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Move Cluster Nodes to a New Head Node

If you install a new head node for your HPC Pack cluster (in the same Active Directory domain as the original head node), you can move existing compute nodes, Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) broker nodes, workstation nodes, and unmanaged server nodes to work with the new head node.


You cannot add existing Windows Azure nodes to the new head node. Existing Windows Azure nodes must be stopped, and the deployments need to be reinitiated from the new HPC Pack head node.

Depending on your version of HPC Pack, you can use a provided HPC PowerShell script to move cluster nodes to a new head node, or you can manually move the nodes.

In this topic:

Move nodes with the Move-HpcNode.ps1 script (HPC Pack 2012 R2 Update 1 or later)

Starting in HPC Pack 2012 R2 Update 1, you can use the Move-HpcNode.ps1 HPC PowerShell script in the %CCP_HOME%bin folder to do one of the following:

  • Move cluster nodes from one HPC Pack cluster to another cluster

  • Move cluster nodes which currently don't belong to any cluster to an HPC Pack cluster

The following table lists parameters that you can use in this script.

Parameter Description
Name Specifies a list of names for the HPC nodes that you want to move. Wildcard values are supported if NoSourceCluster is not specified.
TemplateName Specifies a list of names for the node templates that are associated with the nodes that you want to move. Wildcard values are supported. You cannot specify this parameter if NoSourceCluster is specified.
TargetClusterName Specifies the target HPC Pack cluster name that you want the nodes moved to.
SourceClusterName Specifies the name of the HPC Pack cluster that currently includes the nodes. If you specify neither the SourceClusterName nor the NoSourceCluster parameter, this cmdlet uses the CCP_SCHEDULER environment variable as the source cluster name.
NoSourceCluster If specified, indicates that no source HPC Pack cluster is available (for example, the head node of the source cluster was destroyed). In this case, Windows PowerShell remoting must be enabled in all the HPC Pack nodes to be moved, or the movement will fail for the HPC Pack nodes which haven't enabled Windows PowerShell remoting.
Force Suppresses the confirmation prompt and forces the cluster nodes offline.

Example 1

Moves nodes named HpcNode-* from the current HPC Pack cluster to a new cluster named MyNewCluster.

Move-HpcNode.ps1 -Name HpcNode-* -TargetClusterName MyNewCluster  

Example 2

Moves nodes HpcNode-1 and HpcNode-2 from the HPC Pack cluster MyOldCluster to cluster MyNewCluster.

Move-HpcNode.ps1 -Name HpcNode-1,HpcNode-2 -TargetClusterName MyNewCluster -SourceClusterName MyOldCluster  

Example 3

Moves nodes HpcNode-1 and HpcNode-" which don't belong to any Moves HPC nodes "HpcNode-1" and "HpcNode-2" which don't belong to any HPC cluster currently to HPC cluster MyNewCluster" cluster currently to HPC cluster MyNewCluster.

Move-HpcNode.ps1 -Name HpcNode-1,HpcNode-2 -TargetClusterName MyNewCluster -NoSourceCluster  

Manually move cluster nodes to a new head node

You can manually move cluster nodes to a new head node using essentially the same steps as adding nodes to a new cluster.

As a first step, you can export the cluster configuration settings from the original head node, and import the settings on the new head node. You can export and import cluster users, node groups, node templates, operating system images and drivers, and a variety of other settings. For more information and steps, see Export and Import Windows HPC Cluster Configuration Settings.

Then, you can use these settings to add nodes to the new head node. Refer to the topics listed in the following table for more information.

If you want information about options to restore a complete cluster environment, including the data in the HPC cluster databases, see the topics in Back up and Restore a Windows HPC Cluster.

Node type Procedures
Compute nodes and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) broker nodes Deploy Nodes from Bare Metal

Add Preconfigured Nodes

Add Nodes by Importing a Node XML File
Workstation nodes Adding Workstation Nodes to a Windows HPC Cluster
Unmanaged server nodes Adding Unmanaged Servers to a Windows HPC Cluster
Windows Azure nodes Burst to Azure Worker Instances with Microsoft HPC Pack

See also