

Performs initial configuration and device registration.


      [-BypassValidations <Boolean>]


The Invoke-HcsSetupWizard cmdlet performs initial configuration and device registration with the azure_1 StorSimple Manager Service. This wizard configures the following settings:

  • Data0 IP address
  • Primary DNS server
  • Primary NTP server
  • Web proxy (optional)
  • Password for accessing Windows PowerShell Interface for StorSimple
  • Password for StorSimple SnapShot Manager connections
  • Device registration with the StorSimple Manager Service

To register a device with the StorSimple Manager Service, you need your service registration key and service data encryption key. For the first device that you register, the StorSimple Manager Service generates a new service data encryption key for you.


Example 1: Invoke setup wizard

PS C:\> Invoke-HcsSetupWizard
Which IP address family would you like to configure on interface Data0? 
[4] IPv4 [6] IPv6 [B] Both (Default is "4"): 4

Data0 IPv4 address []:
Data0 IPv4 subnet []:
Data0 IPv4 gateway []:
Network configuration may take a few minutes. Please wait... 

IPv4 primary DNS server []:
DNS configuration may take a few minutes. Please wait... 

Primary NTP server [time.contoso.com]: 

Would you like to configure a web proxy? 
[Y] Yes [N] No (Default is "N"): n

The device administrator password must be between 8 and 15 characters. The 
password must contain a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers 
and special characters. 
Administrator Password: 
Confirm Administrator Password: 

StorSimple Snapshot Manager password must be between 14 and 15 characters. The 
password must contain a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, 
numbers and special characters. 
StorSimple Snapshot Manager Password: 
Confirm StorSimple Snapshot Manager Password: 

The service registration key is available in the StorSimple Manager service. 
Enter service registration key:                                                 
Device registration is in progress. Please wait. 

Congratulations on registering your device with azure_1 StorSimple Manager 
service!  Your service data encryption key is cbJYxRFFXubypefZAIlDcw==
Please save a copy of this key as it will be required for additional devices 
that will register with this service. 

Have you saved a copy of this key? 
[Y] Yes [N] No (Default is "N"): y

This command invokes the setup wizard. The wizard prompts you for input.



{{Fill BypassValidations Description}}

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False