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Microsoft.Owin.Security Namespace


The Microsoft.Owin.Security namespace contains types related to authentication.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AppBuilderSecurityExtensions

Provides extensions methods for app.Property values that are only needed by implementations of authentication middleware.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthenticateResult

Acts as the return value from calls to the IAuthenticationManager's AuthenticeAsync methods.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthenticationDescription

Contains information describing an authentication provider.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthenticationOptions

Base Options for all authentication middleware

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthenticationProperties

Dictionary used to store state values about the authentication session.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthenticationResponseChallenge

Exposes the security.Challenge environment value as a strong type.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthenticationResponseGrant

Exposes the security.SignIn environment value as a strong type.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthenticationResponseRevoke

Exposes the security.SignOut and security.SignOutProperties environment values as a strong type.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthenticationTicket

Contains user identity information as well as additional authentication state.

System_CAPS_pubclass CertificateSubjectKeyIdentifierValidator

Provides pinned certificate validation based on the subject key identifier of the certificate.

System_CAPS_pubclass CertificateSubjectPublicKeyInfoValidator

Implements a cert pinning validator passed on

System_CAPS_pubclass CertificateThumbprintValidator

Provides pinned certificate validation based on the certificate thumbprint.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IAuthenticationManager

Used to interact with authentication middleware that have been chained in the pipeline.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ICertificateValidator

Interface for providing pinned certificate validation, which checks HTTPS communication against a known good list of certificates to protect against compromised or rogue CAs issuing certificates for hosts without the knowledge of the host owner.

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISecureDataFormat<TData>

Represents the data to secrure.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum AuthenticationMode

Controls the behavior of authentication middleware

System_CAPS_pubenum SubjectPublicKeyInfoAlgorithm

The algorithm used to generate the subject public key information blob hashes.

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