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Finding the Metabase Path when Given the URL

When IIS servers host a lot of Web sites, a Web site adminstrator might not remember the metabase path of each site or virtual directory.

This example shows you how to use the JScript programming language to convert from a URL to a metabase path on the local IIS server.

This example uses ADSI.

var url = WScript.Arguments( 0 ); 

// Regular expression to separate server, host and vdir from the server binding. 
var re = /^(?:http\:\/\/)?(?:([0-9a-zA-Z\._-]+)(?:\:([0-9]+))?)(\/[^:]+)?$/i; 

var pieces = url.match( re ); 
var server = pieces[1]; 
var port = pieces[2]; 
var vdir = pieces[3]; 

if ( port == null || port == "" ) 
port = "80"; 

WScript.Echo( "Server : " + server ); 
WScript.Echo( "Port : " + port ); 
WScript.Echo( "Vdir : " + vdir ); 

// Iterate through all Web sites looking for that server binding. 
var result = null; 
var bFound = false; 
var w3svc = GetObject( "IIS://localhost/w3svc" ); 
var e = new Enumerator( w3svc ); 
for(; ! e.atEnd(); e.moveNext() ) 
var site = e.item(); 

if ( site.Class != "IIsWebServer" ) 

// Iterate through all bindings for this site. 
var bindings = site.ServerBindings.toArray(); 
for( var i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++ ) 
var binding = bindings[i].split( ":" ); 

if ( port == binding[1] && 
     server.toUpperCase() == binding[2].toUpperCase() ) 
bFound = true; 


if ( bFound ) 
// Look for vdir now. 
WScript.Echo( "Found binding on site " + site.Name ); 
//result = LookupVdir( site, vdir ); 
if ( result != null ) 

if ( result != null ) 
WScript.Echo( "Found: " + result ); 
WScript.Echo( "Couldn't find match!" ); 

function LookupVdir( site, vdir ) 
var vdirFragment = vdir; 
while( vdirFragment.length > 0 ) 
catch( e ) 