Partilhar via

FormViewInsertEventHandler Delegar


Representa o método que manipula o evento ItemInserting de um controle FormView.

public delegate void FormViewInsertEventHandler(System::Object ^ sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs ^ e);
public delegate void FormViewInsertEventHandler(object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e);
type FormViewInsertEventHandler = delegate of obj * FormViewInsertEventArgs -> unit
Public Delegate Sub FormViewInsertEventHandler(sender As Object, e As FormViewInsertEventArgs)



A fonte do evento.


Um FormViewInsertEventArgs que contém os dados do evento.


O exemplo a seguir demonstra como adicionar programaticamente um FormViewInsertEventHandler delegado ao ItemInserting evento de um FormView controle.

<%@ Page language="C#" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Data"%>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">

  // To dynamically create a template for a FormView control,
  // you must create a custom template class to represent 
  // the template. This template class represents the item
  // template for a FormView control.
  private sealed class EmployeeItemTemplate : ITemplate

    // When implementing the ITemplate interface, you must
    // implement the InstantiateIn method. The FormView
    // control calls this method to create the template's 
    // content. 
    void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container)
      // Create the child controls contained in the template.
      // For this example, the item template displays the
      // FirstName and LastName fields from the data source.
      // To support data binding, create event handlers 
      // for the DataBinding event of each child control.
      // The event handlers must bind the appropriate value 
      // to each control.
      Label firstNameLabel = new Label();
      firstNameLabel.ID = "FirstNameLabel";
      firstNameLabel.DataBinding += new EventHandler(FirstNameLabel_DataBinding);

      LiteralControl nameLineBreak = new LiteralControl("<br/>");
      LiteralControl buttonLineBreak = new LiteralControl("<br/>");

      Label lastNameLabel = new Label();
      lastNameLabel.ID = "LastNameLabel";
      lastNameLabel.DataBinding += new EventHandler(LastNameLabel_DataBinding);

      Button newButton = new Button();
      newButton.ID = "NewButton";
      newButton.CommandName = "New";
      newButton.Text = "New";

      // Add the controls to the Controls collection of the 
      // container control.


    // This event handler binds the value of the FirstName field
    // to the FirstNameLabel Label control displayed in the template.
    private void FirstNameLabel_DataBinding(Object sender, EventArgs e)
      // Use the sender parameter to retrieve the Label control
      // being bound to data.
      Label firstNameLabelControl = (Label)sender;

      // Retrieve the value to bind to the Label control. First,
      // use the NamingContainer property to retrieve the parent 
      // control of the Label control. In this example, the parent 
      // control is the FormView control.
      FormView formViewContainer = (FormView)firstNameLabelControl.NamingContainer;

      // Get the data item bound to the FormView control.
      DataRowView rowView = (DataRowView)formViewContainer.DataItem;

      // Use the data item to retrieve the value of the FirstName field.
      // Set the Text property of the Label control to this value.        
      firstNameLabelControl.Text = rowView["FirstName"].ToString();

    // This event handler binds the value of the LastName field
    // to the LastNameLabel Label control displayed in the template.
    private void LastNameLabel_DataBinding(Object sender, EventArgs e)
      // Use the sender parameter to retrieve the Label control
      // being bound to data.
      Label lastNameLabelControl = (Label)sender;

      // Retrieve the value to bind to the Label control. First,
      // use the NamingContainer property to retrieve the parent 
      // control of the Label control. In this example, the parent 
      // control is the FormView control.
      FormView formViewContainer = (FormView)lastNameLabelControl.NamingContainer;

      // Get the data item bound to the FormView control.
      DataRowView rowView = (DataRowView)formViewContainer.DataItem;

      // Use the data item to retrieve the value of the LastName field.
      // Set the Text property of the Label control to this value.         
      lastNameLabelControl.Text = rowView["LastName"].ToString();

  // This template class represents the insert item
  // template for a FormView control.
  private sealed class EmployeeInsertItemTemplate : ITemplate

    void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container)
      // Create the child controls contained in the template.
      // The insert item template should contain the input 
      // controls for the user to enter a record.
      TextBox firstNameTextBox = new TextBox();
      firstNameTextBox.ID = "FirstNameTextBox";

      LiteralControl nameLineBreak = new LiteralControl("<br/>");
      LiteralControl buttonLineBreak = new LiteralControl("<br/>");

      TextBox lastNameTextBox = new TextBox();
      lastNameTextBox.ID = "LastNameTextBox";

      Button insertButton = new Button();
      insertButton.ID = "InsertButton";
      insertButton.CommandName = "Insert";
      insertButton.Text = "Insert";

      Button cancelButton = new Button();
      cancelButton.ID = "CancelButton";
      cancelButton.CommandName = "Cancel";
      cancelButton.Text = "Cancel";

      // Add the controls to the Controls collection of the 
      // container control.


  void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    // Create a new FormView object.
    FormView employeesFormView = new FormView();

    // Set the FormView object's properties.
    employeesFormView.ID = "EmployeesFormView";
    employeesFormView.DataSourceID = "EmployeeSource";
    employeesFormView.AllowPaging = true;
    employeesFormView.HeaderText = "Employee Name";
    employeesFormView.DataKeyNames = new String[1] { "EmployeeID" };

    // Programmatically register the event handlers for the 
    // the FormView control.
    employeesFormView.ItemInserted += new FormViewInsertedEventHandler(EmployeeFormView_ItemInserted);
    employeesFormView.ItemInserting += new FormViewInsertEventHandler(EmployeeFormView_ItemInserting);

    // Create the dynamic templates using the custom template classes.
    employeesFormView.ItemTemplate = new EmployeeItemTemplate();
    employeesFormView.InsertItemTemplate = new EmployeeInsertItemTemplate();
    // Add the FormView object to the Controls collection
    // of the PlaceHolder control.


  void EmployeeFormView_ItemInserting(Object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e)
    // Because the FormView control is dynamically generated, 
    // the Values collection must be programmatically populated
    // with the values for the record to insert.

    // Use the sender argument to retrieve the FormView
    // control that raised the event.
    FormView employeeFormView = (FormView)sender;
    // Retrieve the data row from the FormView control.
    FormViewRow row = employeeFormView.Row;

    // Retrieve the TextBox controls that contain the values 
    // entered by the user for the new record. 
    TextBox firstNameTextBox = (TextBox)row.FindControl("FirstNameTextBox");
    TextBox lastNameTextBox = (TextBox)row.FindControl("LastNameTextBox");

    if (firstNameTextBox != null && lastNameTextBox != null)
      // Add the new values to the Values collections.
      e.Values.Add("FirstName", firstNameTextBox.Text);
      e.Values.Add("LastName", lastNameTextBox.Text);


  void EmployeeFormView_ItemInserted(Object sender, FormViewInsertedEventArgs e)
    // Use the Exception property to determine whether an exception
    // occurred during the insert operation.
    if (e.Exception == null)
      // Use the AffectedRows property to determine whether the
      // record was inserted. Sometimes an error might occur that 
      // does not raise an exception, but prevents the insert
      // operation from completing.
      if (e.AffectedRows == 1)
        MessageLabel.Text = "Record inserted successfully.";
        MessageLabel.Text = "An error occurred during the insert operation.";
        // Use the KeepInInsertMode property to keep the control in 
        // insert mode when an error occurs during the insert operation.
        e.KeepInInsertMode = true;
      // Insert the code to handle the exception.
      MessageLabel.Text = e.Exception.Message;
      // Use the ExceptionHandled property to indicate that the 
      // exception has already been handled.
      e.ExceptionHandled = true;
      e.KeepInInsertMode = true;


<html xmlns="" >
  <head runat="server">
    <title>FormView Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>FormView Example</h3>
      <!-- Use a PlaceHolder control as the container for the -->
      <!-- dynamically generated FormView control.            -->       
      <asp:placeholder id="FormViewPlaceHolder"
      <asp:label id="MessageLabel"

      <!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects  -->
      <!-- to the Northwind sample database. Use an ASP.NET     -->
      <!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value   -->
      <!-- from the Web.config file.                            -->
      <asp:sqldatasource id="EmployeeSource"
        selectcommand="Select [EmployeeID], [LastName], [FirstName] From [Employees]"
        insertcommand="Insert Into [Employees] ([LastName], [FirstName]) VALUES (@LastName, @FirstName)"
        connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthWindConnectionString%>" 

<%@ Page language="VB" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Data"%>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">

  ' To dynamically create a template for a FormView control,
  ' you must create a custom template class to represent 
  ' the template. This template class represents the item
  ' template for a FormView control.
  Private NotInheritable Class EmployeeItemTemplate
    Implements ITemplate

    ' When implementing the ITemplate interface, you must
    ' implement the InstantiateIn method. The FormView
    ' control calls this method to create the template's 
    ' content. 
    Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As Control) Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
      ' Create the child controls contained in the template.
      ' For this example, the item template displays the
      ' FirstName and LastName fields from the data source.
      ' To support data binding, create event handlers 
      ' for the DataBinding event of each child control.
      ' The event handlers must bind the appropriate value 
      ' to each control.
      Dim firstNameLabel As New Label()
      firstNameLabel.ID = "FirstNameLabel"
      AddHandler firstNameLabel.DataBinding, AddressOf FirstNameLabel_DataBinding

      Dim nameLineBreak As New LiteralControl("<br/>")
      Dim buttonLineBreak As New LiteralControl("<br/>")

      Dim lastNameLabel As New Label()
      lastNameLabel.ID = "LastNameLabel"
      AddHandler lastNameLabel.DataBinding, AddressOf LastNameLabel_DataBinding

      Dim newButton As New Button()
      newButton.ID = "NewButton"
      newButton.CommandName = "New"
      newButton.Text = "New"

      ' Add the controls to the Controls collection of the 
      ' container control.
    End Sub

    ' This event handler binds the value of the FirstName field
    ' to the FirstNameLabel Label control displayed in the template.
    Private Sub FirstNameLabel_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

      ' Use the sender parameter to retrieve the Label control
      ' being bound to data.
      Dim firstNameLabelControl As Label = CType(sender, Label)

      ' Retrieve the value to bind to the Label control. First,
      ' use the NamingContainer property to retrieve the parent 
      ' control of the Label control. In this example, the parent 
      ' control is the FormView control.
      Dim formViewContainer As FormView = CType(firstNameLabelControl.NamingContainer, FormView)
      ' Get the data item bound to the FormView control.
      Dim rowView As DataRowView = CType(formViewContainer.DataItem, DataRowView)

      ' Use the data item to retrieve the value of the FirstName field.
      ' Set the Text property of the Label control to this value.        
      firstNameLabelControl.Text = rowView("FirstName").ToString()
    End Sub

    ' This event handler binds the value of the LastName field
    ' to the LastNameLabel Label control displayed in the template.
    Private Sub LastNameLabel_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

      ' Use the sender parameter to retrieve the Label control
      ' being bound to data.
      Dim lastNameLabelControl As Label = CType(sender, Label)

      ' Retrieve the value to bind to the Label control. First,
      ' use the NamingContainer property to retrieve the parent 
      ' control of the Label control. In this example, the parent 
      ' control is the FormView control.
      Dim formViewContainer As FormView = CType(lastNameLabelControl.NamingContainer, FormView)

      ' Get the data item bound to the FormView control.
      Dim rowView As DataRowView = CType(formViewContainer.DataItem, DataRowView)

      ' Use the data item to retrieve the value of the LastName field.
      ' Set the Text property of the Label control to this value.         
      lastNameLabelControl.Text = rowView("LastName").ToString()
    End Sub

  End Class
  ' This template class represents the insert item
  ' template for a FormView control.
  Private NotInheritable Class EmployeeInsertItemTemplate
    Implements ITemplate

    Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As Control) Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
      ' Create the child controls contained in the template.
      ' The insert item template should contain the input 
      ' controls for the user to enter a record.
      Dim firstNameTextBox As New TextBox()
      firstNameTextBox.ID = "FirstNameTextBox"

      Dim nameLineBreak As New LiteralControl("<br/>")
      Dim buttonLineBreak As New LiteralControl("<br/>")

      Dim lastNameTextBox As New TextBox()
      lastNameTextBox.ID = "LastNameTextBox"

      Dim insertButton As New Button()
      insertButton.ID = "InsertButton"
      insertButton.CommandName = "Insert"
      insertButton.Text = "Insert"

      Dim cancelButton As New Button()
      cancelButton.ID = "CancelButton"
      cancelButton.CommandName = "Cancel"
      cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"

      ' Add the controls to the Controls collection of the 
      ' container control.

    End Sub
  End Class

  Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

    ' Create a new FormView object.
    Dim employeesFormView As New FormView()

    ' Set the FormView object's properties.
    employeesFormView.ID = "EmployeesFormView"
    employeesFormView.DataSourceID = "EmployeeSource"
    employeesFormView.AllowPaging = True
    employeesFormView.HeaderText = "Employee Name"
    Dim keyArray() As String = {"EmployeeID"}
    employeesFormView.DataKeyNames = keyArray

    ' Programmatically register the event handlers for the 
    ' FormView control.
    AddHandler employeesFormView.ItemInserted, AddressOf EmployeeFormView_ItemInserted
    AddHandler employeesFormView.ItemInserting, AddressOf EmployeeFormView_ItemInserting

    ' Create the dynamic templates using the custom template classes.
    employeesFormView.ItemTemplate = New EmployeeItemTemplate()
    employeesFormView.InsertItemTemplate = New EmployeeInsertItemTemplate()
    ' Add the FormView object to the Controls collection
    ' of the PlaceHolder control.

  End Sub

  Sub EmployeeFormView_ItemInserting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormViewInsertEventArgs)
    ' Because the FormView control is dynamically generated, 
    ' the Values collection must be programmatically populated
    ' with the values for the record to insert.

    ' Use the sender argument to retrieve the FormView
    ' control that raised the event.
    Dim employeeFormView As FormView = CType(sender, FormView)
    ' Retrieve the data row from the FormView control.
    Dim row As FormViewRow = employeeFormView.Row

    ' Retrieve the TextBox controls that contain the values 
    ' entered by the user for the new record. 
    Dim firstNameTextBox As TextBox = CType(row.FindControl("FirstNameTextBox"), TextBox)
    Dim lastNameTextBox As TextBox = CType(row.FindControl("LastNameTextBox"), TextBox)

    If firstNameTextBox IsNot Nothing And lastNameTextBox IsNot Nothing Then
      ' Add the new values to the Values collections.
      e.Values.Add("FirstName", firstNameTextBox.Text)
      e.Values.Add("LastName", lastNameTextBox.Text)
    End If

  End Sub

  Sub EmployeeFormView_ItemInserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormViewInsertedEventArgs)
    ' Use the Exception property to determine whether an exception
    ' occurred during the insert operation.
    If e.Exception Is Nothing Then
      ' Use the AffectedRows property to determine whether the
      ' record was inserted. Sometimes an error might occur that 
      ' does not raise an exception, but prevents the insert
      ' operation from completing.
      If e.AffectedRows = 1 Then
        MessageLabel.Text = "Record inserted successfully."
        MessageLabel.Text = "An error occurred during the insert operation."
        ' Use the KeepInInsertMode property to keep the control in insert  
        ' mode when an error occurs during the insert operation.
        e.KeepInInsertMode = True
      End If
      ' Insert the code to handle the exception.
      MessageLabel.Text = e.Exception.Message
      ' Use the ExceptionHandled property to indicate that the 
      ' exception has already been handled.
      e.ExceptionHandled = True
      e.KeepInInsertMode = True
    End If
  End Sub


<html xmlns="" >
  <head runat="server">
    <title>FormView Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>FormView Example</h3>
      <!-- Use a PlaceHolder control as the container for the -->
      <!-- dynamically generated FormView control.            -->       
      <asp:placeholder id="FormViewPlaceHolder"
      <asp:label id="MessageLabel"

      <!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects  -->
      <!-- to the Northwind sample database. Use an ASP.NET     -->
      <!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value   -->
      <!-- from the Web.config file.                            -->
      <asp:sqldatasource id="EmployeeSource"
        selectcommand="Select [EmployeeID], [LastName], [FirstName] From [Employees]"
        insertcommand="Insert Into [Employees] ([LastName], [FirstName]) VALUES (@LastName, @FirstName)"
        connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthWindConnectionString%>" 

O exemplo a seguir demonstra como adicionar declarativamente um FormViewInsertEventHandler delegado ao ItemInserting evento de um FormView controle.

<%@ Page language="C#" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">

  void EmployeeFormView_ItemInserting(Object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e)

    MessageLabel.Text = "";

    // Iterate through the items in the Values collection
    // and verify that the user entered a value for each 
    // text box displayed in the insert item template. Cancel
    // the insert operation if the user left a text box empty.
    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in e.Values)
      if (entry.Value.Equals(""))
        // Use the Cancel property to cancel the 
        // insert operation.
        e.Cancel = true;

        MessageLabel.Text += "Please enter a value for the " +
          entry.Key.ToString() + " field.<br/>";


  void EmployeeFormView_ModeChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Clear the MessageLabel Label control when the FormView
    // control changes modes.
    MessageLabel.Text = "";


<html xmlns="" >
  <head runat="server">
    <title>FormViewInsertEventArgs Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>FormViewInsertEventArgs Example</h3>
      <asp:formview id="EmployeeFormView"
        emptydatatext="No employees found."

              <td rowspan="5">
                <asp:image id="CompanyLogoImage"
                  alternatetext="Company logo"
              <td colspan="2">
                <%# Eval("FirstName") %> <%# Eval("LastName") %>
                <%# Eval("Title") %>
              <td colspan="2">
                <asp:linkbutton id="NewButton"
              <td rowspan="4">
                <asp:image id="CompanyLogoEditImage"
                  alternatetext="Company logo"
              <td colspan="2">
                  Text="Name" />:</b>
                <asp:textbox id="FirstNameInsertTextBox"
                  text='<%# Bind("FirstName") %>'
                <asp:textbox id="LastNameInsertTextBox"
                  text='<%# Bind("LastName") %>'
                  Text="Title" />:</b>
                <asp:textbox id="TitleInsertTextBox"
                  text='<%# Bind("Title") %>'
              <td colspan="2">
                <asp:linkbutton id="InsertButton"
                <asp:linkbutton id="CancelButton"
      <asp:label id="MessageLabel"

      <!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects  -->
      <!-- to the Northwind sample database. Use an ASP.NET     -->
      <!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value   -->
      <!-- from the Web.config file.                            -->
      <asp:sqldatasource id="EmployeeSource"
        selectcommand="Select [EmployeeID], [LastName], [FirstName], [Title], [PhotoPath] From [Employees]"
        insertcommand="Insert Into [Employees] ([LastName], [FirstName], [Title]) VALUES (@LastName, @FirstName, @Title)"
        connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthWindConnectionString%>" 

<%@ Page language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">

  Sub EmployeeFormView_ItemInserting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormViewInsertEventArgs)

    MessageLabel.Text = ""

    ' Iterate through the items in the Values collection
    ' and verify that the user entered a value for each 
    ' text box displayed in the insert item template. Cancel
    ' the insert operation if the user left a text box empty.
    ' In Visual Basic, the DictionaryItem objects contained in 
    ' the Values collection must be copied to an array before
    ' you can iterate through the collection.
    Dim itemArray(e.Values.Count - 1) As DictionaryEntry
    e.Values.CopyTo(itemArray, 0)
    Dim entry As DictionaryEntry
    For Each entry In itemArray
      If entry.Value.Equals("") Then
        ' Use the Cancel property to cancel the 
        ' insert operation.
        e.Cancel = True

        MessageLabel.Text &= "Please enter a value for the " & _
          entry.Key.ToString() & " field.<br/>"
      End If
  End Sub

  Sub EmployeeFormView_ModeChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    ' Clear the MessageLabel Label control when the FormView
    ' control changes modes.
    MessageLabel.Text = ""
  End Sub


<html xmlns="" >
  <head runat="server">
    <title>FormViewInsertEventArgs Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>FormViewInsertEventArgs Example</h3>
      <asp:formview id="EmployeeFormView"
        emptydatatext="No employees found."

              <td rowspan="5">
                <asp:image id="CompanyLogoImage"
                  alternatetext="Company logo"
              <td colspan="2">
                <%# Eval("FirstName") %> <%# Eval("LastName") %>
                <%# Eval("Title") %>
              <td colspan="2">
                <asp:linkbutton id="NewButton"
              <td rowspan="4">
                <asp:image id="CompanyLogoEditImage"
                  alternatetext="Company logo"
              <td colspan="2">
                  Text="Name" />:</b>
                <asp:textbox id="FirstNameInsertTextBox"
                  text='<%# Bind("FirstName") %>'
                <asp:textbox id="LastNameInsertTextBox"
                  text='<%# Bind("LastName") %>'
                  Text="Title" />:</b>
                <asp:textbox id="TitleInsertTextBox"
                  text='<%# Bind("Title") %>'
              <td colspan="2">
                <asp:linkbutton id="InsertButton"
                <asp:linkbutton id="CancelButton"
      <asp:label id="MessageLabel"

      <!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects  -->
      <!-- to the Northwind sample database. Use an ASP.NET     -->
      <!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value   -->
      <!-- from the Web.config file.                            -->
      <asp:sqldatasource id="EmployeeSource"
        selectcommand="Select [EmployeeID], [LastName], [FirstName], [Title], [PhotoPath] From [Employees]"
        insertcommand="Insert Into [Employees] ([LastName], [FirstName], [Title]) VALUES (@LastName, @FirstName, @Title)"
        connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthWindConnectionString%>" 


O FormView controle aciona o ItemInserting evento quando um botão Inserir (um botão com sua CommandName propriedade definida como "Inserir") dentro do controle é clicado, mas antes que o FormView controle insira o registro. Isso permite que você forneça um método de manipulação de eventos que executa uma rotina personalizada, como codificação HTML ou validação dos valores de um registro antes de inseri-lo na fonte de dados, sempre que esse evento ocorrer.

Ao criar um FormViewInsertEventHandler delegado, você identifica o método que manipulará o evento. Para associar o evento ao manipulador de eventos, adicione uma instância do delegado ao evento. O manipulador de eventos é chamado sempre que o evento ocorre, a menos que você remova o representante. Para obter mais informações sobre delegados do manipulador de eventos, consulte Manipulando e levantando eventos.

Métodos de Extensão


Obtém um objeto que representa o método representado pelo delegado especificado.

Aplica-se a

Confira também