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Remote View Wizard: Step 3 – Relate Tables

To make sure that related records are matched appropriately in your view results, the wizard specifies a join between the tables in your view. The join is based on relationships established within your database.

If a relationship does not currently exist and the wizard could not suggest fields for a join, you need to choose the fields. Typically, tables include fields for this purpose and usually have the same name.

To specify a join, select the desired fields from the two drop-down list boxes and then choose Add. You must specify a join between the tables before moving on to the next step.

See Also

Cross-Tab Wizard | Graph Wizard | Local View Wizard | Query Wizard | Remote View Wizard: Step 1 - Select Data Source | Remote View Wizard: Step 2 - Select Fields | Remote View Wizard: Step 3a - Include Records | Remote View Wizard: Step 4 - Sort Records | Remote View Wizard: Step 5 - Filter Records | Remote View Wizard: Step 6 - Finish | Wizards Overview | Remote View Wizard