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Export data to SQL

Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data Explorer

Export data to SQL allows you to run a query and have its results sent to a table in an SQL database, such as an SQL database hosted by the Azure SQL Database service.


You must have at least Table Admin permissions to run this command.


.export [async] to sql sqlTableName sqlConnectionString [with (propertyName = propertyValue [, ...])] <| query

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
async string If specified, the command runs asynchronously.
SqlTableName string ✔️ The name of the SQL database table into which to insert the data. To protect against injection attacks, this name is restricted.
SqlConnectionString string ✔️ The connection string for the SQL endpoint and database. The string must follow the ADO.NET connection string format. For security reasons, the connection string is restricted.
PropertyName, PropertyValue string A list of optional properties.

Supported properties

Name Values Description
firetriggers true or false If true, instructs the target system to fire INSERT triggers defined on the SQL table. The default is false. For more information, see BULK INSERT and System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.
createifnotexists true or false If true, the target SQL table is created if it doesn't already exist; the primarykey property must be provided in this case to indicate the result column that is the primary key. The default is false.
primarykey If createifnotexists is true, this property indicates the name of the column in the result that will be used as the SQL table's primary key if it's created by this command.
persistDetails bool Indicates that the command should persist its results (see async flag). Defaults to true in async runs, but can be turned off if the caller doesn't require the results. Defaults to false in synchronous executions, but can be turned on.
token string The Microsoft Entra access token that Kusto will forward to the SQL endpoint for authentication. When set, the SQL connection string shouldn't include authentication information like Authentication, User ID, or Password.

Authentication and authorization

The authentication method is based on the connection string provided, and the permissions required to access the SQL database vary depending on the authentication method.

The supported authentication methods for exporting data to SQL are Microsoft Entra integrated (impersonation) authentication and username/password authentication. For impersonation authentication, be sure that the principal has the following permissions on the database:

  • Existing table: table UPDATE and INSERT
  • New table: CREATE, UPDATE, and INSERT


Where possible, the preferred method of authentication is Microsoft Entra integrated (impersonation) authentication.

Limitations and restrictions

There are some limitations and restrictions when exporting data to an SQL database:

  1. Kusto is a cloud service, so the connection string must point to a database that is accessible from the cloud. (In particular, one can't export to an on-premises database since it's not accessible from the public cloud.)

  2. Kusto supports Active Directory Integrated authentication when the calling principal is a Microsoft Entra principal (aaduser= or aadapp=). Alternatively, Kusto also supports providing the credentials for the SQL database as part of the connection string. Other methods of authentication aren't supported. The identity being presented to the SQL database always emanates from the command caller not the Kusto service identity itself.

  3. If the target table in the SQL database exists, it must match the query result schema. Note that in some cases (such as Azure SQL Database) this means that the table has one column marked as an identity column.

  4. Exporting large volumes of data may take a long time. It's recommended that the target SQL table is set for minimal logging during bulk import. See SQL Server Database Engine > ... > Database Features > Bulk Import and Export of Data.

  5. Data export is performed using SQL bulk copy and provides no transactional guarantees on the target SQL database. See Transaction and Bulk Copy Operations.

  6. The SQL table name is restricted to a name consisting of letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), dots (.) and hyphens (-).

  7. The SQL connection string is restricted as follows: Persist Security Info is explicitly set to false, Encrypt is set to true, and Trust Server Certificate is set to false.

  8. The primary key property on the column can be specified when creating a new SQL table. If the column is of type string, then SQL might refuse to create the table due to other limitations on the primary key column. The workaround is to manually create the table in SQL before exporting the data. The reason for this limitation is that primary key columns in SQL can't be of unlimited size, but Kusto table columns have no declared size limitations.

Azure DB Microsoft Entra integrated authentication Documentation


In this example, Kusto runs the query and then exports the first record set produced by the query to the MySqlTable table in the MyDatabase database in server myserver.

.export async to sql MySqlTable
    h@"Server=tcp:myserver.database.windows.net,1433;Authentication=Active Directory Integrated;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Connection Timeout=30;"
    <| print Id="d3b68d12-cbd3-428b-807f-2c740f561989", Name="YSO4", DateOfBirth=datetime(2017-10-15)

In this example, Kusto runs the query and then exports the first record set produced by the query to the MySqlTable table in the MyDatabase database in server myserver. If the target table doesn't exist in the target database, it's created.

.export async to sql ['dbo.MySqlTable']
    h@"Server=tcp:myserver.database.windows.net,1433;Authentication=Active Directory Integrated;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Connection Timeout=30;"
    with (createifnotexists="true", primarykey="Id")
    <| print Message = "Hello World!", Timestamp = now(), Id=12345678