
Partilhar via


The types of state changes that can occur in the Party library.


enum class PartyStateChangeType  : uint32_t  
    RegionsChanged = 0,  
    DestroyLocalUserCompleted = 1,  
    CreateNewNetworkCompleted = 2,  
    ConnectToNetworkCompleted = 3,  
    AuthenticateLocalUserCompleted = 4,  
    NetworkConfigurationMadeAvailable = 5,  
    NetworkDescriptorChanged = 6,  
    LocalUserRemoved = 7,  
    RemoveLocalUserCompleted = 8,  
    CreateEndpointCompleted = 10,  
    DestroyEndpointCompleted = 11,  
    EndpointCreated = 12,  
    EndpointDestroyed = 13,  
    RemoteDeviceCreated = 14,  
    RemoteDeviceDestroyed = 15,  
    RemoteDeviceJoinedNetwork = 16,  
    RemoteDeviceLeftNetwork = 17,  
    LeaveNetworkCompleted = 19,  
    NetworkDestroyed = 20,  
    EndpointMessageReceived = 21,  
    DataBuffersReturned = 22,  
    CreateChatControlCompleted = 31,  
    DestroyChatControlCompleted = 32,  
    ChatControlCreated = 33,  
    ChatControlDestroyed = 34,  
    ChatTextReceived = 36,  
    VoiceChatTranscriptionReceived = 37,  
    SetChatAudioInputCompleted = 38,  
    SetChatAudioOutputCompleted = 39,  
    LocalChatAudioInputChanged = 40,  
    LocalChatAudioOutputChanged = 41,  
    SetTextToSpeechProfileCompleted = 42,  
    SynthesizeTextToSpeechCompleted = 43,  
    ChatControlJoinedNetwork = 46,  
    ChatControlLeftNetwork = 47,  
    ConnectChatControlCompleted = 48,  
    DisconnectChatControlCompleted = 49,  
    PopulateAvailableTextToSpeechProfilesCompleted = 50,  
    CreateInvitationCompleted = 51,  
    RevokeInvitationCompleted = 52,  
    InvitationCreated = 53,  
    InvitationDestroyed = 54,  
    SetTranscriptionOptionsCompleted = 56,  
    SetTextChatOptionsCompleted = 57,  
    ConfigureAudioManipulationVoiceStreamCompleted = 58,  
    ConfigureAudioManipulationCaptureStreamCompleted = 59,  
    ConfigureAudioManipulationRenderStreamCompleted = 60,  


Constant Description
RegionsChanged The list of regions in which the title may create networks has changed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyRegionsChangedStateChange object for more information.
DestroyLocalUserCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyManager::DestroyLocalUser() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyDestroyLocalUserCompletedStateChange object for more information.
CreateNewNetworkCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyManager::CreateNewNetwork() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyCreateNewNetworkCompletedStateChange object for more information.
ConnectToNetworkCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyManager::ConnectToNetwork() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyConnectToNetworkCompletedStateChange object for more information.
AuthenticateLocalUserCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyNetwork::AuthenticateLocalUser() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyAuthenticateLocalUserCompletedStateChange object for more information.
NetworkConfigurationMadeAvailable The network configuration associated with the PartyNetwork is now available.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyNetworkConfigurationMadeAvailableStateChange object for more information.
NetworkDescriptorChanged The network descriptor associated with the PartyNetwork changed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyNetworkDescriptorChangedStateChange object for more information.
LocalUserRemoved A local user has been removed from the network by a previous call to PartyNetwork::RemoveLocalUser() or PartyManager::DestroyLocalUser().

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyLocalUserRemovedStateChange object for more information.
RemoveLocalUserCompleted The operation to remove a local user started by a previous call to PartyNetwork::RemoveLocalUser() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyRemoveLocalUserCompletedStateChange object for more information.
CreateEndpointCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyNetwork::CreateEndpoint() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyCreateEndpointCompletedStateChange object for more information.
DestroyEndpointCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyNetwork::DestroyEndpoint() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyDestroyEndpointCompletedStateChange object for more information.
EndpointCreated A new endpoint was created.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyEndpointCreatedStateChange object for more information.
EndpointDestroyed An endpoint was destroyed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyEndpointDestroyedStateChange object for more information.
RemoteDeviceCreated A new remote device was created.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyRemoteDeviceCreatedStateChange object for more information.
RemoteDeviceDestroyed A remote device was destroyed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyRemoteDeviceDestroyedStateChange object for more information.
RemoteDeviceJoinedNetwork A remote device joined a network.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyRemoteDeviceJoinedNetworkStateChange object for more information.
RemoteDeviceLeftNetwork A remote device left a network.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyRemoteDeviceLeftNetworkStateChange object for more information.
LeaveNetworkCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyNetwork::LeaveNetwork() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyLeaveNetworkCompletedStateChange object for more information.
NetworkDestroyed A network was destroyed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyNetworkDestroyedStateChange object for more information.
EndpointMessageReceived A data send was received from an endpoint.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyEndpointMessageReceivedStateChange object for more information.
DataBuffersReturned The PartyDataBuffer set provided to SendMessage is no longer in use by the library.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyDataBuffersReturnedStateChange object for more information.
CreateChatControlCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalDevice::CreateChatControl() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyCreateChatControlCompletedStateChange object for more information.
DestroyChatControlCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalDevice::DestroyChatControl() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyDestroyChatControlCompletedStateChange object for more information.
ChatControlCreated A new PartyChatControl was created.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyChatControlCreatedStateChange object for more information.
ChatControlDestroyed A PartyChatControl was destroyed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyChatControlDestroyedStateChange object for more information.
ChatTextReceived Chat text has been received.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyChatTextReceivedStateChange object for more information.
VoiceChatTranscriptionReceived A voice chat transcription has been received.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyVoiceChatTranscriptionReceivedStateChange object for more information.
SetChatAudioInputCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalChatControl::SetAudioInput() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartySetChatAudioInputCompletedStateChange object for more information.
SetChatAudioOutputCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalChatControl::SetAudioOutput() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartySetChatAudioOutputCompletedStateChange object for more information.
LocalChatAudioInputChanged The state of an audio input associated with a local chat control changed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyLocalChatAudioInputChangedStateChange object for more information.
LocalChatAudioOutputChanged The state of an audio output associated with a local chat control changed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyLocalChatAudioOutputChangedStateChange object for more information.
SetTextToSpeechProfileCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalChatControl::SetTextToSpeechProfile() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartySetTextToSpeechProfileCompletedStateChange object for more information.
SynthesizeTextToSpeechCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalChatControl::SynthesizeTextToSpeech() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartySynthesizeTextToSpeechCompletedStateChange object for more information. Receiving a state change of this type indicates that the audio has been synthesized, not that the audio has been transmitted to anyone.
ChatControlJoinedNetwork The chat control joined a network.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyChatControlJoinedNetworkStateChange object for more information.
ChatControlLeftNetwork The chat control left a network.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyChatControlLeftNetworkStateChange object for more information.
ConnectChatControlCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyNetwork::ConnectChatControl() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyConnectChatControlCompletedStateChange object for more information.
DisconnectChatControlCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyNetwork::DisconnectChatControl() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyDisconnectChatControlCompletedStateChange object for more information.
PopulateAvailableTextToSpeechProfilesCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalChatControl::PopulateAvailableTextToSpeechProfiles() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyPopulateAvailableTextToSpeechProfilesCompletedStateChange object for more information.
CreateInvitationCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyNetwork::CreateInvitation() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyCreateInvitationCompletedStateChange object for more information.
RevokeInvitationCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyNetwork::RevokeInvitation() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyRevokeInvitationCompletedStateChange object for more information.
InvitationCreated A new invitation was created.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyInvitationCreatedStateChange object for more information.
InvitationDestroyed An invitation was destroyed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyInvitationDestroyedStateChange object for more information.
SetTranscriptionOptionsCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalChatControl::SetTranscriptionOptions() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartySetTranscriptionOptionsCompletedStateChange object for more information.
SetTextChatOptionsCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalChatControl::SetTextChatOptions() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartySetTextChatOptionsCompletedStateChange object for more information.
ConfigureAudioManipulationVoiceStreamCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyChatControl::ConfigureAudioManipulationVoiceStream() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyConfigureAudioManipulationVoiceStreamCompletedStateChange object for more information.
ConfigureAudioManipulationCaptureStreamCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalChatControl::ConfigureAudioManipulationCaptureStream() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyConfigureAudioManipulationCaptureStreamCompletedStateChange object for more information.
ConfigureAudioManipulationRenderStreamCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PartyLocalChatControl::ConfigureAudioManipulationRenderStream() completed.

The PartyStateChange object should be cast to a PartyConfigureAudioManipulationRenderStreamCompletedStateChange object for more information.


Header: Party.h

See also

Party members