ','.

1b) Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements:
The return value contains these 9 elements:

1c) Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 3 elements:

1d) Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

1e) Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

2) Split a string delimited by another string:

2a) The original string is "[stop]ONE[stop][stop]TWO[stop][stop][stop]THREE[stop][stop]".
The delimiter string is "[stop]".

2b) Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements:
The return value contains these 9 elements:

2c) Split a string delimited by another string and return all non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 3 elements:

2d) Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

2e) Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

    Dim s1 As String = ",ONE,,TWO,,,THREE,,"
    Dim s2 As String = "[stop]" &
                       "ONE[stop][stop]" &
                       "TWO[stop][stop][stop]" &
    Dim charSeparators() As Char = {","c}
    Dim stringSeparators() As String = {"[stop]"}
    Dim result() As String
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Split a string delimited by characters.
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Console.WriteLine("1) Split a string delimited by characters:" & vbCrLf)

    ' Display the original string and delimiter characters.
    Console.WriteLine("1a) The original string is ""{0}"".", s1)
    Console.WriteLine("The delimiter character is '{0}'." & vbCrLf, charSeparators(0))

    ' Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements.
    Console.WriteLine("1b) Split a string delimited by characters and " &
                      "return all elements:")
    result = s1.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None)

    ' Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements.
    Console.WriteLine("1c) Split a string delimited by characters and " &
                      "return all non-empty elements:")
    result = s1.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

    ' Split the original string into the string and empty string before the 
    ' delimiter and the remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
    Console.WriteLine("1d) Split a string delimited by characters and " &
                      "return 2 elements:")
    result = s1.Split(charSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.None)

    ' Split the original string into the string after the delimiter and the 
    ' remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
    Console.WriteLine("1e) Split a string delimited by characters and " &
                      "return 2 non-empty elements:")
    result = s1.Split(charSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Split a string delimited by another string.
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Console.WriteLine("2) Split a string delimited by another string:" & vbCrLf)

    ' Display the original string and delimiter string.
    Console.WriteLine("2a) The original string is ""{0}"".", s2)
    Console.WriteLine("The delimiter string is ""{0}""." & vbCrLf, stringSeparators(0))

    ' Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements.
    Console.WriteLine("2b) Split a string delimited by another string and " &
                      "return all elements:")
    result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None)

    ' Split the original string at the delimiter and return all non-empty elements.
    Console.WriteLine("2c) Split a string delimited by another string and " &
                      "return all non-empty elements:")
    result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

    ' Split the original string into the empty string before the 
    ' delimiter and the remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
    Console.WriteLine("2d) Split a string delimited by another string and " &
                      "return 2 elements:")
    result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.None)

    ' Split the original string into the string after the delimiter and the 
    ' remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
    Console.WriteLine("2e) Split a string delimited by another string and " &
                      "return 2 non-empty elements:")
    result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

End Sub

' Display the array of separated strings.
Public Shared Sub Show(ByVal entries() As String)
    Console.WriteLine("The return value contains these {0} elements:", entries.Length)
    Dim entry As String
    For Each entry In entries
        Console.Write("<{0}>", entry)
    Next entry
    Console.Write(vbCrLf & vbCrLf)

End Sub

'This example produces the following results:
'1) Split a string delimited by characters:
'1a) The original string is ",ONE,,TWO,,,THREE,,".
'The delimiter character is ','.
'1b) Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements:
'The return value contains these 9 elements:
'1c) Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements:
'The return value contains these 3 elements:
'1d) Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 elements:
'The return value contains these 2 elements:
'1e) Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 non-empty elements:
'The return value contains these 2 elements:
'2) Split a string delimited by another string:
'2a) The original string is "[stop]ONE[stop][stop]TWO[stop][stop][stop]THREE[stop][stop]".
'The delimiter string is "[stop]".
'2b) Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements:
'The return value contains these 9 elements:
'2c) Split a string delimited by another string and return all non-empty elements:
'The return value contains these 3 elements:
'2d) Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 elements:
'The return value contains these 2 elements:
'2e) Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 non-empty elements:
'The return value contains these 2 elements:


The String.Split method returns an array of the substrings in a given string that are delimited by specified characters or strings. Adjacent delimiters yield an array element that contains an empty string (""). One of the fields of the StringSplitOptions enumeration specifies whether an element that contains an empty string should be included in the returned array.

Specify the None field to invoke the default behavior of the String.Split method, which is not to trim white-space characters and to include empty substrings.

The TrimEntries field is only available in .NET 5 and later versions.

Applies to

See also