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user resource type

Represents an user in Dynamics 365 Business Central.


For information about enabling APIs for Business Central see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
GET user user Gets a user object.
PATCH user user Updates a user object.

Bound Actions

The user resource type offers a bound action called getNewUsersFromOffice365 which retrieves new users or new user information from the Office 365 portal. Note that existing, unchanged users will not be updated. This is illustrated in the following example: POST https://<server address>:<server API port>/<server instance name>/api/microsoft/automation/v2.0/companies({id})/users({id})/Microsoft.NAV.createNewUsersFromAzureAD

The response has no content; the response code is 204.

The user resource type offers a bound action called getNewUsersFromOffice365Async which schedules a background job to retrieve new users or new user information from the Office 365 portal. Note that existing, unchanged users will not be updated. This is illustrated in the following example: POST https://<server address>:<server API port>/<server instance name>/api/microsoft/automation/v2.0/companies({id})/users({id})/Microsoft.NAV.createNewUsersFromAzureADAsync

The response has a reference to the scheduled job to track the progress of the scheduled background job; the response code is 201.

Navigation Return Type Description
userGroupMembers userGroupMembers Gets the usergroupmembers of the user.
userPermissions userPermissions Gets the userpermissions of the user.
scheduledJobs scheduledJobs Gets the scheduledjobs of the user.


Property Type Description
userSecurityId GUID The unique ID of the user security.
userName string Specifies the user name.
displayName string Specifies the user's name. This name will appear on all sales documents for the user.
state string Specifies the user's state.
expiryDate datetime The date of expiration.

JSON representation

Here is a JSON representation of the user resource.

    "userSecurityId": "GUID",
    "userName": "string",
    "displayName": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "expiryDate": "datetime"

See Also

GET user
PATCH user