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Create and update table definitions using the Web API

You can perform all the same operations on table definitions using the Web API that you can with the SDK for .NET. This article focuses on working with table definitions (metadata) using the Web API. To find details about the table definition properties, see Customize table definitions and EntityMetadata EntityType.


Entities, attributes, and global option sets (also known as tables, columns, and choices) are all solution components. When you create them you can associate them with a solution by using the MSCRM.SolutionUniqueName request header and setting the value to the unique name of the solution it should be part of.

Create table definitions

To create a table definition, POST the JSON representation of the entity definition data to the EntityDefinitions entity set path. The entity must include the definition for the primary name attribute. You don't need to set values for all the properties. The items on this list except for Description are required, although setting a description is a recommended best practice. Property values you don't specify are set to default values. To understand the default values, look at the example in the Update table definitions section. The example in this article uses the following entity properties.

EntityMetadata property Value
SchemaName new_BankAccount Note: You should include the customization prefix that matches the solution publisher. Here the default value "new_" is used, but you should choose the prefix that works for your solution.
DisplayName Bank Account
DisplayCollectionName Bank Accounts
Description An entity to store information about customer bank accounts.
OwnershipType UserOwned Note: For the values you can set here, see OwnershipTypes EnumType.
IsActivity false
HasActivities false
HasNotes false

In addition to the properties listed previously, the EntityMetadataAttributes property must contain an array that includes one StringAttributeMetadata EntityType to represent the primary name attribute for the entity. The attribute IsPrimaryName property must be true. The following table describes the properties set in the example.

Primary Attribute property Value
SchemaName new_AccountName
RequiredLevel None
Note: For the values you can set here, see AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty ComplexType and AttributeRequiredLevel EnumType.
MaxLength 100
FormatName Text
Note: The primary name attribute must use Text format. For format options available for other string attributes, see String formats.
DisplayName Account Name
Description Type the name of the bank account.
IsPrimaryName true


When you create or update labels using the Label ComplexType, you only need to set the LocalizedLabels property. The UserLocalizedLabel value returned is based on the user's language preference and is read-only.

The following example shows the creation of a custom table with the properties set. The language is English using the locale ID (LCID) of 1033. Valid locale ID values can be found at Locale ID (LCID) Chart.


POST [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/EntityDefinitions HTTP/1.1
MSCRM.SolutionUniqueName: examplesolution
Accept: application/json  
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8  
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0  
OData-Version: 4.0  
  "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.EntityMetadata",  
 "Attributes": [  
   "AttributeType": "String",  
   "AttributeTypeName": {  
    "Value": "StringType"  
   "Description": {  
     "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",  
    "LocalizedLabels": [  
       "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",  
      "Label": "Type the name of the bank account",  
      "LanguageCode": 1033  
   "DisplayName": {  
     "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",  
    "LocalizedLabels": [  
       "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",  
      "Label": "Account Name",  
      "LanguageCode": 1033  
   "IsPrimaryName": true,  
   "RequiredLevel": {  
    "Value": "None",  
    "CanBeChanged": true,  
    "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifyrequirementlevelsettings"  
   "SchemaName": "new_AccountName",  
    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.StringAttributeMetadata",  
   "FormatName": {  
    "Value": "Text"  
   "MaxLength": 100  
 "Description": {  
   "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",  
  "LocalizedLabels": [  
     "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",  
    "Label": "An entity to store information about customer bank accounts",  
    "LanguageCode": 1033  
 "DisplayCollectionName": {  
   "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",  
  "LocalizedLabels": [  
     "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",  
    "Label": "Bank Accounts",  
    "LanguageCode": 1033  
 "DisplayName": {  
   "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",  
  "LocalizedLabels": [  
     "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",  
    "Label": "Bank Account",  
    "LanguageCode": 1033  
 "HasActivities": false,  
 "HasNotes": false,  
 "IsActivity": false,  
 "OwnershipType": "UserOwned",  
 "SchemaName": "new_BankAccount"  


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content  
OData-Version: 4.0  
OData-EntityId: [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/EntityDefinitions(417129e1-207c-e511-80d2-00155d2a68d2)  

Update table definitions


You can't use the PATCH method to update data model entities. The table definitions have parity with the SDK for .NET UpdateEntityRequest Class that replaces the entity definition with the one included. Therefore, you must use the PUT method when updating data model entities and be careful to include all the existing properties that you don't intend to change. You can't update individual properties.

When you update table definitions with labels, you should include a custom MSCRM.MergeLabels request header to control how any labels in the update should be handled. If a label for an item already has labels for other languages and you update it with a label that contains only one label for a specific language, the MSCRM.MergeLabels header controls whether to overwrite the existing labels or merge your new label with any existing language labels. With MSCRM.MergeLabels set to true, any new labels defined will only overwrite existing labels when the language code matches. If you want to overwrite the existing labels to include only the labels you include, set MSCRM.MergeLabels to false.


If you don't include a MSCRM.MergeLabels header, the default behavior is as if the value were false and any localized labels not included in your update will be lost.

When you update a table or column definition, you must use the PublishXml Action or PublishAllXml Action before the changes you make are applied to the application. More information: Publish customizations

Typically, you'll retrieve the JSON definition of the entity attribute and modify the properties before you send it back. The following example contains all the definition properties of the table created in the Create table definitions example, but with the DisplayName changed to "Bank Business Name." It may be useful to note that the JSON here provides the default values for properties not set in the Create table definitions example.


Some of the examples below use the MetadataId primary key value. But you can also use the LogicalName alternate key to reference schema entities. More information: Retrieve table definitions by name or MetadataId


PUT [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/EntityDefinitions(417129e1-207c-e511-80d2-00155d2a68d2) HTTP/1.1
MSCRM.SolutionUniqueName: examplesolution
Accept: application/json  
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8  
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0  
OData-Version: 4.0  
MSCRM.MergeLabels: true  
 "@odata.context": "[Organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/$metadata#EntityDefinitions/$entity",  
 "ActivityTypeMask": 0,  
 "AutoRouteToOwnerQueue": false,  
 "CanTriggerWorkflow": true,  
 "Description": {  
  "LocalizedLabels": [  
    "Label": "An entity to store information about customer bank accounts",  
    "LanguageCode": 1033,  
    "IsManaged": false,  
    "MetadataId": "edc3abd7-c5ae-4822-a3ed-51734fdd0469",  
    "HasChanged": null  
 "DisplayCollectionName": {  
  "LocalizedLabels": [  
    "Label": "Bank Accounts",  
    "LanguageCode": 1033,  
    "IsManaged": false,  
    "MetadataId": "7c758e0c-e9cf-4947-93b0-50ec30b20f60",  
    "HasChanged": null  
 "DisplayName": {  
  "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",  
  "LocalizedLabels": [  
    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",  
    "Label": "Bank Business Name",  
    "LanguageCode": 1033  
 "EntityHelpUrlEnabled": false,  
 "EntityHelpUrl": null,  
 "IsDocumentManagementEnabled": false,  
 "IsOneNoteIntegrationEnabled": false,  
 "IsInteractionCentricEnabled": false,  
 "IsKnowledgeManagementEnabled": false,  
 "AutoCreateAccessTeams": false,  
 "IsActivity": false,  
 "IsActivityParty": false,  
 "IsAuditEnabled": {  
  "Value": false,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifyauditsettings"  
 "IsAvailableOffline": false,  
 "IsChildEntity": false,  
 "IsAIRUpdated": false,  
 "IsValidForQueue": {  
  "Value": false,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifyqueuesettings"  
 "IsConnectionsEnabled": {  
  "Value": false,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifyconnectionsettings"  
 "IconLargeName": null,  
 "IconMediumName": null,  
 "IconSmallName": null,  
 "IsCustomEntity": true,  
 "IsBusinessProcessEnabled": false,  
 "IsCustomizable": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "iscustomizable"  
 "IsRenameable": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "isrenameable"  
 "IsMappable": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": false,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "ismappable"  
 "IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled": {  
  "Value": false,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifyduplicatedetectionsettings"  
 "CanCreateAttributes": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": false,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "cancreateattributes"  
 "CanCreateForms": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "cancreateforms"  
 "CanCreateViews": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "cancreateviews"  
 "CanCreateCharts": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "cancreatecharts"  
 "CanBeRelatedEntityInRelationship": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canberelatedentityinrelationship"  
 "CanBePrimaryEntityInRelationship": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canbeprimaryentityinrelationship"  
 "CanBeInManyToMany": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canbeinmanytomany"  
 "CanEnableSyncToExternalSearchIndex": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canenablesynctoexternalsearchindex"  
 "SyncToExternalSearchIndex": false,  
 "CanModifyAdditionalSettings": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifyadditionalsettings"  
 "CanChangeHierarchicalRelationship": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canchangehierarchicalrelationship"  
 "IsOptimisticConcurrencyEnabled": true,  
 "ChangeTrackingEnabled": false,  
 "IsImportable": true,  
 "IsIntersect": false,  
 "IsMailMergeEnabled": {  
  "Value": true,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifymailmergesettings"  
 "IsManaged": false,  
 "IsEnabledForCharts": true,  
 "IsEnabledForTrace": false,  
 "IsValidForAdvancedFind": true,  
 "IsVisibleInMobile": {  
  "Value": false,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifymobilevisibility"  
 "IsVisibleInMobileClient": {  
  "Value": false,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifymobileclientvisibility"  
 "IsReadOnlyInMobileClient": {  
  "Value": false,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifymobileclientreadonly"  
 "IsOfflineInMobileClient": {  
  "Value": false,  
  "CanBeChanged": true,  
  "ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifymobileclientoffline"  
 "DaysSinceRecordLastModified": 0,  
 "IsReadingPaneEnabled": true,  
 "IsQuickCreateEnabled": false,  
 "LogicalName": "new_bankaccount",  
 "ObjectTypeCode": 10009,  
 "OwnershipType": "UserOwned",  
 "PrimaryNameAttribute": "new_accountname",  
 "PrimaryImageAttribute": null,  
 "PrimaryIdAttribute": "new_bankaccountid",  
 "Privileges": [  
   "CanBeBasic": true,  
   "CanBeDeep": true,  
   "CanBeGlobal": true,  
   "CanBeLocal": true,  
   "CanBeEntityReference": false,  
   "CanBeParentEntityReference": false,  
   "Name": "prvCreatenew_BankAccount",  
   "PrivilegeId": "d1a8de4b-27df-42e1-bc5c-b863e002b37f",  
   "PrivilegeType": "Create"  
   "CanBeBasic": true,  
   "CanBeDeep": true,  
   "CanBeGlobal": true,  
   "CanBeLocal": true,  
   "CanBeEntityReference": false,  
   "CanBeParentEntityReference": false,  
   "Name": "prvReadnew_BankAccount",  
   "PrivilegeId": "726043b1-de2c-487e-9d6d-5629fca2bf22",  
   "PrivilegeType": "Read"  
   "CanBeBasic": true,  
   "CanBeDeep": true,  
   "CanBeGlobal": true,  
   "CanBeLocal": true,  
   "CanBeEntityReference": false,  
   "CanBeParentEntityReference": false,  
   "Name": "prvWritenew_BankAccount",  
   "PrivilegeId": "fa50c539-b6c7-4eaf-bd49-fd8224bc51b6",  
   "PrivilegeType": "Write"  
   "CanBeBasic": true,  
   "CanBeDeep": true,  
   "CanBeGlobal": true,  
   "CanBeLocal": true,  
   "CanBeEntityReference": false,  
   "CanBeParentEntityReference": false,  
   "Name": "prvDeletenew_BankAccount",  
   "PrivilegeId": "17c1fd6e-f856-45e7-b563-796f53108b85",  
   "PrivilegeType": "Delete"  
   "CanBeBasic": true,  
   "CanBeDeep": true,  
   "CanBeGlobal": true,  
   "CanBeLocal": true,  
   "CanBeEntityReference": false,  
   "CanBeParentEntityReference": false,  
   "Name": "prvAssignnew_BankAccount",  
   "PrivilegeId": "133ca81d-668e-4c19-a71e-10c6dfe099cd",  
   "PrivilegeType": "Assign"  
   "CanBeBasic": true,  
   "CanBeDeep": true,  
   "CanBeGlobal": true,  
   "CanBeLocal": true,  
   "CanBeEntityReference": false,  
   "CanBeParentEntityReference": false,  
   "Name": "prvSharenew_BankAccount",  
   "PrivilegeId": "15f27df4-9c67-47c9-b1f1-274e1c44f24a",  
   "PrivilegeType": "Share"  
   "CanBeBasic": true,  
   "CanBeDeep": true,  
   "CanBeGlobal": true,  
   "CanBeLocal": true,  
   "CanBeEntityReference": false,  
   "CanBeParentEntityReference": false,  
   "Name": "prvAppendnew_BankAccount",  
   "PrivilegeId": "ac8b1920-8f93-4e9d-94e3-c680e2a2f228",  
   "PrivilegeType": "Append"  
   "CanBeBasic": true,  
   "CanBeDeep": true,  
   "CanBeGlobal": true,  
   "CanBeLocal": true,  
   "CanBeEntityReference": false,  
   "CanBeParentEntityReference": false,  
   "Name": "prvAppendTonew_BankAccount",  
   "PrivilegeId": "f63a5f46-3bc7-4eac-81d0-7f77f566ef46",  
   "PrivilegeType": "AppendTo"  
 "RecurrenceBaseEntityLogicalName": null,  
 "ReportViewName": "Filterednew_BankAccount",  
 "SchemaName": "new_BankAccount",  
 "IntroducedVersion": "1.0",  
 "IsStateModelAware": true,  
 "EnforceStateTransitions": false,  
 "EntityColor": null,  
 "LogicalCollectionName": "new_bankaccounts",  
 "CollectionSchemaName": "new_BankAccounts",  
 "EntitySetName": "new_bankaccounts",  
 "IsEnabledForExternalChannels": false,  
 "IsPrivate": false,  
 "MetadataId": "417129e1-207c-e511-80d2-00155d2a68d2",  
 "HasChanged": null  


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content  
OData-Version: 4.0  

See also

Use the Web API with Microsoft Dataverse metadata
Create and update column definitions using the Web API
Query table definitions using the Web API
Retrieve table definitions by name or MetadataId
Model table relationships using the Web API
Work with table definitions using the SDK for .NET
Column (attribute) definitions
Web API table schema operations sample
Web API table schema operations sample (C#)