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Uri.Equality(Uri, Uri) Operador


Determina se duas instâncias Uri têm o mesmo valor.

 static bool operator ==(Uri ^ uri1, Uri ^ uri2);
public static bool operator == (Uri uri1, Uri uri2);
public static bool operator == (Uri? uri1, Uri? uri2);
static member ( = ) : Uri * Uri -> bool
Public Shared Operator == (uri1 As Uri, uri2 As Uri) As Boolean



Um URI para comparar com uri2.


Um URI para comparar com uri1.



true se as Uri instâncias forem equivalentes; caso contrário, false.


Este exemplo cria três Uri instâncias de cadeias de caracteres e as compara para determinar se elas representam o mesmo valor. Address1 e Address2 são iguais porque a Fragment parte é ignorada para essa comparação. O resultado é gravado no console.

// Create some Uris.
Uri^ address1 = gcnew Uri( "" );
Uri^ address2 = gcnew Uri( "" );
Uri^ address3 = gcnew Uri( "" );

// The first two are equal because the fragment is ignored.
if ( address1 == address2 )
   Console::WriteLine( "{0} is equal to {1}", address1, address2 );

// The second two are not equal.
if ( address2 != address3 )
   Console::WriteLine( "{0} is not equal to {1}", address2, address3 );
// Create some Uris.
Uri address1 = new Uri("");
Uri address2 = new Uri("");
Uri address3 = new Uri("");

// The first two are equal because the fragment is ignored.
if (address1 == address2)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}", address1.ToString(), address2.ToString());

// The second two are not equal.
if (address2 != address3)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is not equal to {1}", address2.ToString(), address3.ToString());
// Create some Uris.
let address1 = Uri ""
let address2 = Uri ""
let address3 = Uri ""

// The first two are equal because the fragment is ignored.
if address1 = address2 then
    printfn $"{address1} is equal to {address2}"

// The second two are not equal.
if address2 <> address3 then
    printfn $"{address2} is not equal to {address3}"
' Create some Uris.
Dim address1 As New Uri("")
Dim address2 As New Uri("")
Dim address3 As New Uri("")

' The first two are equal because the fragment is ignored.
If address1 = address2 Then
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is equal to {1}", address1.ToString(), address2.ToString())
End If 
' The second two are not equal.
If address2 <> address3 Then
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is not equal to {1}", address2.ToString(), address3.ToString())
End If


Essa sobrecarga usa o Equals método para determinar se as duas Uri instâncias são equivalentes. UserInfo e Fragment o conteúdo é ignorado ao fazer essa comparação.

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