
ETS properties

Properties are members that can be treated as a property. Essentially, they can appear on the left-hand side of an expression. The properties that are available include alias, code, note, and script properties.

Alias Property

An alias property is a property that references another property that the PSObject object contains. It is used primarily to rename the referenced property. However, it may also be used to convert the referenced property's value to another type. With respect to ETS, this type of property is always an extended-member and is defined by the PSAliasProperty class. The class includes the following properties.

  • ConversionType property: The CLR type used to convert the referenced member's value.
  • IsGettable property: Indicates whether the value of the referenced property can be retrieved. This property is dynamically determined by examining the IsGettable property of the referenced property.
  • IsSettable property: Indicates whether the value of the referenced property can be set. This property is dynamically determined by examining the IsSettable property of the referenced property.
  • MemberType property: An AliasProperty enumeration constant that defines this property as an alias property.
  • ReferencedMemberName property: The name of the referenced property that this alias refers to.
  • TypeNameOfValue property: The full name of the CLR type of the referenced property's value.
  • Value property: The value of the referenced property.

Code Property

A code property is a property that is a getter and setter that is defined in a CLR language. In order for a code property to become available, a developer must write the property in some CLR language, compile, and ship the resultant assembly. This assembly must be available in the runspace where the code property is desired. With respect to ETS, this type of property is always an extended-member and is defined by the PSCodeProperty class. The class includes the following properties.

  • GetterCodeReference property: The method used to get the value of the code property.
  • IsGettable property: Indicates whether the value of the code property can be retrieved, that the SetterCodeReference property: The method used to set the value of the code property.
  • IsSettable property: Indicates whether the value of the code property can be set, that the SetterCodeReference property is not null.
  • MemberType property: A CodeProperty enumeration constant that defines this property as a code property.
  • SetterCodeReference property: The method used to get the value of the code property.
  • TypeNameOfValue property: The CLR type of the code property value that is returned by the properties get operation.
  • Value property: The value of the code property. When this property is retrieved, the getter code in the GetterCodeReference property is invoked, passing the current PSObject object and returning the value returned by the invocation. When this property is set, the setter code in the SetterCodeReference property is invoked, passing the current PSObject object as the first argument and the object used to set the value as the second argument.

Note Property

A Note property is a property that has a name/value pairing. With respect to ETS, this type of property is always an extended-member and is defined by the PSNoteProperty class. The class includes the following properties.

  • IsGettable property: Indicates whether the value of the note property can be retrieved.
  • IsSettable property: Indicates whether the value of the note property can be set.
  • MemberType property: A NoteProperty enumeration constant that defines this property as a note property.
  • TypeNameOfValue property: The fully-qualified type name of the object returned by the note property's get operation.
  • Value: The value of the note property.

PowerShell property

A PowerShell property is a property defined on the base object or a property that is made available through an adapter. It can refer to both CLR fields as well as CLR properties. With respect to ETS, this type of property can be either a base-member or an adapter-member and is defined by the PSProperty class. The class includes the following properties.

  • IsGettable property: Indicates whether the value of the base or adapted property can be retrieved.
  • IsSettable property: Indicates whether the value of the base or adapted property can be set.
  • MemberType property: A Property enumeration constant that defines this property as a PowerShell property.
  • TypeNameOfValue property: The fully-qualified name of the property value type. For example, for a property whose value is a string, its property value type is System.String.
  • Value property: The value of the property. If the get or set operation is called on a property that does not support that operation, a GetValueException or SetValueException exception is thrown

PowerShell Script property

A Script property is a property that has getter and setter scripts. With respect to ETS, this type of property is always an extended-member and is defined by the PSScriptProperty class. The class includes the following properties.

  • GetterScript property: The script used to retrieve the script property value.
  • IsGettable property: Indicates whether the GetterScript property exposes a script block.
  • IsSettable property: Indicates whether the SetterScript property exposes a script block.
  • MemberType property: A ScriptProperty enumeration constant that identifies this property as a script property.
  • SetterScript property: The script used to set the script property value.
  • TypeNameOfValue property: The fully-qualified type name of the object returned by the getter script. In this case System.Object is always returned.
  • Value property: The value of the script property. A get invokes the getter script and returns the value provided. A set invokes the setter script.